The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1706 Why is there no movement at all?

Outside the post house, Wang Tianan, the head of the Wang family, stared at the post house in front of him.

He knew that the bastard who hurt his son would not come out so easily.

But he didn't have any worries.

All the main official roads leaving Lizhou were blocked by his men. Whenever a strange face was found, his men would capture that person as soon as possible.

So far, there has been no news from various places. Apparently, the bastard who hurt his son is still in this inn.

So since the man is still in the post house and the man refuses to come out, he has no choice but to send people to capture him.

"Master, that man will definitely not dare to come out when he sees that we have brought so many people." The thug on the side looked at Wang Tianan.

Wang Tianan waved his hand to signal the thugs to be quiet.

The Yi Cheng of this post house is a familiar person to him. As long as the Yi Cheng can take the initiative to hand over that person, Wang Tianan will not make a big move here.

"Liu Yicheng, you're welcome." Wang Tianan looked at the person walking towards him, and then slightly raised his hands in greeting.

"Why did the head of the Wang family bring so many people here? What's the reason?" Liu Yicheng looked puzzled.

In fact, he already knew why Wang Tianan brought people here.

The relationship between Liu Yicheng and Wang Tianan was okay. After all, the Wang family was very powerful in Lizhou. He was just a Yi Cheng, and it was inevitable that he would beg the Wang family sometimes.

So when Liu Yicheng came over, he actually wanted to persuade Wang Tianan not to be stupid.

No matter what, the person in the post house is not something that just a Lizhou Wang family can mess with.

It's not too late to leave now.

It was just persuasion, but Liu Yicheng did not dare to speak directly, otherwise he would inevitably be suspected of leaking the news.

When the time comes for him to be held accountable by the King of Han, his life as Yi Cheng will come to an end.

Maybe his life is not saved.

"My son was beaten by a stranger.

Now he has fled to your post house. "

"Liu Yicheng, do me a favor and hand him over so that I don't create a mess for you." Wang Tianan didn't know what was going on in the post house.

All he wants now is to catch the bastard who hurt his son.

"Liu Yicheng, the man who hit me is a boy in his twenties, and he speaks with a Chang'an accent."

"If you hand him over, our Wang family will never forget your kindness." The prince of the Wang family also came today.

The reason was that he was afraid that his subordinates would not recognize Zhao Chen, and at the same time, the Wang family also wanted to see Zhao Chen being dealt with severely.

He also wanted to use all his strength to humiliate Zhao Chen in front of Wu Xu.

"Master Wang, this is the imperial court's post house. Don't make trouble here and retreat quickly." Liu Yicheng felt a headache.

He has already made his attitude clear, that is, he wants everyone in the Wang family to leave. Otherwise, what would he be doing here talking for a long time?

As a result, everyone in the Wang family was fine and completely ignored his persuasion.

When the head of the Wang family heard Liu Yicheng's words, his expression turned ugly.

In Lizhou, the Wang family meant what they said, but unfortunately, today his son was not only beaten by a foreigner.

Now a mere postmaster would dare to talk to him like this.

"Liu, I asked you to bring this person out because I don't want to make it difficult for you to leave. Don't be shameless."

"Does your so-called imperial court control this far?"

"Get out of my way!" the head of the Wang family yelled angrily, and even pushed Liu Yicheng away.

The Wang family is used to being arrogant in Lizhou, and this time even their own son was beaten. Wang Tianan

How can I bear it?

Liu Yicheng was pushed away by Wang Tianan, stood there and looked at Wang Tianan, suddenly sneered, then turned and left.

Wang Tianan was already so angry that he didn't care about Liu Yicheng's reasons for not letting him in.

What's more, in Wang Tianan's view, the more Liu Yicheng blocked it, the more it meant that the person was inside.

Maybe Liu Yicheng wanted to keep that bastard in order to gain connections with the King of Han in Chang'an. ??

"Dad, let's rush in and capture all the people inside, and then I'll look for them one by one." Young Master Wang looked at Wang Tianan.

He was really angry.

A foreigner not only picked his own fruit, but also beat himself up desperately and almost killed him.

If we don't deal with him, how will the Wang family gain a foothold in Lizhou in the future?

Wang Tianan also had the same idea. In Lizhou, no one had ever dared to go against the Wang family like this.

Their Wang family also has a giant Buddha behind them.

Even if His Highness the King of Han in Chang'an was offended by arresting the man in the post house, he would only have to spend a large sum of money to ask the Buddha behind him to intercede, and the King of Han would not travel thousands of miles to benefit him. It’s not the Wang family that the state wants to deal with.

But today, the place where my son was beaten must be found.

"Since he won't let anyone come out, then we will go find him ourselves." Wang Tianan said in a deep voice.

The thugs behind him immediately rushed inside.

Many travelers who were resting in the yard of the posthouse were startled, and before they could react, they were pushed to the ground by the Wang family's thugs.

Young Master Wang came over and stared at everyone's face carefully, but he didn't see any face that he hated so much.

\u003e "Dad, I didn't see it. He should still be hiding in the room." Young Master Wang's face was filled with anger.

"Catch all the people in the room. Search every corner of every room carefully."

"If anyone wants to escape, catch him and break his legs first!" Wang Tianan gave the order.

This time the thugs rushed directly to the guest room on the second floor, and soon there was movement in the guest room.

Then there was a loud noise, followed by several Wang family thugs who were thrown off the second floor and fell heavily to the ground.

"Dad, it must be that boy. That boy is very skilled!" When the young master of the Wang family saw his thug being thrown downstairs, he immediately thought that they had found Zhao Chen.

He shouted immediately.

"Everyone, go to that room." Wang Tianan ordered immediately.

All the Wang family's thugs rushed towards the room instantly, but after rushing in, they didn't make any noise this time.

There was a strange smell in the yard.

Wang Tianan frowned tightly. The first time someone went in, there was a fight. This second time everyone went in, why was there no movement?

"Dad, why is there no movement at all?" Young Master Wang was also confused.

Wang Tianan did not speak, but took steps and walked slowly upstairs. At this moment, he realized that something might be wrong.

Dozens of thugs rush into a room. No matter how many people are on the other side, there should be some commotion.

There is no movement at all now. It is obvious that the people in the room have made their thugs dare not make any move.

Wang Tianan suddenly remembered that when he came out just now, he got the news that Lizhou Prefecture Army Staff General Du Jianghe had left the military camp with his people.

Could it be that Du Jianghe is here?

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