The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1707 Meet His Royal Highness the Thousand Years Old King of Han

But what is Du Jianghe doing here?

It just so happened that the boy from Chang'an was also in this post house.

Is it a coincidence or an accident?

Wang Tianan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat on his back.

He was thinking that Du Jiang's visit to the post house should not be because of that boy from Chang'an.

Wang Tianan suddenly stopped and turned around to leave. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice coming from the corridor on the second floor: "Brother Wang, since you are here, why don't you come up and sit down and have a glass of wine."

Wang Tianan was shocked. .??.

I was really afraid of what would happen.

Fortunately, his relationship with Du Jianghe is pretty good.

He turned around and looked up at Du Jianghe, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be General Du. Today I'm here to find the murderer of my son. I don't want to disturb General Du's happiness. I'm really sorry."

"Wang will definitely come to the door in person to apologize someday."

"I still have some things to do today, so I'll take my leave now."

The first time Wang Tianan saw Du Jianghe, he knew that he might have fallen into someone's trap.

The only way now is to leave quickly.

As long as he doesn't get caught, things will have nothing to do with him after today.

Moreover, since he knew Du Jianghe well, he would not force himself to stay here.

After saying that, Wang Tianan wanted to leave with his son.

"Brother Wang, don't leave in a hurry. There is an adult waiting for you inside all night. Come here."

"By the way, bring your young master with you." Du Jianghe said, turned around and walked into the room.

Wang Tianan looked embarrassed at this moment.

But he knew that if he didn't go in now, Du Jianghe wouldn't let him leave.

Wang Tianan didn't know who the person inside made Du Jiang call himself "sir."

But now it is obviously impossible to pretend that nothing happened.

Wang Tianan could only step on the steps, walked two steps, and then turned around and said to his son: "Get out of here quickly. If I don't go back tonight, you should leave quickly. The farther away the better, forever." Don’t go back to Lizhou again.”

"Dad!" Young Master Wang didn't know why and called Wang Tianan, but Wang Tianan didn't say another word and turned around and walked up to the second floor.

Not far from the room on the second floor, Wang Tianan saw the thugs he had just sent out, all squatting on the ground.

Next to them were Du Jianghe's soldiers.

Du Jianghe arrested all his people.

This was Wang Tianan's first thought. Then he took two steps forward and saw Du Jianghe sitting with dozens of unknown people.

These people are all strong, powerful, and bright-eyed. They are obviously not ordinary people.

"Master Wang, come in." Du Jianghe said expressionlessly when he saw Wang Tianan.

At this moment, Du Jianghe knew why His Highness the King of Han ordered him to bring people to this post house.

The feeling turned out to be that Wang Tianan wanted to lead people to attack the King of Han.

This really almost killed Du Jianghe.

As the military commander of Lizhou Prefecture, if something happened to the mighty King of Han in Lizhou, the emperor would definitely be the first to take action on him, Du Jianghe.

Not to mention Du Jianghe, he knew that no one, including all the officials in Lizhou, would be able to survive.

Wang Tianan wanted to single-handedly destroy the entire Lizhou officialdom.

Good guy!

Fortunately, I didn't act stupid and obeyed the order in advance to bring people here, otherwise...

"General Du, these adults are..." Wang Tianan wanted to find out who he had offended.


This way he can move out the big Buddha behind him.

"These are my brothers from the Tang Xuanjia Army." Du Jianghe looked around and explained to Wang Tianan.

"Xuanjia Army?" Wang Tianan was stunned. He knew that the Xuanjia Army had long been under the unified command of His Highness the King of Han.

But the Xuanjia Army has now come to Lizhou.


Fortunately, there are not many Xuanjia troops here. They should just be here to perform some mission. His Highness the King of Han did not come to Lizhou.

Just what is the background of the young man who hurt his son today.

Is it really just a coincidence that he is also hiding in this post house?

"Wang Tian'an, you led people into the post house and made a fuss. What do you want to do?" Du Jianghe stared at Wang Tian'an, his eyes darkened.

Du Jianghe had already begun to guess that Wang Tianan had some beef with someone from the Xuanjia Army.

If it was just a member of the Xuanjia Army, and Wang Tianan could apologize and pay some money, maybe this matter would be over.

"General Du doesn't know that today my boy was seriously injured by a young man from Chang'an. Several of his men were killed and injured."

"I heard that the man was hiding in this post house, so I brought someone to find him." Wang Tianan quickly explained.

When Du Jianghe heard what Wang Tianan said, he immediately had the idea that the young man Wang Tianan was talking about could be His Highness the King of Han who gave him the order.

However, Du Jianghe has never met Zhao Chen until now, and only knows that Zhao Chen is young.

"Nonsense, this is the imperial post house. You brought people to check. What do you want to do?"

"Who do you think the Wang family is? You should go to the imperial inn to check on people."

"I didn't know about this before. If I knew about this, I would kill you first!" Du Jianghe shouted angrily.

In a few moments, he completely distanced himself from Wang Tianan's affairs.

Although he felt unhappy after being reprimanded by Du Jianghe, Wang Tianan did not dare to refute at this moment.

He knew that he might have been set up today.

"Captain Qin, I'm a little hungry, can you..." Wu Xu suddenly appeared at the door, clutching his stomach as if he was hungry.

Wang Tianan recognized Wu Xu at a glance.

Immediately he shouted: "General Du, that person injured my son together with Wu Xu. He must be hiding here."

"General Du helped me catch the man. I will never forget General Du's kindness."

After saying that, Wang Tianan rushed towards Wu Xu.

Before he got close to Wu Xu, Wang Tianan saw an elegant-looking young man standing next to Wu Xu.

Immediately he realized that the person in front of him was the bastard from Chang'an that he wanted to catch.

"Catch him!" Wang Tianan suddenly broke out and rushed towards Zhao Chen.

The other thugs who were originally squatting on the ground also rushed towards Zhao Chen in an instant.

Zhao Chen blocked Wu Xu behind him and did not prepare to take action. Qin Sanpao and other Xuanjia Army officers in the room immediately rushed up.

These thugs were no match for the Xuan Jia Army. They were all knocked to the ground in just three blows.

Wang Tianan was also pinned to the ground.

Du Jianghe was dumbfounded at this moment. He had never seen the appearance of the King of Han, but what he had received was the order from the King of Han.

The Xuanjia Army appears here again.

Wang Tianan attacked the young man in front of him, and the Xuanjia Army rushed forward as if they were facing a life and death enemy.

No matter how stupid he is, he should know the identity of the person in front of him.

"The last general, Du Jianghe, and the military commander of Lizhou Prefecture, pay homage to His Royal Highness the Thousand Years Old King of Han." Du Jianghe knelt down on one knee and saluted Zhao Chen!

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