The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 821: The show is over, it’s time to come out and clean up

Behind the Zhao Mansion hall, there is a small shed.

At this moment, the emperor and a group of people were sitting on a small stool.

Zhao Chen told them before that they could watch the show while sitting here.

At first the emperor was angry.

They sat on small stools and looked at the dark yard in front.

There's not even a human figure. Is this a ghost show?

The current emperor's anger is even more intense.

He finally understood what Zhao Chen meant by inviting them over to watch the show.

But I just want them to see Li Chengqian's hard "performance" in front.

Queen Changsun sat on the stool, saying nothing and showing no expression on her face. .??.

It was as if nothing could be heard.

Hongfu Nu's face was full of anger.

If Li Jing hadn't held her back, he would have probably rushed over and killed Li Chengqian at this moment.

Li Xiaogong finally understood why Zhao Chen specifically asked the emperor to call him over to "watch the show."

This "drama" was performed very well.

As the Minister of Rites, he couldn't think of how to solve this matter for a while.

Fang Xuanling's face was full of surprise and he was muttering something unknown.

Wei Zheng and Li Jing looked at each other with anger in their eyes.

"Your Majesty..."

Li Jing suppressed his inner anger and wanted to say something to the emperor, but the emperor waved his hand to stop him.

Everyone sat down again and no one spoke.

"What else?" Zhao Chen raised his head and looked at Li Chengqian, but his face was pale in the night.

"How?" Li Chengqian had a sarcastic look on his face.

"Zhao Chen, Li Ruoshuang is probably two months pregnant. In a few months, your child will be born. Don't you want to see him?"

"Or do you want to see them underground?" Li Chengqian sat down aside.

Seeing Zhao Chen's face flushed with anger and his chest rising and falling, he felt inexplicably happy.

Before, he was always humiliated like this by Zhao Chen.

Today, things are changing, and it is finally his turn for Zhao Chen to enjoy this happiness by himself.

"What conditions do you want me to agree to?" Zhao Chen took a deep breath and asked Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian had a smile on his face.

He knew that Zhao Chen would never be his opponent again.

If you have his handle, you can knead him at will.

"I will go to court tomorrow. In the Taiji Hall, in front of my father and mother, and in front of all the officials, I will kneel down and admit my mistake."

"I swear I will never set foot in Chang'an City again."

"For the sake of my father and mother, I will send you the antidote every month."

"Although it can't be cured, it can still save your dog's life."

"Think about it?" Li Chengqian crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair, with a relaxed look on his face.

Changsun Wuji frowned.

He always felt that Li Chengqian was a little too arrogant.

Once you gain power, the world will know it.

This mentality is of no benefit at all.

Changsun Wuji wanted to persuade Li Chengqian to calm down, but he didn't know how to speak.

"Li Chengqian, if I remember correctly, our conflict started when you failed to recruit me."

"Did you ask Changsun Wuji to inject this poison?"

"The dignified prince, with such despicable methods, will the emperor dare to hand over the Tang Dynasty to you in the future?" Zhao Chen looked at Li Chengqian with a smile on his face.

Li Chengqian frowned.

He felt that Zhao Chen must be crazy.

Otherwise, why would you say such crazy things at this time?

A man who was about to die told him about the Tang Dynasty and the inheritance of the throne?

Is this something you, Zhao Chen, should worry about?

"I asked Changsun Wuji to inject the poison, but so what?

Sample? "

"There is no evidence. Even if we go to the Emperor Father, he can't just rely on your words to attribute this matter to me."

"I also know that everyone knows that Zhao Chen was poisoned by me. But there is no evidence. Even if you are angry to death, what will happen?"

"As for the Tang Dynasty sheji you mentioned, when my father dies..."

"Your Highness, you talk too much!" Changsun Wuji shouted.

He really felt that the prince was crazy.

Even the emperor's death words were dared to be spoken here.

If this gets spread...

"Uncle, what are you afraid of? There are only three of us here, and your two lives are in my hands."

"You shouldn't risk your life just to make a small report on me!" Li Chengqian smiled and waved his hand.

Today is the most exciting day for Li Chengqian.

The lives of the two people around him were in his hands, and he could say whatever he wanted.

Behind the hall, Queen Changsun's face was so gloomy that she could shed tears.

Even after she learned that Li Chengqian was not her biological son, she never said she would give up on Li Chengqian.

As long as Li Chengqian can be safe and sound, Queen Changsun is willing to treat him as before.

It is this position of prince that he has occupied for seventeen years, as long as he can retire with peace of mind.

She could convince the emperor, and even later persuade Zhao Chen to let him be an idle prince.

You can live a happy life in the future.

But today, Queen Changsun realized that she was too naive.

She ignored Li Chengqian's desire for power.

My impression of Li Chengqian also stayed a few years ago.

Today, Li Chengqian's desire for power can no longer be satisfied.

Even Changsun Wuji, who had been helping him by his side, was poisoned and controlled.

Empress Changsun was wondering if Li Chengqian would also marry her if he had a chance in the future.

The emperor took control together.

Or even say, let the emperor die directly?

Empress Changsun looked at the emperor and saw a strong and fierce look in his eyes.

"I should have killed him long ago!" The emperor narrowed his eyes and spat out this sentence lightly.

Everyone around him was silent.

They knew that Li Chengqian would not die, but his position as prince could never be preserved.

"Hey, Zhao Chen, you said, my father likes you so much, why don't I wait until my father dies and let you bury him..."

"Your Highness, this is ridiculous!" Changsun Wuji shouted again, interrupting Li Chengqian's words.

Changsun Wuji was scared.

He was afraid that if Li Chengqian continued like this, he would drag his eldest son, Sun Wuji, to death.

"Changsun Wuji, if you dare to interrupt me when I'm talking to you, be careful of your life!" Li Chengqian looked annoyed.

Sun Wuji, the eldest finger, scolded him harshly.

Changsun Wuji closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

He suddenly realized that his choice of Li Chengqian was completely a mistake.

In the future, he will definitely die in Li Chengqian's hands.

"Zhao Chen, what do you think of my suggestion just now?" Li Chengqian looked at Zhao Chen and sneered.

"I think it's okay, but you have to ask when the emperor will die!" Zhao Chen nodded.

"The show is over, it's time to come out and clean up." Zhao Chen shouted from the back of the hall.

Li Chengqian frowned.

I don’t understand what Zhao Chen means when he talks about cleaning.

"What do you mean..." Li Chengqian scolded.

But at the corner on the left side of the hall, they saw the emperor, Empress Changsun, Li Jing, Hongfu Nu, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, and Li Xiaogong slowly coming out.

Everyone's face was full of hatred.

"Father...Father..." Li Chengqian was trembling all over, and he could no longer utter the next words.

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