The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 822 It’s just what you think

Li Chengqian panicked.

He would not have thought that Zhao Chen would choose to die with him.

In other words, if Zhao Chen felt that he was being dragged into the water, he would give him the antidote under the emperor's pressure?

Absolutely impossible.

Li Chengqian's only thought now is to leave here quickly.

As long as he is not captured at this moment, he can later say that it is not him who appears here.

Li Chengqian didn't even look at the emperor, turned around and ran towards the gate of Zhao Mansion.

Everyone was dumbfounded by Li Chengqian's strange behavior.

Could it be that he ran away from here? What happened here and what Li Chengqian said just now can be treated as if nothing happened.

"Li Chengqian!" Li Shimin's face was gloomy.

Li Chengqian naturally cannot escape so easily.

Before he could even run out a few steps, he was kicked over by the concierge Lao Huang who jumped out of nowhere.

"Master, this kid is too arrogant, why don't you help me kill him?" The words of the concierge Huang made everyone tremble.

The person who was kicked over in front of him was the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty.

A little concierge actually threatened to kill him.

This level of arrogance is not much different than that of Zhao Chen.

"You go down and rest first, I don't need you!" Zhao Chen quickly waved his hand.

So many people looked at me strangely, but I didn't feel comfortable.

The concierge Huang went down and Li Xiaogong dragged Li Chengqian back to the hall.

Li Chengqian's eyes were full of dejection, and he lay limply on the ground like a shrimp with its backbone ripped out.

From the moment the emperor appeared, Li Chengqian knew that his life was completely over.

Let’s not talk about how much the emperor valued Zhao Chen.

Even if he had just spoken to Zhao Chen about the treacherous words about the emperor, the emperor would never forgive him lightly.

The appearance of Li Jing gave Li Chengqian no hope of making excuses.

Even if the emperor didn't want to embarrass him, Li Jing

There is absolutely no way the couple would let him go.

Li Jing is just a daughter, what did she just say?

Let Zhao Chen and Li Ruoshuang reunite in the underworld?

Li Jing has never been a good person, he just doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble.

But by threatening Zhao Chen with Li Ruoshuang, he undoubtedly angered Li Jing.

"You weren't poisoned at all?" Li Chengqian looked at Zhao Chen, and he suddenly seemed to understand something.

Li Chengqian suddenly realized that both he and Changsun Wuji had been deceived by Changsun Chong.

If Chang Sun Chong had not told him that Zhao Chen was seriously poisoned, he, Li Chengqian, would never have come here so easily.

And he said words that would kill him.

If Zhao Chen hadn't colluded with Chang Sun Chong, how could Zhao Chen have guessed that he would come to his house today?

How could they call the emperor and queen over in advance?

When Changsun Wuji heard Li Chengqian's words, he immediately looked at Zhao Chen.

He clearly remembered that he poured the poisonous wine into Zhao Chen's cup.

And Zhao Chen clearly drank the glass of wine in front of him.

Moreover, Zhao Chen was indeed poisoned and fell in front of him.

Why are you still saying that Zhao Chen was not poisoned?

Changsun Wuji found it hard to believe this fact.

"Zhao Chen, you..." Hongfu Nu looked at Zhao Chen worriedly.

She has come to visit Zhao Chen every day these days, and has also sent Zhao Chen various tonics.

But every time he came, Zhao Chen looked pale.

There were a few days when I couldn't even stand still. It was obvious that I was poisoned. How can I say that I wasn't poisoned now?

"The poisoning is real, but I detoxified myself after I came back..."

"Impossible, I had someone specially prepare the poison. There are seven or four

Nineteen poisons and antidotes must be prepared in order to detoxify them. "

"How could you be able to cure the poison?" Li Chengqian suddenly became crazy and struggled to get up from the ground.

"That's just what you think." Zhao Chen shook his head and smiled.

Since he has planned to make it impossible for Li Chengqian to stand up, Zhao Chen will do everything possible.

"Your Majesty, you have seen what happened today. Zhao Chen believes that he has made some contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and he did not want to be poisoned and plotted by the Crown Prince."

"Your Majesty, please give Zhao Chen an explanation!" Zhao Chen looked at the emperor with a calm expression.

Li Shimin knew that Zhao Chen was forcing himself.

He also knew that Zhao Chen had arranged all this.

Invite yourself and a group of people to come here to "watch the show".

He even called Li Jing over.

Zhao Chen was just worried that he, the emperor, would favor Li Chengqian.

It is indeed "foresighted"!

The emperor was very unhappy.

He knew that he was being used as a weapon by Zhao Chen this time.

"Your Majesty, my minister Li Jing never dares to ask for anything from your Majesty, but please handle this matter impartially."

"Zhao Chen is a hero of the Tang Dynasty, but he is so hated by the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty?"

"If there is no explanation for this matter, who among the benevolent people in the world would dare to be the first to contribute to the Tang Dynasty?" Li Jing and the emperor said slowly.

Li Jing had spoken, and the others didn't need to say anything else.

No matter what, the emperor could not cover up this matter.

"Prince, why are you doing this?" Li Shimin looked into Li Chengqian's eyes and asked slowly.

He felt that he was tolerant enough towards Li Chengqian.

I also hope that Li Chengqian can step down from the position of prince with peace of mind in the future.

The position of Prince of the Tang Dynasty will never fall into the hands of an outsider.

Li Chengqian is this outsider.

But after all, it’s him who looks good

The emperor also hopes that he can be a carefree and idle prince.

But Li Chengqian challenged his patience again and again.

This time, he even poisoned Changsun Wuji and forced Changsun Wuji to poison Zhao Chen.

The emperor even wondered if he would be poisoned by Li Chengqian if a few more days passed.

When he thought of this, Li Shimin felt filled with rage.

And what did Li Chengqian say here just now?

When Li Shimin died, did he take Zhao Chen away to bury him?

Is this like what a prince, a son, would say to a king, or his father?

Li Chengqian didn't speak. At this moment, he already knew his fate.

What's the use of saying these meaningless words?

"Your Majesty, the prince is just obsessed for a moment and has absolutely no intention of murdering anyone!" Changsun Wuji would still defend Li Chengqian at this time, which really surprised everyone.

"Changsun Wuji, he also poisoned you. Your brain has been damaged by the poison, right?" The emperor glanced at Changsun Wuji and frowned.

"This matter will be handed over to the Prince of Hejian County for thorough investigation. I am exhausted, so I will stop here today!" The emperor waved his hand.

He finally understood why Zhao Chen asked him to bring Li Xiaogong over.

The prince poisoned the minister in order to control the minister. If this matter is handed over to Dali Temple for trial.

There will definitely be a fuss.

The emperor would not let this matter become known to everyone.

Only by allowing Li Xiaogong, a member of the royal family, to avoid making too much noise.

Zhao Chen really thought enough.

The emperor waved his hand and left, and both Li Chengqian and Changsun Wuji slumped on the ground.

His face was no longer as arrogant as before.

"Zhao Chen, you..." Empress Changsun seemed to want to say something to Zhao Chen, but she held back.

As the night grew darker, the Zhao Mansion fell into silence.

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