The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 830 He is really my sister’s son

Since being dragged back from Zhao Mansion yesterday, Li Chengqian has been in a daze all day.

There was chaos in the East Palace.

The last time the Xuanjia Army surrounded the East Palace, they killed everyone in the East Palace except for the prince Li Chengqian.

Today, the corpses in the mass graves outside the city have not yet decomposed.

The East Palace was surrounded by Qianniu Guards again.

Who knows if there will be another purge of the East Palace this time? .??.

Li Chengqian was lying in the palace, and there were overturned wine bottles everywhere on the ground.

There was no servant around to serve him.

At this moment, Li Chengqian's face looked decadent, and his face was covered with dirt and dust.

Her hair had not been taken care of, and she could even see the fallen leaves stained by the Zhao residence last night.


Another bottle was thrown carelessly on the ground.

Li Chengqian rested his head on the steps and stared at the dome with dull eyes.

Li Chengqian knew that after yesterday, he would no longer have any hope.

The emperor will never give himself any chance again.

Nowadays, what Li Chengqian hates the most is Zhao Chen.

If it weren't for him, he, the prince, could be in front of him in peace.

When the emperor leaves, he, Li Chengqian, will be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

What he had been thinking about for seventeen years turned into nothing overnight.

And the culprit is that Zhao Chen.

If it hadn't been for his sudden appearance, how could he have wanted to show off in front of the emperor and empress.

How could he become a laughing stock in front of officials time and time again.

Li Chengqian picked up another bottle of wine and poured it down his throat.

"Ahem—" Li Chengqian choked as the strong wine entered his throat and tears came out.

Dimly, Li Chengqian saw his father standing in front of him with an expressionless face.

"Father...Father!" Li Chengqian struggled to get up, but fell heavily to the ground.

Li Chengqian heard the emperor sigh heavily.

"Sit down." The emperor stood in front of Li Chengqian, and the sunlight came from

The emperor's back is reflected.

Li Chengqian couldn't open his eyes.

"Father, my son... my son..." Li Chengqian seemed to have something blocked in his throat.

There was nothing he could say in front of the emperor.

"I know the reason why you did this. Your mother and I are both responsible for your behavior."

"In three days, you will go to Wudi to be responsible for the education of that area. In the future, if there is a chance, you can still come back to Chang'an!" The emperor's voice slowly sounded above Li Chengqian's head.

To Li Chengqian, it sounded like the death knell of his own fate.

Going to Wudi?

Then he will never be able to return to Chang'an in the future.

As long as the emperor is still alive, he will naturally not do anything to him. If the emperor is gone one day.

How could the new emperor let this deposed prince live in the world?

"Father, I know I was wrong. I am willing to change. I..." Li Chengqian desperately tried to grab the emperor's leg.

But it was because he was drunk that he couldn't muster any strength.

He could only watch the emperor's figure disappear in front of the door.

The sunlight reflected entirely on Li Chengqian's face, without any trace of human color.

Although Zhang Sun Chong and Zhang Sun Chong roughly guessed Zhao Chen's identity.

But Changsun Wuji was not absolutely sure.

He needed to mention this matter to his uncle Gao Shilian.

After all, Gao Shilian is the uncle of Empress Changsun. If he comes forward to question Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun will definitely not deceive him.

Changsun Wuji was a little uneasy, since he last asked his uncle Gao Shilian to intercede with the emperor and let him return to the court.

It has been a long time since he visited Gao Shilian.

If he goes there today, Changsun Wuji is already prepared to be severely scolded.

Standing at the gate of the thatched cottage of the Imperial College

, Changsun Wuji's feet lingered for a while.

"The auxiliary machine is here, come in!" Gao Shilian seemed not surprised by Changsun Wuji's arrival.

He stopped at the door and waved to Changsun Wuji.

"Uncle!" Changsun Wuji and Gao Shilian handed over their hands.

Gao Shilian nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the thatched cottage.

Changsun Wuji hesitated for a moment, but continued to follow. The two of them entered the thatched cottage one after the other.

The furnishings of the thatched cottage are very simple.

There is only one chair, one stool, one teapot and two teacups.

and a bed with a few books by the bedside.

Nothing else.

"sit down."

"Have a cup of tea." Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji poured a cup of tea, and Changsun Wuji quickly stood up and took it with both hands.

Changsun Wuji didn't know what he should say to Gao Shilian now.

He held the hot tea in his hand and didn't drink it, just lowered his head and looked at the white smoke.

"I heard from the gentleman from the Imperial College that the Changsun Mansion was surrounded by the Beiya Imperial Guards last night."

"The East Palace is also surrounded by Qianniu Guards." Gao Shilian looked at Changsun Wuji and said slowly.

"That's right, uncle!" Changsun Wuji nodded.

In front of Gao Shilian, he was as obedient as a child.

Although Gao Shilian was only his eldest grandson Wuji's uncle, he was also like his father.

If not for the protection of Gao Shilian, the Changsun brothers and sisters would have died early in the late Sui Dynasty.

"You came today to ask about Zhao Chen's relationship with your sister?" Gao Shilian nodded and asked Changsun Wuji.

"Uncle, the auxiliary machine really finds it strange that Zhao Chen looks so similar to His Majesty when he was young."

"My sister is a queen, but she is so kind to Zhao Chen."

"The auxiliary machine admits that Zhao Chen is really capable, but even so, he will not let his sister lower herself to a queen."

"The prince gritted his teeth every time he talked about this matter with the auxiliary machine before. It can be seen from his sister's behavior

It's really abnormal. "

"So uncle, the auxiliary machine would like to ask uncle and sister to find out the news. So, is Zhao Chen..."

"You already know, why bother asking?" Before Changsun Wuji finished speaking, Gao Shilian suddenly said this.

Changsun Wuji didn't react for a moment.

"What auxiliary machine already knows?" Changsun Wuji looked at Gao Shilian blankly.

Gao Shilian didn't speak, just looked at Changsun Wuji with a smile.

Changsun Wuji's expression suddenly changed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Uncle...means...Zhao sister's son?" Changsun Wuji suddenly felt his throat felt dry.

His mouth was stumbling too much when he spoke.

His eyes were staring at Gao Shilian.

"How did uncle know?" Changsun Wuji still found it difficult to accept.

He has actually been dealing with his nephew?

"Your Majesty and your empress told me." Gao Shilian said slowly.

When Changsun Wuji heard that the emperor and empress had told Gao Shilian the news, he was shocked and speechless.

It turned out that his uncle Gao Shilian had always known Zhao Chen's true identity, but he had kept it secret from him.

Are you still dealing with Zhao Chen?

"Is it because I told you Zhao Chen's identity before that you would stop?" Gao Shilian seemed to have seen through Changsun Wuji's inner thoughts and said calmly.

Changsun Wuji was silent.

As Gao Shilian said, even if he knew Zhao Chen's identity, he would never abandon Li Chengqian and help Zhao Chen.

Li Chengqian is the prince no matter what. Even if he is also the son of Empress Changsun, Zhao Chen will not be as good as Li Chengqian after all.

Therefore, Zhao Chen's identity had little significance to Changsun Wuji at that time.

"By the way, auxiliary machine, let me tell you one more thing. In fact, Li Chengqian is not the prince of our Tang Dynasty!" Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji spoke again.

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