The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 831: The position of prince must belong to me

At this moment, Changsun Wuji suddenly felt that he was a little confused.

What did Gao Shilian mean by what he just said?

What do you mean Li Chengqian is not actually the prince of the Tang Dynasty?

Although Li Chengqian made a big mistake this time and his position as prince was in jeopardy, why was he not the prince of the Tang Dynasty?

Li Chengqian is not the prince of the Tang Dynasty, so who should be the prince of the Tang Dynasty?

Zhao Chen?

But even if he is the queen's son, he must be ranked after Li Chengqian, right?

Changsun Wuji did not dare to think any further, he was afraid that he would not be able to accept the bloody facts.

"Auxiliary machine, no one would have thought that Li Chengqian is not the son of His Majesty and His Majesty."

"Zhao Chen is the one!" Gao Shilian's two words were like a heavy hammer hitting Changsun Wuji's heart.

Making him take two steps back suddenly.

"Li...Li Chengqian...he...isn't his sister's son?" Even though he had already made a guess in his heart, he was also prepared.

At this moment, he suddenly heard Gao Shilian confirming with him.

Changsun Wuji still found it hard to accept.

He didn't want to believe that Zhao Chen, whom he had been helping to deal with, was his nephew.

And Li Chengqian was just an outsider who got lucky by accident.

Changsun Wuji never expected such a result.

Although he had guessed before.

But after all, I dare not confirm.

After all, Li Chengqian has been sitting in the position of prince for seventeen years.

His eldest son, Sun Wuji, also put in a lot of effort for this.

However, dreams eventually have a moment of awakening.

Now, it's time for him to wake up from his dream.

"You also know the truth of the matter. Never mention this matter to a third person."

"Otherwise, disaster is imminent and will affect the family, is it clear?" Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji explained.

Changsun Wuji nodded.

He naturally knew why Gao Shilian didn't let him reveal Zhao Chen's identity.

Now Li Chengqiangang

If something is done, the crown prince's position will be in danger.

If Zhao Chen's identity is revealed at this time, there will be suspicions that the emperor took down Li Chengqian to pave the way for Zhao Chen.

After all, Li Chengqian poisoned him and forced him to poison Zhao Chen. These things cannot be made public.

Otherwise, the Tang royal family will be humiliated.

After Zhao Chen's identity was revealed, how could the officials not guess that the emperor deliberately framed the prince?

Even if it is just speculation, the harm caused by this matter is widespread.

"Uncle, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Chang'an after the auxiliary machine is gone. Uncle, take care of yourself." Changsun Wuji and Gao Shilian bowed their hands.

Two days later, the great meeting held every five days was held in Taiji Hall.

All the officials arrived at Tai Chi Hall early.

The East Palace was once again surrounded and no one was allowed in or out.

Anyone can smell the danger in it.

Even when it was said last time that there were eunuchs in the East Palace holding the prince hostage and preparing to rebel, the officials didn't believe it.

But the emperor said that, obviously he didn't want to make it public, so no one went to investigate.

But the East Palace was once again surrounded, and three days had passed, and the emperor did not give any explanation.

This matter is absolutely unusual.

"I'm afraid something big is going to happen today!" An official whispered to other officials around him.

"Isn't that right? Look at Changsun Pushe not coming today. Something big must have happened."

"What exactly did the East Palace do? Why was it surrounded by the army twice in a row?"

"Who knows? Your Majesty didn't say anything this time, and the prince didn't come today. I'm afraid the prince's position is..."

"Zhao Chen is here. He actually came to court today."

"It must be related to the fact that the East Palace was surrounded by Qianniu Guards."

"If His Majesty hadn't summoned him before, Zhao Chen would never have

Will you take the initiative to go to court? Are you here so early today? "

"I'm afraid this matter today is absolutely no small matter."

Zhao Chen came in from the Tai Chi Hall. He was not standing at the back of the team today.

Although the court does not line up according to title, Cheng Yaojin can still squeeze in.

"Zhao Chen, what happened?" Qin Qiong pulled Zhao Chen and asked in a low voice.

Not only Zhao Chen came today, but also Li Jing, an old guy who was idle at home, also came early in the morning.

Asked him what happened, Li Jing didn't say anything.

But Qin Qiong and Cheng Yaojin were so anxious!

"Some little things." Zhao Chen said softly.

"A trivial matter? What a trivial matter, doesn't it mean something happened again in the East Palace?" Cheng Yaojin couldn't hold back and asked Zhao Chen.

"What happened to the East Palace is a trivial matter." Zhao Chen said casually.

Zhao Chen was not very sure whether the emperor would depose Li Chengqian today.

Li Chengqian was the eldest son of the emperor and had been the prince for seventeen years.

The emperor would not make up his mind so easily.

Moreover, officials have already regarded Li Chengqian as the future emperor.

Now that he has rashly said that he wants to depose Li Chengqian, the resistance from the court will not be small.

But Zhao Chen had no choice.

If Li Chengqian is not abolished, he will surely resurrect in the future.

Once Li Chengqian regains power, he will be the first to deal with Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen didn't like to put himself in a dangerous situation every day. The feeling of being spied on every day and having a steel knife on his neck was not pleasant at all.

If Li Chengqian had not been abolished today.

Those were the days when Zhao Chen packed up his gear and ran away.

"What happened?" Cheng Yaojin was still confused.

He only knew that the East Palace was besieged. As for why it was besieged, he had not received any information.

However, Zhao Chen rarely took the initiative to come to court today. This matter must be related to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen shook his head, said nothing, and looked at the steps ahead.

Li Tai is very happy today.

Ever since he knew that Li Chengqian's East Palace was besieged, he went around to inquire about the news.

Finally he learned something.

Knowing that Li Chengqian had poisoned Changsun Wuji, he forced Changsun Wuji to poison Zhao Chen again. This happened in front of the emperor, queen and ministers.

Li Tai understood at that time that Li Chengqian's position as prince would definitely not be preserved.

The dignified prince of a country would actually come up with such vicious means to control his courtiers.

And he is also his own uncle.

The emperor will never let this matter go.

If the emperor doesn't give up, Li Chengqian's position as prince will definitely not be preserved.

Then the position of the prince will be vacant?

As the second heir to the throne, isn't Li Tai's spring finally coming?

Li Tai was thinking in his mind that he had fought with Li Chengqian before, but neither of them would submit to the other.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengqian would be killed by Zhao Chen.

If I had known this was the case, why would Li Tai fight with Li Chengqian? He could have just waited for today.

Li Tai was grateful but also afraid of Zhao Chen.

Li Chengqian, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, was actually screwed by Zhao Chen, and by the way, he also hooked up with Changsun Wuji.

You must not offend him in the future.


Li Tai thought secretly in his heart.

As long as you don't provoke Zhao Chen, Zhao Chen will never come to trouble you!

"Your Majesty has arrived——"

Li Tai was feeling very happy when he heard a sharp sound from the eunuch.

The emperor slowly walked out of the apse.

His face was expressionless and his expression was cold and stern, no longer as warm as before.

"Sure enough, the position of crown prince must belong to me!" Li Tai glanced at the emperor and was secretly happy.

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