Magic fans were jubilant, many people flocked to hug the players to celebrate the victory, and Han Zhe, who was in a good mood, signaled the security personnel not to be too nervous, and took the players to take the initiative to interact with the fans.

Seeing that there was no chaos, the security personnel didn't bother to take care of it.

Later, many NBA stars also came to congratulate Han Zhe, the Magic is now getting closer and closer to the championship, and it seems that the chances of defending the title are very large, and the 2-0 lead gives the Magic an advantage.

Many media are exclaiming that the Magic is too strong, you must know that the Warriors are also extremely strong this season, I thought they could break their wrists with the Magic in the Finals, but they didn't know that they lost two games in a row, and now everyone's confidence in the Warriors is rapidly declining.

Some media are interviewing Xiao Hua: "Mr. Xiao Hua, what do you think of the Magic's performance in the playoffs?"

Xiao Hua said: "The Magic have gone all the way since the re-establishment of the team, there is no doubt that they are already one of the top teams in the league, and the performance in the playoffs has also proved this, the Magic has unlimited potential under the leadership of excellent players such as Han Zhe, and the rise of a new force is a good phenomenon for the league, and we need to inject such fresh blood."

Another person asked, "With the current momentum of the Magic, it is likely that there will be a situation where one company dominates, will this have an impact on the entire league?"

Xiao Hua smiled without thinking about it: "I know what everyone is worried about, you are afraid that the magic will become a team like Bayern in the Bundesliga, right?"

Some nodded that if Magic were to dominate like Bayern, it would make the game lack suspense and spectacle.

Xiao Hua continued: "Everyone should have enough confidence in the league and the fans, the Magic have a group of good players, but don't forget that there are still many outstanding rising stars in the league, and there are players like James, so it is unnecessary for everyone to worry, the NBA is far from lacking in competitiveness, and we may make another adjustment to the salary cap next season."

The reporter was immediately excited, and began to ask the specific details of the increase in the salary cap, if the salary cap is increased significantly again, it means that the teams can come up with more salaries to recruit talent, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance the competitiveness.

However, Xiao Hua did not specify this, only said that everything was still being discussed.

Then a reporter asked Xiao Hua to evaluate Han Zhe.

Xiao Hua said naturally: "Han has undoubtedly become a representative of the new generation, I don't think I need to say more about how good he is, the results of the Magic in the past two seasons and the personal honors he has won speak for themselves."

"Do you think it is possible for Han to surpass Jordan in his future achievements?" After a reporter asked this question, everyone became interested, and they all stared at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua pondered for a moment before he said: "Han's potential is unlimited, but who can say clearly what will happen in the future, let's all wait and see, let time answer this question."

The reporter was a little disappointed at first, but then someone reacted, if someone said before that someone could surpass Jordan, everyone would definitely burst into laughter, even if James was in the golden age, no one said that he surpassed Jordan, at most he said that he was Jordan's successor.

But now, when I heard that Han Zhe might surpass Jordan, no one felt that it was a joke, and even the league boss remained cautious.

What does this mean?

It shows that no one dares to conclude that Han Zhe will be worse than Jordan!

You know, Jordan is called a god.

It's scary to think about!

Later, Devos was also interviewed with a red face.

"I'm so proud of what the team has achieved, we won the championship last year, and we have a good chance to defend the title this year, which is something I never thought of before, for which I, Han, his arrival has brought a huge change to the team, and I also want to thank our general manager Hannigan, because he brought Han to the Magic, and of course, I would like to thank the 76ers and the Wizards, but also Jordan for his generosity!"

Devos's last sentence burst into laughter at the exit scene!

Many reporters whispered about it:

"Corinth is so miserable, completely nailed to the pillar of shame in history!"

"Who can blame this, the 76ers are a team that Han came to the NBA to try out, who knew that Collins actually ignored it directly just because he was Asian, and scolded others for being rubbish, that guy is a complete idiot!"

"Yes, because Collins is finished with this, as the head coach actually drove out the current NBA person in person, no team dares to ask for his kind of vision, so no NBA team is willing to hire him now."

"The Wizards are also unlucky, and they passed by Han, otherwise they are likely to be competing for the championship now."

"I remember that Wizards coach Witman was still very optimistic about Han and planned to let him join, but the Wizards management still used the first-round pick to select Bradley. Bill, and then at the beginning of the second round, Han was preempted by the Bobcats! "

"Haha! That's right, I remember this very clearly, I was at the draft site, and when I saw Han being selected, Wittman went away on the spot! "

"Who can blame this, who made the Wizards reluctant to pick the first round, look at it now, 10 Beals can't get one Han, and the Wizards are losing their business."

"It's still Jordan the best, I know that Han has sold him, talent!"

"At the beginning, Jordan estimated that he couldn't afford to raise Han, so it would be more cost-effective to sell him, but it was also a huge loss, he underestimated Han's potential and ability to absorb money, and now the magic has made a lot of money!"

"The best thing is the magic manager Hannigan, who forcibly traded Han under pressure and cultivated him as the core of the team, this deal is destined to go down in history!"

"That's right, Hannigan still has the courage, and he deserves to be the best manager with this deal!"

Everyone talked very energetically, Han Zhe joined the NBA with twists and turns, and finally achieved Hannigan's fame and the glory of the Magic, and the 76ers became a laughing stock, and the Wizards also became a stepping stone, as for the old rascal, he was used to being scolded anyway, and he went further and further on the road of blindness!


Han Zhe was a little free, Swift came over to hug Han Zhe very enthusiastically at the right time to congratulate him, and secretly rubbed oil shamelessly when hugging, which made Han Zhe's scalp tingle for a while, and he found that it was also terrible for a woman to hooligan for the first time.

When he heard Swift say that there was a notice to leave temporarily, Han Zhe was inexplicably relieved, but it was not good to turn his head around, because Swift whispered in his ear and told him that she would definitely rush to the scene to cheer him on for the next game!

After Swift was entangled by reporters, Li Tingting came over and squeezed her eyebrows at Han Zhe and laughed: "Cousin, I really didn't see it, your woman is very good, even the popular diva is so fascinated by you that you don't want it!"

Women are naturally sensitive to this aspect, and Li Tingting has obviously discovered Swift's "bad intentions"!

Han Zhe said angrily: "Then you still took the initiative to lure the wolf into the room!"

Li Tingting smiled: "Didn't I know before, and I broadcast the big star Han Zhe and the diva Swift every day, my popularity is about to explode, dear cousin, you should sacrifice your hue to dedicate yourself to Miss Ben's noble career!"

"Whew! I'm really unlucky to have your unreliable cousin, you should go back to school and contribute to your future career! Han Zhe said.

This is obviously driving people away, but Li Tingting doesn't care, "I'm sorry, the basic studies have been completed, and now I am in the internship period, my task now is to follow the big star to broaden my horizons, after all, I can't usually touch a big person like Swift, haha, you just accept your fate, cousin!" "

Of course, Han Zhe is joking to chase people, he and Li Tingting are the best in the family, and now it is too late for him to be happy with a companion, and the family is much more angry now.

And he does seem to help Li Tingting, not to mention anything else, now Li Tingting often follows him and can be on camera every day, especially in China, everyone knows Han Zhe's cousin Li Tingting, she has not officially debuted and has already thrown off many celebrities in popularity and popularity, this is the celebrity effect!

Li Tingting is no longer called winning at the starting line, she is standing in front of the finish line and preparing to start! _

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