The next day, Han Zhe slept lazily, he was a little overwhelmed by the continuous battles during this time, he had played the regular season for so long, and now it was the playoffs, the key was that Han Zhe's attendance was too high, and fatigue was inevitable.

After getting up, just did some simple exercises, Han Zhe took Li Jun and Li Tingting to the lake to fish, Li Jun seemed very happy about this, he didn't have any special hobbies in his hometown, and he loved to go to the ditch not far from home to catch some small fish and shrimp in his spare time.

Li Tingting was not interested in fishing, so she took out her mobile phone and started the live broadcast, and soon the popularity of the room soared, after all, everyone rarely saw Han Zhe's casual life state!

Seeing that the number of people in the room soon exceeded one million, this made many outdoor professional live fishing anchors very helpless, they are all fishing, why is the gap so big, the key is to watch it for a while and not see a fish, the audience can watch it with relish, not to mention, the gifts are still floating on the screen...

Seeing that some anchors complained, some viewers choked them back with a word, and they didn't look at who was fishing, that was Han Zhe, and the live broadcast of people picking their feet was more interesting than you!

Hearing Li Tingting constantly chattering and interacting with the audience, Han Zhe didn't say anything, but his father was annoyed, and drove her away with extreme disgust, and said that he had not been on the fish because he was scared away by her, Han Zhe nodded appropriately in agreement, making Li Tingting so angry, obviously they were not good at technology, and they actually threw the pot indiscriminately!

The audience saw this wave of drama clearly, and they were all happy.

"I like the old man's temper!"

"At first glance, it's biological!"

"Don't they all say that the girl is Dad's intimate little padded jacket?"

"If your little padded jacket takes a mobile phone and shakes it at you a day, it is estimated that you will also choose to be bare-chested!"

"Poof! Don't talk nonsense, the relationship between the eldest sister and his old man is actually quite good. "

"Ho! I really caught it, it's a big one, what kind of fish is this? "

"Perch, haha, the eldest sister's head seems to have set her back, and she just got on the fish as soon as she left!"

After Li Jun caught the fish, Li Tingting put her mobile phone away, and ran to help him take the fish down, and then washed her hands and continued to pick up her mobile phone to broadcast live.

This is also the reason why many fans like Li Tingting, Li Tingting is very real, unlike many girls who are delicate and pretentious, she usually sometimes does things live broadcast, have you ever seen an anchor with a monthly salary of one million cut pigweed to feed pigs!

Seeing that his father and Han Zhe were not uncommon to ignore him, Li Tingting felt bored after a while, and when she saw Paul standing in the distance, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she began to harass others.

The audience is also very interested in bodyguards, it is Paul, who is tall and strong, and a bodyguard in a suit and sunglasses is dressed similarly, which is so cool!

Li Tingting asked someone else if he was a special soldier for a while, and then asked him how many people he had killed before, Paul started to chat with her a few words, but the more he listened, the more unreliable he became, and his bulk English sounded too strenuous, so he simply called his deputy over and slipped his head!

This can make the audience laugh badly, saying that she is annoying to everyone, and a dog is disgusting!

Bored waiting until noon, Li Tingting finally ushered in the opportunity to turn over, she personally cooked the fish she caught and made a whole fish feast, which won unanimous praise from the audience, and she was not ambiguous at all when she worked.

Even Karina at the table was full of praise for Li Tingting's craftsmanship, which made Li Tingting very satisfied, and she was a professional in food.

Han Zhe would definitely scoff if he knew Li Tingting's thoughts, Karina is really professional in nutrition, but the taste is really not flattering, it is estimated that most people don't know what the taste of boiled fish is, and there are various salads that feel like feeding cows!

In the afternoon, Han Zhe took the two of them to downtown Orlando and the Chinese gathering place for a walk in disguise, after all, it was not easy for Li Jun to come here.

"Mandarin still sounds kind, I didn't expect there to be so many Chinese here." When he came to Chinatown, Li Jun was very happy to stroll.

Han Zhe said: "Many people are afraid that it is difficult to speak Chinese, in fact, this is underestimating us Chinese, almost where there are people, there is Chinatown, basically any supplies can be bought here, but the aspect of food is really not good, most of them are early immigrants, I don't know whether to cater to local tastes or their own tastes have changed, the so-called Chinese food is estimated that most of you can't recognize what it is."

Han Zhe said again: "Many of my teammates said that they had eaten a so-called Chinese food called Zuo Zongtang chicken, I don't even know what it is, and they also praised us for our orange juice stewed chicken nuggets and soy sauce rolls delicious!"


Li Tingting couldn't help laughing, what kind of stuff is this!

Li Jun also shook his head vigorously when he heard this, this is completely selling dog meat on the head of a sheep.

said this, and the water friends who were watching the live broadcast also complained:

"This is a true thing, Lao Mei's Zuo Zongtang chicken is said to be the most popular Chinese food."

"Last time I ordered a kung pao chicken, I don't know what it is, I almost vomited!"

"I ordered the signature Chinese food and actually brought me a curry duck, and I cried angrily, and instantly suspected that my nationality was forged."

"What you said scared me so much that I didn't dare to go abroad, this is completely dark cuisine!"

"It's better to be domestic, our side is all dishes that will shine when the pot is opened, and I won't eat it if it doesn't shine."

"Poof! Is your chef a master? "

After an afternoon of shopping, everyone went home satisfied, this time thanks to Han Zhe's wit, makeup in place, and when he got to the place, he let a bodyguard drive around in circles, successfully attracting the attention of the paparazzi, as a celebrity, it is not easy to go out leisurely!


The magic assembled and went to San Francisco, and Li Tingting's father and daughter also set off together, Li Jun didn't want to go, but Han Zhe felt that he was unfamiliar with his life and bored at home alone, and since he came, it was a good thing to take a walk along the way. _

Feilu reminds you: There are three things to read - collect and push

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