Shen Xuefei is now going out with a depressed bag, she just called Han Zhe to see if she can do some scoops, but it turned out that the guy was actually turned off!

Now she can only go to the Bobcat Stadium to block the door with the army of other reporters to see if she can catch Han Zhe, everyone knows that he will definitely go to the stadium, but they don't know that he has sneaked away and returned.

Shen Xuefei was lowering her head and thinking about a plan, when someone suddenly passed by and bumped into her!

"Ouch, why don't you walk with long eyes!" Shen Xuefei, who was in a bad mood, opened her mouth and squirted.

"You're walking blind by yourself... Belch... Shen Xuefei..."Han Zhe was chatting with Luthor all the way, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't expect to touch someone, and when he was about to hurt each other, he found that the other party's "Nine Eighty" was actually a reporter from Shen University!

Shen Xuefei looked up and found that it was Han Zhe, and she was also stunned, is this an eye-opener, what does it mean to step on iron shoes and have nowhere to find, and it takes no effort to get there?

That's it!

Without waiting for Shen Xuefei to speak, Han Zhe seemed to react to something, pointed at Shen Xuefei and said with a shocked expression: "You actually stalked me... You are a good and honest reporter, you are not a paparazzi, no wonder I have been changing clothes at home for the past two days, and I always feel that someone is peeping out of the window, it turns out to be you! Shen Xuefei, you have fallen, which makes me very sad!"

"Luther, let's go, don't be spoiled by her!" After Han Zhe finished speaking in pain, he greeted Luther, who was holding back a smile, and stepped forward!

Shen Xuefei was stunned for a few seconds before she reacted, and suddenly exploded in anger, gritted her teeth and said: "Han Zhe, you stop me! Who is the paparazzi, who is peeping on you, you tell me clearly!"

"I've been caught by me, what are you quibbling about, hey, I've always regarded you as a friend, you actually treat me like this, to be honest, have you sent out photos of me changing clothes or going to the toilet? Yesterday I saw someone climb the big tree opposite my house and look into my house, I didn't see it too clearly at the time, but now I think about it, eighty percent of it is you!"

Han Zhe caught a glimpse of Shen Xuefei's angry and aggrieved appearance, and he almost laughed out loud.

He actually reacted at the first time just now, when he just moved here last time, no wonder he felt familiar here, because he came once, that is, when Shen Xuefei sent her back after the pit last time, she got off here, but it was night, and the environment was not too clear, so I always felt familiar, and I couldn't remember when I came.

And if Shen Xuefei is really following him, how can he let him touch him, isn't it stupid!

Shen Xuefei was huffing and trying to explain, when she found the smile on the corner of Han Zhe's mouth, she immediately reacted that she had been tricked!

"Han Zhe, you're a bastard!" Shen Xuefei was about to be pissed off by this thing!

"Well, I was wrong, and to compensate you, I decided to give you an exclusive interview. Han Zhe's expression was very generous.

Shen Xuefei said suspiciously: "You are so good, do you want to trick me into inviting you to dinner?"

"Am I such a person? We are friends, I can help you, I am like a bad person, love does not come!" Han Zhe turned around with Luthor after speaking

"Wait for me..."Shen Xuefei gritted her teeth and chased after her, she couldn't miss such a good opportunity.

When she found out that Han Zhe not only lived in the building with herself, but was only one floor apart, Shen Xuefei felt a deep sense of powerlessness, specially, looking for the whereabouts of this goods every day, and he wandered under his skin every day!

In fact, this is also because Han Zhe was frightened by enthusiastic fans at Martin's house, so the secrecy work here is very good, even if he goes out, there is a certain disguise, and few people really know that he lives here.

However, thinking that she could get the first-hand information of this popular fried chicken right away, and she could also visit his bachelor's solitary residence, Shen Xuefei felt happy!

And Shen Xuefei thought viciously, bachelors' rooms are generally dirty and messy, dare to offend me Lord Shen Xuefei, and take pictures and publish them all in a while, hum!

After entering the house, Shen Xuefei was happy, although Han Zhe's living room and room were not too dirty, they were definitely not the whole section, and the dirty clothes that had been changed were thrown everywhere.

Shen Xuefei picked up the camera in her bag and took a "click" shot, Han Zhe ignored her, sat on the sofa and chatted with Luthor without a word0...

When Shen Xuefei was satisfied enough to shoot and sat opposite Han Zhe to prepare for the interview, Han Zhe finally spoke.

"What do you think of my family?"

"Yes, the place is big enough and spacious, but well, there are too many dirty clothes, the floor is dirty, and a few pairs of stinky socks are disgusting.

Han Zhe nodded, "You can feel free where you love it, but you also saw it, there are so many dirty clothes, someone has to wash them, right?"

Shen Xuefei said casually: "Then hurry up and wash it, I've never seen you so lazy, uh... What are you watching me do? Han Zhe! Let me tell you, don't talk about the door, there are no windows, don't even think about it!"

"Comrade Shen Xuefei, I solemnly warn you, it is very bad behavior to secretly photograph other people's homes, if you send it indiscriminately, I will definitely sue you, by the way, I suddenly remembered, there is something to do today, so the interview was canceled. Han Zhe suddenly seemed to be a different person, his expression was very serious!

"Han Zhe, don't be so shameless!" Shen Xuefei was about to go crazy.

Half an hour later...

Shen Xuefei rolled up her sleeves and gritted her teeth and scolded while washing clothes in the toilet, "This bastard! I'm angry with my mother, I'm a reporter, not a nanny, I'm so stupid, how could he be so kind and take the initiative to invite me for an interview, the most hateful 2.8 is that the washing machine is actually broken, and it has to be washed by hand. This sock stinks to death, I threw it.... It's disgusting, there are still bottoms, I keep throwing them..."

"Han, it's really yours, you can't bear to bully such a beautiful girl!" Luthor said that Han Zhe was too ruthless, and he would cheat the girl if he didn't agree with him.

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "Luther, labor is glorious, and the woman who loves labor is also the most beautiful, I am here to help her beautify!"

Luther: "..."

Luther: "And you're going to be ugly for the rest of your life?"

Han Zhe: "·····"


PS: I recommend this friend's book: "I am Thor, Pirates". _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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