After Shen Xuefei finished being a nanny, Han Zhe did not break his promise, happily accepted his interview, and tried his best to answer her questions.

Towards the end, Shen Xuefei suddenly said, "You seem to be very familiar with Kolo, can you tell me about your relationship?"

Han Zhe was not surprised that Shen Xuefei knew that he was familiar with Keluo, because the last time Kolo came to meet him, he was found by passers-by and took pictures and posted them on the Internet, so it was not a secret.

However, Shen Xuefei's expression now squinting at the eye, how can she look at it.

Han Zhe still nodded and said, "It's more familiar!"

"Kolo is not an adult yet!" Shen Xuefei's tone became a little heavier.

Han Zhe nodded first, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Hey, she is not an adult or not, and there is no necessary connection between her and whether she is a friend or not, what are you thinking about in your head!"

"You meet at night!" Shen Xuefei's tone was a little more serious!

"Are you interrogating a prisoner! Friends meet day and night? I know what you're thinking, I can tell you clearly, I treat her like a sister, nothing at all, and I'm in a hurry to do it!"

03 Han Zhe looked unhappy, what kind of messy questions are they!

Shen Xuefei saw that Han Zhezhen was a little angry, and she also found that she had asked a little bit about it, but she just couldn't help but want to ask clearly!

Both of them then seemed to be a little absent-minded, and Shen Xuefei ended the interview with a few more casual questions.

Shen Xuefei got up and wanted to say goodbye and leave, but Han Zhe suddenly said, "How about going to Orlando with me?"

Shen Xuefei paused, turned around and looked at Han Zhe in a daze, then her face slowly turned red, and she stammered, "You... What do you mean... I... I'm not a casual woman... And we don't know much yet... I still have work on my side... I'm not going with you!"

After Han Zhe was stunned for a moment, he almost burst out laughing, "What do you want!" I just let you go to work, I mean let you transfer to Orlando, we are more familiar with each other, I am more comfortable with you interviewing, of course, it would be better if someone occasionally helped with the housework!"

Shen Xuefei's face was completely red now, and she turned around and ran away without saying a word...

Luther, who was helping to clean up, poked his head out of the room and smiled, "Are you bullying other girls again?"

Han Zhe smiled bitterly, she really didn't bully this time, did she misunderstand herself, listening to Shen Xuefei's previous meaning, she seemed to think that she was chasing her?

"If you really chased her, did she agree or not to agree just now?"

Han Zhe really hadn't thought about this before, he just thought it was funny to tease her sometimes, but now that he thinks about it, Shen Xuefei seems to be really cute, and she has nothing to say about her body and face, she is definitely the ideal dream lover for many people!

Han Zhe then shook his head, it's too early to think about it, he has just changed teams now, and he has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't want to make trouble for himself for the time being!

He can hear that some bobcats have families, and after having a woman, it is very troublesome, and there are people to take care of everything, as if it is quite painful.


Han Zhe and Luthor arrived in Orlando early in the morning.

In the taxi, Han Zhe looked around curiously and began to observe the city where he was about to stay.

The ground is clean and tidy, and there are several beautiful large lakes along the way, and the greenery is also very good.

"Orlando is no worse than Charlotte before it, if not better, and it's a great city to live in, with countless tourists visiting here every year for their trips and honeymoons," Luther said. "

Luthor went on to tell Han Zhe that there are many things to do here, such as the world's largest Disneyland and the largest maritime museum, Universal Studios, and many art museums.

"Shouldn't the ball market be very good here?" The reason why Han Zhe asked was because he knew that Orlando was a small city with a resident population of less than 300,000 and a small population base, so he naturally didn't think that the ball market would be very good.

"You'll know then!" Luthor smiled mysteriously and sold off.

Outside the Magic Club, Luthor made a phone call to Hannigan, and a few moments later, a Mercedes stopped in front of them.

"Hello, my name is Steven, and I am Mr. Hannigan's assistant, and Mr. Hannibal said that you should call when you get to the airport, and I will just go and pick you up. "

After a man in his thirties got out of the car to introduce himself, he smiled and shook hands with Han Zhe.

Then he personally helped Han Zhe carry his luggage into the trunk, then invited them to get into the car, and sat in the driver's seat himself.

"I'll take you to the residence now, don't rush for a day and a half, you can settle down and rest today, and then come back to the team tomorrow to report. Steven looked back and smiled.

"I've been resting for the past two days, I'm in good spirits, I can go to the team after putting my luggage away, so let's do the physical examination first. "

Han Zhe is really not tired now, there is no need to delay, it is easier to deal with it early.

Steven, of course, had no opinion, and after a while, he took them to a lakeside apartment.

As soon as Han Zhe saw it, he knew that magic was a cost, and he knew that it was not cheap just by looking at the living environment.

After Steven took them to an apartment, Han Zhe walked around and took a look, the place was also very spacious, three bedrooms and one living room, the furniture and appliances were all new, it should be a newly renovated house.

440 And the floor-to-ceiling windows of the master bedroom are really good to the deep blue lake, this location is absolutely good, you don't have to think about it to know that the price is expensive, and the magic is the capital.

Han Zhe is very satisfied, and it is of course a pleasant thing to have a comfortable place to live.

Before Steven left, he left a phone number for Han Zhe, asking him to contact him at any time if he needed anything, and just call him directly when he was going to the team in the afternoon.

Han Zhe and Lu Thoror took out their luggage and packed it, and after going out for another meal, the time was almost up.

They didn't call Steven, it's very convenient to call a taxi, there is no need to trouble others to make a special trip, Han Zhe doesn't have such a big score, so he doesn't have to wait for a pick-up and drop-off.

The two went to the gate of Amway Arena and were stopped by the doorman, but when Han Zhe took off his sunglasses, the doorman immediately let him go, Han Zhe has been appearing in newspapers and news for the past few days, it is difficult for them to know each other, and they all know that Han Zhe is now a magic person.

Next, Han Zhe, accompanied by Hannigan, was led by the team doctor to do a series of examinations, which was different from the trial test data, this time only to check whether he was in good health and whether he had any injuries.

The test was completed quickly, and after about two hours, all the test results came out, and Han Zhe was in very good health, which meant that Han Zhe was an official player of the Magic from this moment on!_

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