Harden didn't know whether his mentality collapsed or he was annoyed, and the next game began to smash Han Zhe, even if he suffered frequent losses, he leaned on Han Zhe, Han Zhe was happy to see it, but his language kept teasing Harden, which was the motivation for him to maintain his passion.

The Rockets coach saw that the difference reached 8 points in a short period of time, and Harden obviously didn't know what the hell he was playing, so he had no choice but to call a timeout.

The purpose of this timeout is clear, which is to clear Harden's head, and that's not how the ball is played.

Another point is that the Rockets are good on the inside today, but the outside line is too collapsed, Walker and Han Zhe's outside guns are simply endless firepower, and the Rockets have lost their armor a little, and their defense has to be improved.

On the Magic side, Vaughn is very satisfied with the current situation, and he didn't make any deployment adjustments, just told Ibaka to cheer up, Ibaka played too abnormally today.

The game continued after the timeout, and it seems that the Rockets' timeout this time still has some effect, because Harden, who only knew that the stupid rush before, will play his natural skills.

Harden broke through with the ball and rushed to the basket When Han Zhe just pasted the defense, as soon as his body touched, Harden fell in response!

Hearing the referee's whistle, the audience immediately booed, and Han Zhe shouted angrily at the referee: "Can't you see! This guy is a fake fall, I didn't hit him at all!"

The referee waved his hand, signaling that he clearly saw that it was a blocking foul, and motioned for Harden to make a free throw.

Harden gave Han Zhe a smug look as he passed by, and he thought he had won back a city.

Han Zhe was also helpless, they did have physical contact just now, but he did not exert his strength, and the timing of contact was also between foul and non-foul, this definition is very vague, and the subjective consciousness of the referee plays a greater role.

This kind of collision will not be slipped to the ground by ordinary players, and the referee will not judge, but Harden just rolls to the ground, and the referee will also judge, I don't know if this is considered a crying child with milk!

This kind of thing can't be done by Han Zhe anyway, he will make fouls, but he will definitely not fake falls, it's not that there is any professional ethics constraint, but he can't afford to lose this person!

"That's all you can do, your nickname is really worthy of your reputation, but I also understand, you don't know if you don't rely on fake falls, you probably won't get a point!" Han Zhe began to complain after standing in his position.

It's not the first time Harden has encountered this situation, and he is not thick-skinned and does not have such a loud reputation as "Touching Porcelain Deng", so he did not hesitate to complain to the referee that Han Zhe's language interfered with his free throws!

The referee came over and warned Han Zhe a few words, but Han Zhe ignored him at all, knowing that Han Zhe was originally dissatisfied with this penalty.

The referee hesitated, and instead of going berserk, he stepped back and threw the ball to Harden to signal him to make a free throw.

Don't blame the referee for being spineless, Han Zhe has already allied with the number one star, and the president also specially greeted Han Zhe so that Han Zhe has certain privileges, as long as Han Zhe is not too excessive, the referee really thinks this is the NBA state!

Harden also knew how he got this ball, but he didn't continue to make trouble, and scored both goals very steadily.

Magic attacked, Walker was targeted by Jeremy Lin on the outside, Han Zhe was closely followed by Harden, and Parsons was only two steps away from him, ready to help defend at any time.

Parsons came to the high post, the inside line was more natural, Walker had better vision and more experience, and immediately passed to Ibaka, who responded.

Ibaka was left with no defenders around him, so he turned and made a jumper when he received the ball.


Ibaka threw a three-way no...

After the whole court was silent, he suddenly burst into laughter, and even the Magic fans shook their heads with laughter, this ball is outrageous, although Ibaka's mid-range shot is not very strong, but it is not so hollow to shoot outside the basket without being marked, the hand is no longer called cold, it is called freezing!

"Didn't you go to the skin and become a soft-footed shrimp again last night!" Walker couldn't help but complain, this is the assist in hand to fly!

Ibaka smiled awkwardly, and he knew he was pitted with this ball.

Han Zhe didn't say anything, but let him cheer up and encourage a few words, as a player, of course he knows that everyone has ups and downs, Ibaka is indeed a little out of form today, it's not a big deal, and the team still maintains the lead, it's not a big problem!

Then the Magic's interior offensive point shifted to Vucevic, and Vucevic's performance was not bad, and when facing Howard's defense, he made full use of his relatively flexible turn, and the offensive success rate was still relatively high.

This time the rocket made a difficulty, and it was easy to leak people if he strengthened the outside defense, but Han Zhe was very incomprehensible in one-on-one situations, as long as the rocket dared to give a chance, Han Zhe dared to score points.

Today, Han Zhe's hand feels very hot, and the hit rate is terrible.

When the first quarter was over, Han Zhe scored 17 points personally, the Magic scored 32 points in a single quarter, and the Rockets only scored 21 points, and the gap came out all of a sudden.

Before the game, many people were more optimistic about the Magic continuing to win in a row, but no one would have thought that the first quarter would be like this, and the Rockets would start a little collapsed!

Taking advantage of the break, TNT began to analyze idly:

"In the first quarter, the Magic led the Rockets by 11 points, which sounds a bit big, but I don't think it's surprising that the Rockets are comprehensively suppressed on the outside, Harden and Jeremy Lin are difficult to play in front of the Magic's double guns, and the Magic inside is not weak, the Rockets only have Howard alone, but it is difficult to support a team alone!"

"Anyway, there are hardly any backcourts in the entire league right now that aren't suppressed by the Magic..."

After saying this, the audience was stunned for a moment before the TV, and the conditioned reflex thought that Barkley and they were blowing it again, but after thinking about it carefully, they couldn't help but gasp, since Han Zhe gained a foothold in the Magic, it seems that there is really no team that can do the Magic in the backcourt.

The Heat can't do it, the Spurs can't do it, and the Thunder don't seem to be able to!

One word came to everyone's mind--- invincible combination!

Thinking about it carefully, whether it is Walker or Han Zhe, they are both rookies in the rookie stage, they have already met opponents in the entire NBA, so, what about a few more years?

This is the first time that many people have realized the power of the Magic, the strength of Han Zhe, even if the Magic won streak to break the record, they didn't care too much, the team and the players, there are ups and downs, and the state is good to get a winning streak It doesn't mean anything, after all, the NBA team has not won a long-term winning streak?

Even fish belly has a moment of glory!

But after TNT said it, everyone realized that the young players of the Magic can no longer be regarded as rookies, especially Han Zhe, who is not a star of tomorrow, he has already embarked on the road to superstardom!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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