Some people have natural resistance to Han Zhe's high evaluation, or subconsciously disagree with the fact that Han Zhe is super strong, after all, they will be more inclined to support local players.

However, the fact is that it will not be diverted because of the will of others, Han Zhe can win the scoring championship in his first rookie season, and he has broken countless records along the way, which cannot be erased.

Take this ball as an example, Harden was completely rubbed by Han Zhe, you must know that Harden's regular score last year averaged 25.9 points, which was the time when the momentum was shocking, but I didn't expect to meet Han Zhe without any benefit!

The game still needs to continue, and after the start of the second quarter, the Magic took the lead in making personnel changes, that is, Leonard replaced Ibaka, and Harklesss was relieved to see this, he thought he would be replaced when he saw Leonard warm up.

Ibaka sat on the bench expressionless, not at all looking at what he was thinking, but no one would be surprised by this substitution, after all, Ibaka's performance in the first quarter can be described as terrible, and it was the right choice to let him rest.

At the beginning of the second quarter, Han Zhe made a steal in the front court and quickly counterattacked and dunked to give the Rockets a dismount.

When the Rockets counterattacked, Jones missed a shot due to Leonard's interference, and the score opened up again.

When Han Zhe attacked with the ball, Harden was teased again, Han Zhe first pulled the ball and half turned around, and then immediately pulled the ball back, so that Harden completely misjudged, Han Zhe not only hit a three-point shot, but when Harden was ready to chase the defense, he almost slipped his hands and feet and crawled on the floor for a few steps.

"Fuck! damn it!" Listening to the laughter of the audience, Harden was hit hard and couldn't help but scold.

It's no wonder that Harden is angry, he is definitely the top ten guard among the active players in the NBA, and the media has not been less touted, he is also very confident, I didn't expect everything to go wrong as soon as I met Han Zhe, it's so annoying!

And this season, Harden is not very happy, the Rockets have cultivated him as the core, but suddenly a Howard appeared, what kind of trouble is this, although his core position is still there, but Howard also has a lot of ball, it can be regarded as playing internal and external double core, and who knows if his core position can be guaranteed in the future!

If Han Zhe knew Harden's thoughts, he would definitely scoff at him, Han Zhe was full of confidence in himself, and wished that there were more masters in the team, the better, because he was not afraid of any competition, even if James came, he would not be cowardly!

When Han Zhe was chasing Jeremy Lin again, Su Qun said: "Han Zhe looks very excited today, both offensive and defensive are very active, and I don't know if Ibaka has superimposed his state on Han Zhe." "

Su Qun's words caused a burst of laughter, and then Zhang Weiping continued: "Han Zhe's growth speed and talent are too terrifying, I thought that Harden and Han Zhe could stage a dragon fight, but at present, it seems to be one-sided, and this ball depends on whether Howard can control the inside line as a breakthrough point to fight back!"

Zhang Weiping seemed to be feeling sorry for the rockets, but he showed the smugness of his tone, Han Zhe was able to crush the fire Harden to death, of course it is worth being happy, not to mention that Harden made the entire Great Celestial Dynasty very unhappy before the game, and now he has been slapped in the face!

When Harden was knocked down by Vucevic after forcing an inward cut, he completely exploded, and pushed Vucevic while scolding and raising his hand.

Vucevic is not a good temper either, he has been following Zhe's temper for a long time, and he has to learn bad temper, and he immediately pushed Harden back several steps with a backhand slap.

When Harden was about to jump up, Han Zhe flashed in front of them, clenched his fists and said to Harden: "I can beat you like a dog when you play, and you can fight, don't believe we practice?"

As the captain, Han Zhe will of course help his teammates get ahead, and he is most unaccustomed to people like Harden who want to find fault when they are restricted, the key is that this foul is not a dangerous action at all, although Han Zhe has a temper and fights, he will definitely not go crazy because he can't score points!

The referee's whistle sounded very quickly, because the players on both sides rushed together and began to fight the bull, and the audience was also noisy and scolding, and the whole stadium was as lively as a vegetable market.

Fortunately, although both sides were spitting, they didn't really do it, Harden didn't dare to look at the small Han Zhe, everyone knew that Han Zhe had strong combat effectiveness, and he was not the kind of Atai who only dared to hit fans, and Han Zhe was relatively dark, and the players who had PK with him didn't have to lie in the hospital for a few days!

Han Zhe's deterrent power to fight is better than playing!

At this time, Howard, who has a deep relationship with Magic, also squeezed into the middle of the two teams as a peacemaker, separating the two sides, Han Zhe didn't really want to fight, he wouldn't talk nonsense if he wanted to fight, so he just started it, so he also signaled the Magic players to step back.

At this time, the referee and the coaches of both sides also rushed over to persuade everyone to step aside, and finally no further conflict broke out.

Then the referee made a penalty, and Vucevic and Harden each ate a T, and the game resumed.

The Rockets made free throws on the floor with new guard Brooks because Harden had been substituted and calmed down.

Barkley first teased Harden for not daring to Han Zhe, and then ridiculed Ibaka for wanting to take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and beat the "rival in love"!

Han Zhe and they didn't pay attention just now, but Barkley and the others could see it clearly, Ibaka was the first to rush out of the bench and was about to run over to kill people, and they speculated that Ibaka must have gone to kill Harden, but fortunately, Vaughn found out as soon as possible and hugged Ibaka and ordered him not to move!

CCTV is praising Han Zhe for fulfilling his duties as a captain, not only helping his teammates to come out, but also curbing the further escalation of the conflict.

This kind of thing is common in the NBA, so the game continued after the two sides made free throws and cursed.

However, it is inevitable that the anger of both sides will be stimulated, there will be a lot more fouls, and the action will be bigger, but fortunately, the referee is more experienced, the penalty is very decisive, and some players have been given a stern warning, which makes the game not too chaotic.

The skirmish just now didn't seem to affect Han Zhe's hot hand, after the second quarter, many people were shouting wolf, and Han Zheguang actually scored 32 points in the first half.

Everyone can't help but guess, how many points does this guy want to cut today?


PS: Thank you [Refuse to tempt me] boss for tipping 588 points. _

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