The second quarter of the Magic vs. Spurs started quickly, and the Spurs still advanced steadily after the kick-off, and rarely played single in the face of the Magic's pressing in the frontcourt, choosing to quickly smash the ball on the outside, which made the Magic defense feel like there was nowhere to go.

Even Han Zhe, a defensive expert, is difficult to have a bright performance today, because the opponent rarely plays singles, and the passing speed is fast, and he has no chance to steal at all.

After the Spurs passed the ball back and forth from the outside to tear apart the Magic defense, Parker held the ball quickly, and then crossed to the middle, Duncan received the ball with his back to Vucevic and scored the ball easily with a half-turn hook hand.

Just as the Spurs were trotting at their previous pace and preparing to return to defense, the Magic had already kicked off quickly, and Afflalo flew a long ball through the midfield and fell into the hands of Han Zhe.

Han Zhe immediately started to go fast, although the French trotter Parker reacted quickly and barely followed Han Zhe's footsteps, but the other players of the Spurs were not in place, and the front "113" game was empty.

Parker gritted his teeth and broke out, and he barely caught up with Han Zhe and reached out to pick up the ball, he couldn't fight Han Zhe with his skills, and the speed was enough, and of course they knew that Han Zhe was very arrogant with this kind of ball, and he often rushed to the three-point line and threw it, so it was better to gamble now.

In the face of Parker's accelerated steal, Han Zhe made a performance that stunned everyone, only to see him flick the ball out gently, and the ball passed between Parker's legs.

Facing the court of Pingchuan, Han Zhe quickly rushed to the three-point line and made a quick stop jump shot, which was easily hit!


The audience was in an uproar, everyone was not only surprised that Han Zhe dared to play with fire in such an important game, but also surprised by the breakthrough just now, you must know that Parker was not standing still just now, but was pierced in high-speed running, many people looked incredible, and couldn't figure out how Han Zhe did it.

Barkley was also shocked: "We all know that Han's personal skills are definitely the best in the league, and he can often see dazzling performances and stun opponents in his games, but just now this ball is incredible, and I can't find an adjective at that speed." "

Smith immediately turned his head and said, "What do you think of the word luck?"

Before Barkley could speak, O'Neill shook his head with a smile and said, "Although I don't know how he did it, it's definitely not luck, the reason is very simple, Han has more than one way to get rid of Parker's entanglement, and if you're not sure, it's stupid to do so!"

Without waiting for the three living treasures to continue to discuss, the Spurs had already kicked off to launch a counterattack, and to everyone's surprise, Duncan also found Manu with a long pass, who took two steps to see Han Zhe approaching, and immediately passed to Parker, who had already rushed past the halfcourt.

Harkless, who is closest to Parker, is still two positions behind, and Parker is also a flat horse in front of him.

Parker didn't have the confidence of Han Zhe to throw three points, and rushed to the basket in one go.

After Parker's goal, the Spurs fans applauded wildly, not how beautiful the goal was, but the Spurs told the magic with their actions, they can not only play positional battles, but also play fast counterattacks, and the combination of Manu and Parker can also be slow and fast!

"Sorry, I missed it. Afflalo looked apologetic because he didn't keep up with Manu, and Han Zhe naturally missed Parker when he helped him fill in the position.

Han Zhe shook his head and signaled that it was okay, he was careless just now, he didn't expect the Spurs to beat them quickly, because the Spurs had been very stable in the previous game.

When the Magic kicked off again, the Spurs reversed a lot, and the players accelerated and ran back, obviously not wanting to give the Magic the chance to sneak up just now.

Although the Spurs have returned to the defense in place, the magic continues to implement the established tactics, Han Zhe holds the ball and advances quickly, and after two quick passes outside the three-point line, Harkless finds a block around the front, and Han Zhe decisively hits!

Magic fans were immediately perked:

"Beautiful, I'll just say that as long as Han stands up and scores the Spurs, there is no way to do it!" "It's supposed to be like this, shoot them with three points!"

"The game was too dull before, it should have been played like this a long time ago!"

"I want to laugh when I see Parker's confused appearance, he probably doesn't know how crazy Han is, right?"

"The Spurs are great defensively, but we're not idiots Thunder, their set doesn't work for us!"


The Magic reversed the score in an instant, and the Spurs were a little worried, but when they turned their head and saw their coach sitting on the bench, they relaxed inexplicably, yes, they are not only very strong, but also have a legendary coach Popovich in charge, and the Magic have nothing to fear.

Since Popovich didn't react, it proved that everything was still under control.

The game continued, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the Magic was running and bombing, because each attack of the Magic ended in about 5-10 seconds, and it was never delayed, and it was mostly medium and long-range shots...........

The advantage of running and bombing is that no matter how strong the opponent's rhythm control, it can't affect them, they run fast anyway, pass fast and shoot fast, that's the routine, you can't target anyone.

Of course, the shortcomings of running and bombing are also obvious, that is, the hit rate must be guaranteed, otherwise it is useless to shoot blindly and throw a thousand times.

At least for now, the Magic tactics were relatively successful, and they held the lead through the second quarter, and the score continued to expand.

Taking advantage of a throw-in, Popovich called a timeout.

Although I don't know what Popovich is talking about, Han Zhe and the others can hear his roar from afar, this old man has a bad temper!

After teeing off again, the magic passed to the front court a few times, and Han Zhe noticed the change as soon as possible, because he was trapped.

Han Zhe did not hesitate and immediately distributed the ball to Aflalo, who received it on the wing, but as soon as the latter received the ball, he was also targeted.

However, it is expected that the Spurs will strengthen their perimeter defense, and the Magic have already had a plan to deal with it, and Afflalo gave a hanging pass to the interior.

Ibaka received the ball, although it was marked by Duncan, but he still took two steps to open the gap and gave the ball to the empty Harkless.

Harkless's jumper shot, iron!

After a few more rounds, Harkless's was completely speechless, and the Spurs would inevitably leak people on the inside after strengthening the outside line, but the Spurs seemed to recognize him as a 4.6 bully, and every time they stared at Ibaka and Vucevic to empty him.

The most annoying thing is that he seems to be really easy to bully, and the iron rate is too high, allowing the Spurs to successfully chase the score and overtake.

Of course, Han Zhe and others also found out that the Spurs were planning, but they couldn't let Harkless stay vacant, right?

What's more, it is difficult for Harkless to find a good passing route even if he doesn't shoot, and if he stabilizes and looks for opportunities, he will undoubtedly be dragged into a positional battle by the Spurs, which is back to square one, which means that their tactics have failed.

The Spurs are a conspiracy, play however you want, and if Harkless's form explodes, they will admit it!

The Magic are not in a hurry for the time being, and they are also thinking about what if Harkless will play in a while, so they are not in a hurry to make changes.


PS: Thank you [no word] boss for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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