No one could have imagined that Harkless, a soy sauce player, would become the most important figure on the field, and his form would directly affect the trend of the game.

However, what makes Magic fans a little anxious is that Harkless's crosshairs are really not good, and he wasted a lot of great opportunities, and the Spurs took the lead again after the second quarter, which can only be said that Popovich's targeted tactics were successful!

At halftime, the Magic actively discussed the tactical plan, but the Spurs were a new move, and the Magic had no good choice at all, either they would continue to play and run, or they could only accompany the Spurs to slowly play positional battles.

Harkless, who had been silent, felt like he was a Magic sinner today, and if he had shot a little higher in the second quarter, the situation would not have been so passive.

Han Zhe and his teammates comforted him, because this really can't be blamed on Harkless, the hit rate has not been high, and he usually doesn't shoot much, just doing dirty work, and it was an accident to become the first attack point today, and it can only be said that he was pitted by Spurs.

In the second half, the Magic made personnel adjustments again, replacing Harkless's appearance with Leonard, many people knew that the Magic intended to continue to play and bomb as soon as they saw this substitution, and the reason for Leonard was naturally that his offensive ability was stronger than Harkless.

After the Spurs kicked off and passed the ball smoothly to the front court, Manu shot and hit the iron, and after a scramble, the rebound was picked up by Vucevic, and the Spurs defended as soon as possible.

Although the magic had no chance, they quickly passed the ball to the front court, and as soon as Han Zhe got the ball, he faced the bag again.

Han Zhe saw that Afflaro was also closely followed, so he chose to cross inside, and after Ibaka received the ball and hit Duncan with his back to attract the attention of the defense, he gave the ball to Leonard, who had just come on the field.

Leonard hesitated slightly after receiving the ball, but thinking of the previous explanation from his coach and teammates, he immediately made a jump shot.


Duncan flew the ball off the court with a big hat.

"It's a pity for this ball, Leonard was obviously stunned when he received the ball, and when he shot again, he was already a beat slower, and he was given a bloody cap by Duncan's defense in place!" Su Qun said with a little regret.

Zhang Weiping continued: "Actually, Leonard can't be blamed for this ball, this is the finals, the players are under a lot of pressure, and Leonard used to basically work on the defensive end, and now he is required to shoot when he catches the ball, and he may not be very comfortable after the role change." "

Su Qun said again: "It seems that the magic is planning to continue to fight, Director Zhang, do you think the magic tactical choice is the most reasonable?"

Zhang Weiping thought for a while and said: "Running and bombing is a relatively large tactic, the advantages and disadvantages are equally obvious, if you play well, you can block and kill God, and if you don't play well, the fish belly team can also abuse it, it is really difficult to be effective without conventional tactics, it is more reasonable for Magic to choose gambling tactics, now it depends on Leonard who has just come on the court, if Leonard plays well, Magic is very likely to win when it blooms more." "

As soon as Zhang Weiping finished speaking, Leonard proved that he could score goals, and under the pull of Vucevic and Ibaka, he got another chance and hit the shot.

Watching the Magic players high-five and celebrate, the Spurs assistant coach said to Popovich a little worriedly: "Leonard's shooting seems to be quite accurate, and his offensive ability is also good, should we make some more tactical adjustments?"

Popovich hugged his arms and said calmly: "Don't worry, Leonard is indeed a very well-rounded player, but don't forget that he used to be in the same position as Magic and Harkless, it is not so easy to switch from defense to offense, and many of his defensive and tactical habits have become instinctive." "

Popovich shut up and began to focus on the game.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy, and it is another round of magic offense, and Leonard reflexively reflexively reads to find a passing route after receiving the ball and wastes the best shooting opportunity, which is indeed deep instinct.

When Leonard came back to his senses and made a jumper, the opponent had already made up for the interference in time and missed the shot.

As the game progressed, Han Zhe was also a little anxious, because the situation of the game was completely different from what they expected.

They also thought that they would definitely be able to turn the situation around after replacing Leonard, but they didn't expect it to be similar to when Harkless was on the court in the second quarter, Leonard was also in frequent condition, and he couldn't pick up the offensive beam at all.

Seeing that Han Zhe began to rely on his personal strength to rush forward again, and forcibly scored points under the bag, Barkley shook his head and said: "The magic is a little impatient, this is not a good thing, Han is too physically exhausted to play like this." "

Smith said: "Han can't help it, Leonard's situation on the court has not changed, Vucevic and Ibaka are also stuck very dead, how can Han play if he doesn't stand up and cut the game?"

O'Neill nodded and said: "It's really a bit incomprehensible, if Han maintains his previous style of play, it is estimated that the score difference will be widened, and Han can chase points after the outbreak, but there is still more than one quarter before the game ends, and it is difficult for him to play the whole game like this." "


The next game can be said to be Han Zhe's solo show, frequently breaking through to score points, and Leonard often comes out to block Han Zhe and let him shoot three points.

Han Zhe's explosion had a remarkable effect, and the Magic tied the score again at the end of the third quarter, but Han Zhe was already sweating and panting when he left the game.

The fourth quarter continued, and after three or four minutes of play, Han Zhe's pace slowed down a little, he knew that it didn't make much sense to continue to stay on the court, so he took the initiative to ask for a substitution, Walker went up, Han Zhe went down, and then their score fell behind by four points.

After Walker came on the court, the Magic turned into a positional battle again for two reasons, one is that Walker does not have Han Zhe's scoring and breakthrough ability, and after Han Zhe is off the court, the Spurs do not need to be trapped, they can all mark people, and it is difficult for Magic to play the previous rhythm.

Secondly, running and bombing is too physically exhausting, and the magic are tired overall, and they continue to run and bomb to their death.

At the final whistle, the Magic lost 81-89 and lost in the first round!

Han Zhe was lying on the bench and looking at the score in a daze, it wasn't that a ball hit him, but he was thinking about things, why did they lose, what went wrong?

In fact, what surprised Han Zhe the most was the physical fitness of the old guys like Spurs, who thought they could run to their death, but they didn't, but instead ran them to death. _

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