As soon as the game ended, the reporters on the scene became excited, although the Spurs who won the first victory were favored by reporters, but there were also a lot of media around the magic side, especially Han Zhe, who was one of the focuses.

As a platform for alliance cooperation, TNT was the first to find Han Zhe and asked, "Han, can you summarize the reasons for the loss of this ball magic game?"

The reporter didn't have much hope, many losing teams didn't have the heart to deal with reporters, and Han Zhe's temper was also a bit weird, which was difficult to figure out.

To the reporter's delight, Han Zhe didn't turn around and leave, and after hearing the reporter's question, he paused and said: "The only reason is that the Spurs play better, and their defensive ability and physical fitness are completely unexpectedly strong." "

The reporter immediately continued: "You mean it's hard for the Magic to break down the Spurs' defense?

Han Zhe spread his hands and said, "If you have it, you can't say it here!"

The reporter immediately laughed, indeed, if Magic has targeted tactics, it can't be a big mouth here, otherwise the whole world will know, is it stupid to be a spur?

"Last question, you lost the first game of the finals, why don't you seem to be in a bad mood?"

Han Zhe suddenly laughed, "I definitely can't say that I am in a good mood when I lose, not to mention that this is still a finals game, but there are seven games, and losing one is not the end of the world!"

Next, Han Zhe was interviewed by some domestic media.

"Hello Han Zhe, we know that the Magic has been playing smoothly in this playoffs, especially in the first game of each round, and has never lost, but today the Magic's undefeated golden body in the first round was broken, will this be a bad omen?"

Han Zhe glanced at this reporter and said speechlessly: "Big brother, you, a metaphysical reporter, have you gone to the wrong set!"


The scene burst into laughter.

"The Spurs are very difficult to break down positional battles, have the Magic thought of a good solution?"

"A lot of stars say they see the Magic down, what do you think about that?"

Han Zhe was about to say a few more words before leaving, when suddenly a reporter said loudly: "Just now someone questioned Coach Vaughn's improper tactics, but he vaguely said that some players did not obey the arrangement, this is not his designated tactic, is this true Han Zhe?"

There was an uproar at the scene, no one expected that such a fierce news would be broken out just after the game ended, the key is that Vaughn said this, doesn't it indicate that there is a problem within the magic!

A group of reporters began to raise questions about the question with microphones, trying to verify whether it was true.

Han Zhe glanced at Vaughn, who was also not far away, frowned, and nodded decisively: "That's right, the player he said is me!"


The scene suddenly exploded, no one expected Vaughn to break this kind of material in such an important game, let alone Han Zhe actually admitted it directly.

Some shocked foreign media just wanted to ask questions, but they were immediately blinded by the questions of the Celestial Empire reporters.

"Wow, is this true? Does this mean that you are more authoritative in magic than Vaughn, Han Zhe, you are really amazing!"

"The rest of the Magic players are also supporting you, right, does that mean you have full control of the Magic locker room?"

"Does Devos know about these things? I guess he knows and supports you, right?"

"Does that mean Vaughn can't stay with the Magic anymore?"

Han Zhe: "..."

Foreign media: "..."

Not to mention that the foreign media's brain was a little stunned after listening to the translation, even Han Zhe was a little speechless about the brain circuits of these Celestial Dynasty reporters, this is a scandal or not, how can it be glorious.

Han Zhe didn't want to say anything more about this issue, so he waved his hand to everyone and turned to leave.

As soon as he walked to the door of the locker room, Han Zhe heard Walker scolding, and when he entered the door, he saw that most of the players had returned.

"Han, do you know what Vaughn said, he actually blamed us for disobeying the arrangement when he lost today, this bastard, he only lost one game, and he began to shirk responsibility. Vaughn began to complain loudly when he saw Han Zhe.

Han Zhe patted him on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down, and then said, "I know, and I have admitted it, because Vaughn is right, I proposed the bomb before." "

Ibaka wiped his sweat with a towel, raised his eyebrows and said, "Han, how can you admit it, this kind of thing doesn't affect you well, as long as you deny it, we will definitely say that Vaughn is talking nonsense." "

The other players all nodded after hearing this, they didn't have to think about how to stand in line at all, several bigwigs of the Magic team supported Han Zhe, so they naturally didn't have to think about Vaughn's idea.

Han Zhe shook his head and said: "I'm straight, if I have it, there is no need to lie, and do you think I will care about the media's opinion?"

Walker was unconvinced: "Before that, we didn't play less tactics formulated by ourselves, why didn't he say that we were playing indiscriminately when we won the game?"

As soon as Walker finished speaking, the locker room door was pushed open, and Vaughn walked in with a black face, as if he must have heard what he had just said.

Walker glanced at him, snorted coldly and tilted his head to the side, and the others were similar, ignoring him.

Vaughn took a deep breath, turned to Han Zhe and said, "Go change your clothes and follow me to the post-match press conference in a moment." "

Han Zhe directly refused: "I'm not in the mood, I don't want to go!"

Although Han Zhe took the initiative to cooperate with the blame, it did not mean that he would be happy with Vaughn's approach, and he didn't have to think about it to know that there must be questions about this matter at the press conference, and he was too lazy to deal with these media.

After Vaughn left with an unhappy face, the locker room was lively again.

"It's as if he's been an All-Star coach, and he's not a if he doesn't have us. "

"It's rubbish to make excuses when you lose!"

"If it's not for the finals, Lao Tzu wants to boycott the game, see if he still drags it!"

"Okay, let's not say a word, go take a shower and change clothes, don't catch a cold. Han Zhe got up and greeted the players and drove them up, this matter is over, it is no good to continue to complain, although Han Zhe is sometimes stunned, but as the captain, he is still very qualified. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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