Everyone else in the ring was fighting, only Griffin was free to walk around the ring, and when he saw Green still lying on the ground, Griffin reached out to help him up and took him to the ring to signal him to rest.

Su Qun praised: "Who said that Griffin is a hooligan? You see that he is still very gentlemanly, and he didn't fall into the well to deal with Green, uh... When I didn't say anything..."

Zhang Weiping next to him was laughing like crazy, and the audience was about the same, because when Su Qun was praising Griffin, the guy instantly changed his face and sneaked attack, hugging Green's leg and knocking him out of the ring.

It seems that Griffin helped Green to the ring just for this, just in response to the old saying, the heart of defense is indispensable!

Ignoring Green's angry scolding in the ring, Griffin sneaked around next to Dabu and HHH, who were fighting wildly in the corner.

HHH noticed Griffin, but he didn't show anything unusual, and sure enough, Griffin struck at the big cloth with his back to him.

Griffin rushed over and almost knocked Dabu out of the ring with a Vajra arm, Dabu grabbed the side rope and turned his head angrily to see who had done it to him, but HHH made a fuss, grabbed him by one leg and pushed him out.

Da Bu couldn't make any effort when he landed on one foot, and at this time, Griffin also came to help, grabbed his other leg and sent him up, and Da Bu couldn't help but flip out of the ring.


The audience was boiling, and they never expected that the inconspicuous Griffin would quickly kill the two, especially the big cloth that was also planted in his hands!

Da Bu was obviously not convinced after getting up, and wanted to climb towards the ring again, but the security guard next to him immediately rushed over and took him away in his uniform.

Don't underestimate WWE's security and referees, most of them are retired or active WWE players, and their combat effectiveness is very impressive.

Listening to the audience cheering, Griffin enjoyed the sensation and excitedly raised his head in response with a victorious gesture.

Orton was kicked by Roman, and before falling to the ground, he grabbed Griffin's head next to him and knocked it down, and Griffin's head suddenly flicked on the side rope.

As soon as he turned his head in a daze, Roman, who was chasing Orton, happened to rush over, and when he saw Griffin in the way, he slammed into him with a flying shoulder.


Griffin, who was standing on the edge of the ring, fell out of the ring directly upside down, lying on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up, and this fall was not light.

This wave made the audience shout

McMahon on the sidelines couldn't help frowning, he didn't expect to eliminate so many players in a short period of time, and most of the key was WWE's people, especially Da Xiu and Da Bu were injured, these two were previously regarded by him as a guarantee of victory.

However, McMahon is not too worried, because Senna, Roman, Orton and others are still on the field, and their chances of winning are still higher.

For McMahon, the uncertainty on the field is HHH.

Without his cooperation, Han Zhe would probably have been eliminated, and Daxiu should not have been besieged by so many people, in fact, he also killed the punk, and he also contributed to Dabu's elimination!

McMahon knew that this was not only the reason why HHH and Han Zhe had a mentor-apprentice relationship, but mainly because HHH and McMahon were already a little wrong.

The current WWE big-name players are basically trained by McMahon at the beginning, so they naturally obey him, and HHH, who has already begun to take power, does not want to see this situation, and the conflict between the two is difficult to avoid.

HHH has already started to form a new tournament with the aim of cultivating a group of star players who are loyal to them.


Without Griffin in the way, Roman and Orton fought again.

Han Zhe's side, Senna and the three of them had already separated and got up, but they had no plans to join forces, first, Senna couldn't afford to lose this person, and second, Senna didn't think that these two people could help much.

Playing basketball, James and Wade are awesome, and the cooperation is also wonderful, but wrestling, Senna can spit on their faces.

Senna got up and picked up Wade next to him and smashed it to the ground, and then came a classic five-finger blow, and Wade immediately covered his face and rolled.

James was unconvinced by Han Zhe's beating just now, and rebounding with the help of the side rope was a flying shoulder.

His slow and non-standard flying shoulder Han Zhe did not dodge, but fell to the ground and paddled his feet up, and James suddenly rolled over in the air and smashed on the ground.

Barkley covered his eyes funny and said: "It's so miserable! James's wrestling talent really can't be compared with Han Bi, it hurts to look at it this time, but James obviously doesn't want to admit defeat, so he got up and rushed over again, Han dexterously lowered his head to dodge, wow, it's another hug fall, James moved twice and couldn't get up, it seems that this is enough to choke!"

Han Zhe's fans are already crazy, they didn't expect Han Zhe and James to be able to stand in the ring one day to PK, the key is that James has been rubbed on the ground.

James fans want to cry without tears, (well) heartache can't breathe, it stands to reason that James's physique and strength should have crushed Han Zhe, but how could it be the other way around!

They still have bitterness to say, if the two of them change their size, they can also say that Han Zhe bullied James with his physical advantage, but now...

Another group is Howard and HHH

Howard has been more leisurely today, except for the previous struggle with Dabu, and then it was very comfortable to touch the east and the west.

As a result, he is now being targeted by HHH, who has his free hands!

Although this group of NBA players has undergone some temporary wrestling training and knows some skills, after all, the learning time is short and it is difficult to play.

Howard misses two consecutive attacks and is beaten by HHH's back-falling triple blows and loses his temper..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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