I don't know if it's for the effect of the show or if he didn't take Wade in his eyes at all, Senna didn't dodge and ate Wade's two hugs and fell in the ring.

Seeing that Senna couldn't get up, Wade was very excited to pounce on him to suppress it, and the audience immediately laughed when he looked left and right as if he was very puzzled why the referee didn't come to count the seconds.

The big-mouthed Barkley immediately complained: "Wade seems to have been beaten stupidly, he is actually waiting for the referee to read the seconds, now the rule is not to win in three seconds, you must throw the opponent out of the ring!"

Wade reacted to the laughter of the audience and realized that he had done something stupid, and immediately got up and prepared to grab Senna's leg and drag him to the ring.

But Senna kicked his legs hard, Wade turned upside down, and as soon as he got up, Senna flew to his shoulder and arrived again, and this time he was hit not lightly, and Wade lay on the ground panting.

Senna had no intention of stopping, and was about to push Wade who fell to the edge of the ring, but was attacked from behind by HHH, who had just put down Howard, and kicked Senna to the side rope and bounced back to the ground several times.

Senna barely sat up, and HHH rushed over and kicked Senna in the head, which made Senna completely cold.

Seeing this opportunity, Han Zhe pushed James away, rebounded with the help of the side rope, rushed over a sliding tackle, and kicked Wade out of the ring with one kick.

This time it's terrible, the online scolding war started again, Zhan Wei fans angrily sprayed Han Zhe for his own people, they said that there are four players in WWE, they have four people in the NBA, if they join forces, there is still a chance, and now Han Zhe eliminated Wade to death.

However, Han Zhe's fans are also angry, and they don't look at their level in the NBA, except that Han Zhe is a weak chicken, where does the confidence come from?

The most important thing is that Wade and James teamed up to deal with Han Zhe before, and now if you seize the opportunity, who will you get?

Netizens are still discussing Wade's exit, and the situation on the field has changed again.

When Howard saw HHH dealing with Senna, he immediately got up and slipped over to Roman and Orton, ready to look for an opportunity.

How do you know that Roman and the others are like a discussion, the two turned around at the same time and swung their fists left and right, knocking Howard down in an instant, and grabbed him again and took a double back fall.

Howard, who has not received professional training to resist hits, can withstand two heavy blows in a row, and almost does not get shocked.

The two of them grabbed Howard with one hand and dragged him to the edge of the ring and kicked it down, knocking out another person in an instant!

At this time, Senna got up again, and he was preoccupied with guarding against HHH.

Han Zhe grabbed Senna's arms from behind and locked them, and HHH Lingxi came over to take over, and clamping Senna's head was a big attack.

After HHH finished attacking, Han Zhe was already in the ring corner of the audience, and then slammed into Senna with a flying pounce to make up for it.

As soon as Han Zhe and the others grabbed Senna and were about to throw it down, an unexpected scene happened.

James actually rushed over at this time, and Han Zhe, who was standing together, and HHH Senna all fell to the ground.

Han Zhe was angry, he could have beaten James a long time ago, but for the sake of the show, he has been slowly consuming with him.

I believe that his opponents were the same before, after all, James is an NBA star, and it is not good to look good if he is kicked down twice, and he is also one of the ratings guarantees.

Han Zhe didn't expect this guy to come and make trouble at the critical moment.

Senna had lost his combat effectiveness at this time, but Han Zhe and HHH did not, and after getting up, both of them looked at James who was in a dilemma.

Many Zhan fans have begun to cover their eyes, isn't this wave of operations dead, one Han Zhe is enough to choke, and now one HHH is added...

HHH struck first, and James managed to bend down to dodge one of the Vajra arms, but as soon as he got up, Han Zhe followed him with a second very standard Vajra arm, and the gorilla fell to the ground gloriously in the midst of the audience's exclamations.

As soon as James pouted his ass and wanted to slip away, he was caught and locked by Han Zhe, HHH relay, but he did not attack with a trick this time, after all, James is not a professional wrestler, and he has no self-protection ability, so he is easy to get injured with this trick.

Even if James didn't have to make a big move, it was enough to choke, HHH grabbed him by the waist, lifted him up and sat on his neck, and then slammed it to the ground.


With a muffled sound, the gorilla became a dead orangutan.

Han Zhe easily picked up the leak and kicked him out of the ring with his foot.

But as soon as Han Zhe finished his work, he was immediately hit hard and fell to the ground, he fell a little dizzy, and he didn't know what was going on.

However, the audience saw very clearly that when HHH and Han Zhe cleaned up James, Senna had secretly pulled the side rope and climbed up and waited for the opportunity.

Senna immediately turned around after the blow, and sure enough, HHH rushed over, Senna was very nimble and half turned to dodge and grabbed HHH and smashed it, and he pressed HHH and fell to the ground.

The scene erupted in huge applause, and Senna's round of offense and defense was really exciting.

Su Qun said regretfully: "Oh! It's a pity, if it wasn't for James to make trouble just now, Senna would have been eliminated, and now he has eased up, this is not easy to deal with." "

Zhang Weiping said: "This is not necessarily, there are only five people on the field now, Roman and Orton are too busy to take care of themselves, and HHH Han Zhe and the two masters and apprentices are obviously teaming up, although Senna is very strong, it is not so easy to play two." "

The domestic audience breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, what Director Zhang said was reasonable, and anyone with eyes could see that today's game HHH helped Han Zhe a lot, and if the two continue to join forces, Han Zhe has a great chance of defending his title.

However, HHH seemed to be deliberately slapped in the face, he got up and kicked Senna down, and then turned around and kicked Han Zhe to the ground.

Zhang Weiping was so hung that he was choked to death by saliva, and he could only hide his embarrassment with a dry cough, and the other audience was also confused, didn't the two of them still work together just now to look like a master and apprentice.

Why did you suddenly turn your face?

However, in this way, it is even more confusing, and no one can see the direction of the situation clearly. _

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