The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2230: The secret place [Six million words Wang Wang, please slaughter]

& # 160; He thought about it, first found a secret place, that is the soul of General Niu Niu and Black Tiger, waiting for night to do this.

Although the soul of the Black Tiger has been seriously injured and suppressed, only through thorough refining can he reduce the power of the sword to the limit. This is the every move of the bull demon general stationed here. The refining and chemistry of the soul, of course, is to continue to carry forward the spirit of the chaotic dragon sword.

At night, a bright moon appeared in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it was covered by dark clouds.

At this time, Pan Chen opened his eyes, immediately applied the Five Elements hermit, and quietly escaped to the village, through the induction of gas, to find the general's residence.

After a while, in a tent, the bean lantern illuminates the entire tent.

At this time, a bull devil general was celebrating with two bull witches, and Pan Chen also heard the heavy breathing of the man and the delicate moan of the woman. He secretly rejoiced in his heart, and the man at this time was the most relaxed spirit, which was not difficult to kill. He secretly even condensed the power of Yang Dadao into the meaning of pure Yang sword.

After a while, Pan Chen ’s figure suddenly surfaced, waving his sword, and chopping it. When General Niu recognized the sea, a pure Yang sword suddenly appeared, just like a round of rising sun, and immediately took Xuanyin ’s soul Burned out almost 1/3.

As a result, General Niu Guizi didn't have time to respond, Pan Chen's hand sword quickly crossed his neck and cut off his head. Pan Chen then tied his soul with a soul chain and pulled it into his own sea of ​​understanding.

The two women screamed screaming and looked afraid to ask for help.

A bright sword flashed over, and blood marks appeared on the necks of the two men. Blood flow poured out and fell on the bed.

Subsequently, two bull-class guards rushed in and were killed by Pan Chen with a sword.

After a while, when several bull warriors arrived with a large number of soldiers, they found that the tent was empty, but there was blood on the ground and on the bed. At this time, Pan Chen had taken five bodies and armor away with a secret ring.

A bull soldier checked the ground and said, "This is the blood of the general. The general may have been killed!"

Another bull warrior said: "It must be the Xiongba tribe, they salivated for iron ore for a day or two!"

"Yes, we must notify the leader immediately, otherwise, if the general is not here, they will die and take the opportunity to slip in, then there will be trouble!"

Soon, several centurions at the bull and warrior levels finalized the plan, and while they increased their vigilance, they sent people to inform the tribal leaders.

However, they did not know that Pan Chen was peeking, and several people sent were intercepted by Pan Chen on the way.

Subsequently, Pan Chen removed the cores of the five bodies and discarded them. Then, he began to use Yin and Yang fire to refine the spirit of General Niu and the pure soul power obtained by refining and chemistry. Apart from part of it used to restore the spirit, the rest was used to promote the chaos of the real dragon sword.

Half an hour later, Pan Chen slipped into the village again, preparing to slip into the Bull Warrior.

However, this time, the enemy's security was extremely strict. Eight bull warriors gathered in a tent, and there were also 100 bull warriors outside alert. Heavy soldiers were also hidden in several nearby tents. If you want to attack again, it's not that simple! Pan Chen ’s heart was taken aback by secretly, so he was on guard and wanted to get it. It was really not easy. He could only summon it at the risk of Hong Yuanba and others!

After a while, he suddenly got out of the tent, cut off his sword, and a bull warrior was cut off his head. So he hurriedly urged Xuan Shuizhu, Hong Yuanba, Dong Haichuan and others to release.

At this time, the other seven Bull Warriors were already holding long swords to kill Pan Chen, but they were surrounded by 18 people, such as Hong Yuanba, and they suddenly appeared.

As soon as Pan Chen waved his sword, a pure Yang sword wanted to cut off the soul of one of the bulls and the demon warrior, immediately flashed over his figure, and cut off his head with his sword.

Hong Yuanba also killed a bull demon warrior with a knife. Dong Haichuan also cooperated with others to kill a bull soldier.

At this time, the eight bull warriors were half dead, but one of them resisted several attacks and lifted the tent.

Next to it, 100 bull warriors rushed into their hands with spears to kill them, and many others threw the spears directly. Fortunately, almost all Hongyuan Dam and others have good armor to protect themselves, but no casualties.

Immediately, Pan Chen's figure flashed, the chaotic true dragon sword quickly waved, wait a moment, the remaining four bull warriors were hacked to death.

At this time, Hong Yuanba took people to kill the people around him, relying on the edge of the gods, the magic weapon is very strong, although with a few enemies, it can still resist. Pan Chen and Hong Yuanba and others acted as the blades and quickly killed the Bull Warriors.

Immediately, 700 soldiers were ambushed nearby, including an elite named Bull Demon Warrior. Pan Chen and others suddenly increased pressure and the battle became extremely fierce.

Fortunately, Pan Chen ’s repairs far exceeded those of the bulls and demon warriors, killing them alone in the army, as if they had opened an unparalleled army, such as cutting grass, which greatly reduced Hongyuanba and others pressure.

After a fierce battle, the soldiers of the Golden Eagle tribe lost more than half of their injuries, and finally the morale collapsed and began to collapse, escaping!

Then, after the chase, Pan Chen and others finally killed them all.

Then, people started to pick up loot, except for the crystal core, weapons, armor, and thousands of quiet iron accumulated in the warehouse, all of which were taken away.

When the people of the Golden Eagle tribe discovered that the soldiers stationed were destroyed and the iron was lost, they inevitably covered the black pot with the most suspicious Xiongba tribe.

A quarter of an hour later, Pan Chen performed these five tasks and returned to the Black Bear Cave as a hiding place. .Figure

Immediately, he released people in mysterious drops of water. The war was extremely tragic. At that time, almost everyone was injured, and it was repaired very scarred. Fortunately, Fang Yingxue had given him preliminary treatment of Xuan Shuizhu, and he would soon recover.

As a result, the crowd began to distinguish the spoils. This time there were a total of Bull Warrior Crystal Core, Cow Demon Warrior Crystal Core, Common Bull Soldier Crystal Core, and thousands of quiet armor. This time is a bumper harvest, the harvest is not worse than last time, the total value is more than 10,000 points!

Then, Hong Yuanba harvested half of it, Pan Chen got a bull demon warrior core and a crystal core, Dong Haichuan got a common crystal core.

Although Dong Haichuan's harvest was only a quarter of Pan Chen's, he was already satisfied because it was 20,000 points. In order to follow Song Hanjiang, he wanted a big battle and got 10,000 points, I am afraid this is wishful thinking!

In fact, the people around Hong Yuanba, except himself, are envious of Dong Haichuan. Since Dong Haichuan people can get income, but they have 18 people, Hongyuanba still accounts for the majority, which can be divided up to 5%. Dong Haichuan also knew that Pan Chen took care of him, so he already believed Pan Chen's roommate. ..

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