The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2231: The result is gratifying [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

& # 160; However, although the results are gratifying, but they need to recuperate, one is to recover injuries and practice, the other is to repair the magic weapon of the holy warriors, how can the magic weapon not be damaged in the war? When the Golden Eagle tribe and the Xiongba tribe pinch each other and hurt the soldier folding general, this is the time for them to do it!

The next day, early in the morning, Xiongba tribe, the Central Sweat Account.

A self-defense centurion of a bull demon warrior class came quickly and bowed and said: "Chief, the black tiger general opposite the blue jade orchard and 500 elite soldiers are dead!"

The tribal leader Xiong Meng is a burly middle-aged man, tall, with black horns on his head, bronze skin, and tendons and flesh like a dragon, looking dignified. He was very angry when he heard the news of the war! He could bear the loss of General Black Snake and three hundred soldiers, so he sent people to the Golden Eagle Tribe to interrogate and monitor it. But now the Black Tiger and 500 elites have a total strength of only 3,000 Xiongba tribes, but they really hurt muscles and bones. How can he bear it!

However, the Xiongba tribe thinks it is not as powerful as people. If you want to get cheap from the Golden Eagle tribe, you have to find someone to work together. He is preparing to send people to contact the Black Python Tribe on the west side of the Golden Eagle Tribe to attack both sides and seize part of the Golden Eagle Tribe's territory. As for the complete extinction of the Golden Eagle Tribe, he did not expect it. Because, as the largest tribe of the Niudian, the Heilong tribe is not allowed. After all, there is also Yan Demon in the South. This big problem still exists. Now it hits the dog's head. When Yan Demon is about to attack, who will resist?

But at this moment, another close guard rushed to the report and said, "Boss, the Golden Eagle tribe sent people just now that we took people to destroy the 800 people in the Black Mountain Mine and took away all the accumulated Iron. "Let us tell them the situation, otherwise we will send troops to destroy us. "

Xiong smiled fiercely and said, "Well, you golden eagle, how dare you hit our rake!" Go and put one ear of the golden eagle tribe man back, and tell him to tell the golden eagle, quickly put the black tiger and black tiger The murderers of the two generals, the snake, surrendered and ceded a piece of land, otherwise he would regret it. "

When the guard received the order, he immediately came down, cut off his ears, and asked him to take back the bear's words.

Then Xiong Meng quickly sent someone to contact the Black Python Tribe, and promised to give the other party most of the benefits. At this time, he was determined to tear off a piece of meat from the Golden Eagle tribe. At this time, he damaged two generals and lost the strength of 800 people. If the Golden Eagle tribe is not weakened, the Xiongba tribe will be in danger of extinction!

Half an hour later, Golden Eagle Tribe, Central Sweat Account!

The leader of the Golden Eagle tribe is a middle-aged man, dressed in a dark gold suit, with a handsome face and extraordinary temperament. Although he has a pair of black horns on his head, he still has an indescribable charm. He looked at the messenger, his ears were cut off, and his face was somber.

Although Xiong Meng strongly denied it, he still believed that the 800 elites who died in the Black Mountain mine were probably killed by the Hunba tribe. Because Xiong Meng sent someone to ask questions, saying that he slaughtered 300 soldiers stationed in the Blue Jade Orchard and wanted to secretly seek evidence. Of course, it turned out that someone was blown up by him. Xiong Meng may be bitter and kill the Black Mountain Mine by himself! They did not do so little in the past, but did not do so much in such revenge.

So, he decided to teach the bear tribe a lesson! Then he called a general named Tieying and ordered him to take a thousand soldiers to rob another resource's bear tribe, Black Moon Lake.

However, an hour later, a close guard suddenly hurriedly reported: "Boss, this great event is not good. 1000 soldiers and General Iron Eagle who went to Black Moon Lake were ambushed by the Xiongba tribe and were completely wiped out. In addition, the Black Python Tribe and the Xiongba Tribe have invaded from east to west, occupying many of our resources. " "What?"

The golden eagle is just a panicked god. He saw the thoughts of two tribes, but wanted to completely destroy his golden eagle tribe. At that time, even if the Black Dragon Tribe knew, it was too late. He hurriedly dispatched people to inform the Black Dragon Tribe, and at the same time assembled the army to arm various nationalities, and all the people were ready to fight! In fact, if he is willing to break his wrist now, he will only lead all ethnic groups to the Black Dragon Tribe in the north, that is, these two big tribes dare not chase them. But he cannot give up the base here. In addition, the elderly, the weak, women and children are very slow and difficult to evacuate. Therefore, he had to fight and delay here until the messenger of the Black Dragon Tribe dared to come.

An hour later, the Black Python Tribe and the Xiongba Tribe joined the middle route, and then attacked the sweat of the Golden Eagle Tribe together, preparing to destroy it in one fell swoop.

After a while, the two sides confronted each other.

Xiong Menglang said: "You people of the Golden Eagle tribe, this war is the first time you have initiated this war." He destroyed three hundred soldiers from my sapphire orchard for the first time. I sent someone to investigate. He was under siege. Now he has sent troops to fight Black Moon Lake. If it didn't save me in time, people would be poisoned. With so many provocations by the golden eagle, I will never stop bullying the tribe! Unless you remove the position of the leader of the golden eagle and let us handle it, you should not be affectionate. "

Many people from the Golden Eagle tribe listened and looked different. Under the current situation, this struggle will undoubtedly fail, and it is also very good to resolve conflicts with the life of the leader. In particular, some ambitious generals are eager to use this position.

The golden eagle saw the dangerous map of Xiongmeng separatists and immediately said coldly: "If I die, the dragon will be slaughtered by two big tribes." In addition, I have asked the Black Dragon tribe for help. As long as we persevere for a while, the messenger of the Black Dragon Tribe will come soon. "

At this time, the leader of the Black Python tribe said coldly: "Why do you say so much? Kill!"

When Xiong heard it, he immediately said, "General, kill people!"

Immediately, six thousand soldiers of these two tribes immediately attacked the Golden Eagle tribe!

The golden eagle also fought against the people of the golden eagle tribe. The Golden Eagle Tribe pulled out all the soldiers, with a total strength of nearly 7,000 people, but from the perspective of the master, it was even worse, so it quickly fell into the wind and caused many casualties.

Perhaps within a quarter of an hour, the army of the Golden Eagle tribe would completely collapse and perish.

However, in the northern sky, there were suddenly a dozen giant black dragons with black flying dragons. A middle-aged man wearing black war armor jumped from the dragon and fell on the front line of the battle between the three tribes The leader of the Black Python Horde blocked him, and drove him back with a knife.

Suddenly, the black armor made a sudden contribution, a circle of black poison gas poured out, and the belligerents of both soldiers flew up. Then he looked at the black python and said coldly: "Black python, stop, or your black python tribe will be sanctioned!"

The leader of the Black Python tribe became very frustrated. When he was about to swallow a bite of fat, he was forced to spit it out, of course he was in a bad mood. But he looked up and saw a dozen flying dragons hanging in the air, he had to say: "A truce, the children and men of the Black Python Tribe!"

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