The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1001: I didn't lie to you, did I?

While speaking, Su Yi frowned.

Perhaps the Soul Devouring Emperor has already been shaken in his heart, but because of his arrogant personality as a strong man at the level of the Monster Race Monster Emperor, it is difficult for him to surrender to humans easily.

But Su Yi didn't plan to spend any more time with the Devouring Emperor, if it really didn't work, he'd better use some tricks to subdue him forcibly.

The arrangement of the demon spirit deed is somewhat dangerous, and this is only when the wild monsters do not resist.

Like the Soul Devouring Emperor, it was even more dangerous for Su Yi to forcibly imprint his own soul imprint on the beast soul.

But now, he has no other choice.

"Humans, if this is the case, then we have nothing to talk about!"

Su Yi's words also immediately made the Beast Spirit Emperor angry.

His mood, which had already calmed down, also became irritable again at this time.

As a powerful beast emperor, the Soul Devourer Emperor has his own pride, and his stubborn character makes him unable to bow his head in front of Su Yi.

Looking at Su Yi, the King of Devouring Soul continued: "You don't have to threaten me, it's still the same sentence, if you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want. No matter what means you have, you can use it. If the emperor frowns , count me as a loser."

Such words were spoken from the mouth of the Soul Devouring Emperor, and several people in the mysterious space could not help being amazed when they heard them.

"You old bug, you really don't know what's good and what's wrong! Just rely on your body being an ice marrow spirit devourer, otherwise I will definitely roast you and eat you, let's see how you can hold on!"

Next to him, Su Xiaoshuai also looked dissatisfied, staring at the Soul Devourer with bird eyes and said.

He is a bird, but he is a bird that does not eat bugs, because he is a phoenix bird!

The most important thing is that he has seen the body of the Soul Devourer before, and Su Xiaoshuai can't help but feel panicked if he wants to eat such a bug.

"Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Su Yi's violent temper suddenly came up, and he didn't believe that he couldn't cure the Soul Devourer.

Just as Su Xiaoshuai said, if the Devouring Emperor was any other wild monster, he would have roasted and eaten him directly.

"In this space, you are a dragon who has to be coiled by me, and a tiger who has to lie down for me! Even if you are a demon emperor, you still have to be suppressed by me! I have plenty of means to keep you honest!"

Su Yi stared at the Soul Devouring Emperor coldly, and said word by word, with a strong sense of domineering in his tone.

He didn't intend to delay any longer, and the Soul Devourer didn't know good from bad, so he planned to use thunderous means.

Invisibly, there is the sound of wind and thunder resounding in the mysterious space, and the sound of dragons singing, tigers screaming, sparrows chirping and tortoises spreading, as if coming from ancient times to this world, long and long, ancient and mysterious.

Following that, there was also a soul-shaking breath, which turned into a monstrous pressure and came down, ruthlessly suppressing and going towards the Soul Devouring Emperor.

The mysterious space is Su Yi's property, he can't subjectively mobilize the power here, but he can affect some things invisibly with a thought.

Su Yi intends to suppress the Soul Devourer and make him suffer.

Under the suppression of this terrifying force, the Soul Devourer's throat suddenly let out a muffled groan, obviously under great pressure.

But he still gritted his teeth and persisted, even though his face was grim in pain, he didn't ask Su Yi for mercy.

But at this moment, Yin Yang Ming Huang stepped out and came to Su Yi, blinking his eyes, bowed and said: "Master, please be merciful! Why don't you let me try it, maybe I can persuade Su Yi Linghuang!"

Su Yi took a deep look at Yin Yang Underworld Emperor, and said after a while: "Okay! I'll give you time for a stick of incense!"

After finishing speaking, he led Su Xiaoshuai and Huang Jian out of the mysterious space. It was very straightforward, and the fierce coercion that filled the sky was instantly subdued and vanished.

Su Yi knew that there were some minor grievances between the Yin-Yang Underworld Emperor and the Soul Devourer. Although they could not be called friendly, they had dealt with each other a lot.

Now that Emperor Yin Yang had spoken, it meant that he might have a certain degree of certainty, not to mention that he could absolutely persuade the Emperor of Devouring Soul, but if he succeeded, it would definitely save Su Yi a lot of hands and feet.

In the mysterious space, the Yin-Yang Underworld Emperor and the Soul Devourer faced each other and had a conversation.

After the time for one stick of incense passed, Su Yi also came in again, very punctually.

"Master!" Cool. !Carpenter! O net R debut o0\u0026

Yin Yang Ming Huang stepped forward, with a smile on the corner of his handsome mouth, he gave Su Yi a "lucky life" look, which surprised Su Yi.

However, he could also imagine that the Yin-Yang Underworld Emperor definitely did not "motivate him with emotion and understanding with reason" with the Devouring Emperor, but probably found some steps for him, made some promises, and used huge temptations to impress him. The King of Devourers.

Sure enough, the Emperor of Devouring Soul finally looked at Su Yi, and said: "If you want me to truly surrender, it depends on what kind of opportunity you get in the end. If you deceive me, I would rather die!"

This time, the Emperor of Devourer did not call Su Yi "human, human", but just said it softly.

He already knew that he couldn't escape, there were only two paths of surrender or death, and the Soul Devourer was unwilling to choose these two paths.

But Yin Yang Hades had woven an extremely broad blueprint for him, combined with what the Soul Devourer himself had seen in the past few days, it really moved his heart.

The King of Devouring Souls felt that he could give it a try, the worst would be that he would die, even if Su Yi arranged tricks for him, if he wanted to die, no one would be able to stop him.

And if what happens, the big chance that day is really as perverted as Yin Yang Hades said?

"It's absolutely fine, I promise you won't regret it!"

Su Yi finally laughed, and said aloud: "It's not too late, let's start now!"

Su Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately started to arrange the demon spirit deed.

This is not the first time he has used such a method. Qinghuang and Yinyang Minghuang both have this demon spirit deed in their souls, and they are naturally familiar with it when they use it again this time.

Under the condition that the Devouring Emperor did not resist, it was relatively easy for Su Yi to cast it.

A series of handprints were condensed in Su Yi's hands, and an ancient and mysterious atmosphere spread out. Under the operation of Su Yi's ancient demon scriptures, there was a demonic but not evil atmosphere spreading.

The powerful soul power was condensed into a seal in the mind of the Devouring Emperor, and finally engraved on his beast soul.

When all this was done, a ray of light flashed, and Su Yi withdrew his energy.


When the demon spirit deed was successfully portrayed, there was a sound of insects from the mouth of the Soul Devouring Emperor, as if the sharpest voice pierced into the human head, it sounded extremely uncomfortable.

Immediately after the brilliance shone, the Soul Devouring Emperor suddenly turned into a long white worm about half a foot long.

This long worm is like a centipede, its whole body has a color of ice, and its whole body is glowing with a faint blood, which adds a bit of a sense of intimidation. It has no feet but has wings as thin as a cicada's wings, and its head is like a bee.

This is the main body of the Soul Devouring Emperor, which is the Ice Essence Soul Devouring Insect. As soon as it appeared at this time, the temperature in the mysterious space immediately dropped, making Su Yi shiver uncontrollably.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the mysterious space, like thunder exploded. From the depths of the mysterious space, a mighty aura fluctuated instantly, and a divine light descended. On the body of the emperor.


The majestic and astonishing aura, accompanied by lightning and thunder, directly poured into the body of the Soul Devouring Emperor's ice marrow spirit devouring insect.

In an instant, the wounds that the Devouring Emperor suffered at the hands of Qinghuang and Yinyang Minghuang began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a mysterious ancient energy directly penetrated into his flesh and blood.


The Soul Devourer roared, and stood upright, as if raising his head to the sky, welcoming the enveloping divine light, greedily absorbing the ancient energy.

"It's done!"

Next to him, Yin Yang Ming Huang smiled and said to himself.

He has also experienced similar things, and knows that the Soul Devouring Emperor is getting a huge opportunity at this time.

Yin Yang Minghuang knew very well that once the Devouring Emperor got all of that, he would definitely submit to Su Yi willingly, and his stubborn bad temper would obediently restrain himself.

Because, the power in this mysterious space can make their monster race look up to them!

"The Overlord Sect has another Demon Emperor Realm expert!"

Su Yi also smiled happily. He knew that the Emperor of Devouring Soul had been recognized by this mysterious space because of the relationship of the demon spirit contract, so he was gaining the ancient inheritance and benefits.

Judging from the past situation, no savage monster would resist such an opportunity, and no matter how proud the powerful monster clan would be, they would bow their heads under such monstrous benefits!

"Count this bug is smart!"

Su Xiaoshuai stood on Su Yi's shoulder and said softly.

But now such a result has made him satisfied.

Under the gaze of everyone, when the majestic power that filled the sky was absorbed, the Emperor of Devouring Soul also fell to the ground, and re-formed a body the size of a child.

After appearing in human form, his old face was filled with uncontrollable excitement, and at the same time, endless shock!

Needless to say, he has not recovered from the benefits he just received.

"Being able to get such benefits far exceeded my expectations! From today onwards, I am willing to serve you as the Lord and work for you, and there will be no violation!"

The Emperor of Devouring Soul took one last look at Su Yi, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, but he quickly calmed down, and then solemnly said to Su Yi.

It was difficult for him to calm down. At this moment, the Emperor of Devouring Soul was willing to serve Su Yi as his master.

If he had known earlier that he would be able to get such benefits, he would have agreed to Su Yi's conditions immediately.

"What about the King of Devourers, I didn't lie to you, did I? Do you want to die or live?"

Seeing such a stance from the Devouring Emperor, the corners of Yin Yang Minghuang's mouth curled up, and he said teasingly.

As soon as these words came out, embarrassment appeared on the face of the Emperor of Devouring Souls again.

"From now on, everyone is our own, so you're welcome!"

Su Yixi smiled, took out a bottle of spiritual liquid from the interspatial bag, and handed it to the Soul Devouring Emperor.

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