The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter One Thousand and Two: Old Liar!

"You just got the benefits, and it must take time to realize it. If you hold this, it should be able to bring you to a higher level!"

Looking at the Soul Devouring Emperor, Su Yi handed him a bottle of spiritual liquid.

The spiritual liquid will be used up soon, and the small pool in this space has already dried up.

After all, he still had to find a way to obtain a huge amount of energy and recreate some spiritual liquid, otherwise he would not be able to keep up with the demand.

Of course, Su Yi wouldn't be distressed at this time, as long as the Soul Devouring Emperor didn't want to die, he wouldn't disobey him, because he already had the Demon Spirit Deed in his mind.

Su Yi regards him as one of his own, and he will never be stingy when treating his own people.

"Thank you master!"

The Soul Devourer took the jade bottle with excitement.

With his cultivation base, he could feel the vast energy fluctuations in the jade bottle, and instantly judged that there was definitely something precious in it, which was hard to find in the world.

"Hurry up and practice, I'll come back to you in a few days!"

Su Yi said, and then stopped disturbing the Emperor of Devouring Souls, and led a few people out of the mysterious space.

Given the opportunity this time, and then giving the other party the spiritual liquid, Su Yi felt that the Soul Devouring Emperor should be able to make a breakthrough.

I dare not say that I have set foot on the same level as Qinghuang and Yinyang Minghuang, but it should not be difficult to step into the fifth level of Demon Emperor Realm. "The latest v chapter on" 'Cool craftsman $ net: t0`

"It seems to be very lively around here recently!"

When Su Yi and the others returned to the forest, they found out some news not long after.

It seems that the surrounding area has been very lively these days. There are a large number of powerful people appearing in the mountains and forests. build.

Some people's eyes were bright, and they patrolled like falcons, as if they were looking for prey.

Su Yi knew that these energetic guys probably wanted to find him for the reward of the 200,002 star primordial stones of the Seven Star Sword.

But these people are destined to be disappointed, because Su Yi has already used the disguise technique to change his appearance, making himself look like a young man in his twenties.

In addition, Qinghuang, Yinyang Minghuang, and Huang Jian also changed their costumes at his request, which was quite different from the past.

Few people have seen these three people before. After a little change, even if the few people from the Golden Sword Sect see them again, they will probably have to take a few more glances to recognize them.

Su Xiaoshuai was forced into his robe by Su Yi, which caused a burst of strong dissatisfaction, but after Su Yi rewarded him with a chestnut, Su Xiaoshuai immediately calmed down.

"It's such a big commotion, I have to join in no matter what!"

After knowing the thoughts of the major forces and many casual cultivators, Su Yi said coldly.

The Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect are all looking for him, and if they want to kill them quickly, Su Yi will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

No matter what, you have to find some trouble for these people, and you can't let them live too easily!

He led a few people to walk in the mountains and forests, Su Yi felt that now he could be called strong people gathered around him.

In addition to the eldest brother Xi Wuqing, Qinghuang, Yinyang Minghuang, Huang Jian, and the Soul Eater who is in retreat, plus Su Xiaoshuai who is comparable to the demon emperor, there are already five emperor-level powerhouses !

With this kind of strength, as long as he is not surrounded by a large number of powerhouses from the royal group, Su Yi feels that he can run wild in this mountain forest.

Even if you meet those powerful people, even if you are no match for them, it is still very easy to escape.

However, Su Yi was still very restrained and did not show off.

There is still more than a month before the Chaos Domain Alliance Conference, and in a few days, it is time to set off.

But before that, Su Yi planned to do something.

What made him miss the most, of course, was the seven-star sword sect's reward of 200,000 two-star primordial stones. No matter what, he had to take this primordial stone into his hands. It should be the spiritual damage fee that the seven-star sword sect wanted to pay for him. .

It's just that Su Yi walked through the forest while thinking, but he didn't think of any good countermeasures yet.

In addition, he is not in a hurry for these two days, it is best to wait until the end of the Soul Devouring Emperor's retreat.

During this period, just gather a little more information.

"The Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Knife Sect seem to be joining forces. This is not good!"

On the second day, Su Yi got such news, which made him feel bad.

The two forces are very powerful, if they meet alone, Su Yi can still deal with it, but if a large number of Yuanhuang Realm join forces and dispatch together, even he will find it quite difficult now.

Su Yi led a few people down a mountain, but just when he reached the foot of the mountain, suddenly a figure flashed, and with a whoosh, it ran in front of him in an instant.


Qinghuang, Yinyang Minghuang, and Huang Jian also reacted immediately, and immediately shouted.

But seeing that the people did not take any further aggressive actions, and there was no energy fluctuation, so they did not act immediately.

"Young man, the first time I saw you, I knew that your bones were so strange that you are definitely a rare genius! I have seen countless people, but I have never seen anyone like you!"

This person appeared to be an old man, half a hundred years old, looking at Su Yi with a look of admiration.

The old man was thin and thin, with a pair of small eyes shining brightly, he leaned in front of Su Yi, and said to him: "I will not hide it from you, I accidentally obtained a skill, which is fierce and extraordinary, rare in the world, and it is definitely the same as you. The best match. I guarantee that after you cultivate, you will set foot in Yuanzhen in ten years and enter Yuanhuang Realm in thirty years! Since we can meet each other, it is considered destined, so it is cheaper..."

After seeing Su Yi, the old man chattered excitedly, but was interrupted by Su Yi: "It's you old liar again!"

He recovered from his daze and looked at the old man with a gloomy look on his face.

When he entered Sword Star City earlier, he also met this old man on the street. He also recommended a set of exercises to him, selling himself at a lower price.

With Su Yi's shrewdness, how could he fall into this kind of trick.

"Master, he..."

Qinghuang spoke from the side, wanting to say something.

"Don't pay attention to him, let's go!"

With a sullen face, Su Yi walked away without looking back, he didn't want to talk nonsense with this old liar.

This is the second time he has met the old man. Could it be that his appearance is so easy to deceive?

"Hey, boy, wait a minute, I haven't said how much it is yet, the price can be negotiated!"

Watching Su Yi and the others leave, the old man chased after him and shouted.

When their figures disappeared among the trees and were never seen again, a look of regret appeared on the old man's face.

"Wow, is there a barbecue?"

Not long after getting rid of the old man, Su Yi and the others were suddenly attacked by a wild monster in the Yaozhen realm, but without any surprise, this wild monster was directly crushed to death by Qinghuang's finger!

Su Xiaoshuai got out of Su Yi's arms, his eyes sparkled and he said excitedly.

"Go, find a place to barbecue!"

Su Yi also became happy, found a hidden valley, set up a fire, and started to roast meat and stew soup.

The sky gradually darkened, and the firelight shone on Su Yi's face.

He has barbecue experience in his previous life, coupled with the many ingredients he prepared with elixir, the barbecue meat and broth soon released a strong aroma, which made people's index fingers move.

Su Xiaoshuai ate so much that his mouth was full of oil. He had a skewer of barbecued meat in his left hand and a bowl of broth in his right hand. He took a bite from the left and a sip from the right, feeling indescribably happy.

Qinghuang, Yinyang Minghuang, and Huang Jian are not much better, they are feasting.

Su Yi felt that he should study it later, upgrade his equipment, and develop a few more eating methods.

Just when Su Yi and the others were eating happily, another voice suddenly appeared and rang in their ears.

"Young man, I see that your bones are strange, and your talent is extraordinary! I accidentally got a book of exercises, which is very domineering and rare in the world. It will definitely allow you to step into the Yuanhuang realm within thirty years!"

Such a voice was extremely abrupt, but at the same time familiar.

Su Yi and the others stopped eating meat at the same time, and then looked to the side in unison.

Sure enough, at some point, that thin half-century-old man appeared again.

But this time, those bright little eyes didn't look at Su Yi appreciatively, but stared at the barbecue in Su Yi's hand, they couldn't even turn it.

The old man swallowed hard, his eyes were straight and he said: "It is a kind of fate that we can meet, why don't you exchange your barbecue for my practice?"

After finishing speaking, he took out a thread-bound book from his pocket, and waved it in front of Su Yi, but never took his eyes off the barbecue.

"No change!"

Su Yi glanced at the old man and directly refused.

He wasn't stupid, he knew that the thread-bound book was definitely not a skill, and he would be a ghost if he believed it.

There is no such thing as a good thing in the world to exchange a bunch of barbecue meat for a set of exercises.


The old man was not annoyed at all, but his throat slipped, he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and his nose kept twitching, smelling the smell of meat, he was obviously very greedy.

"Young man, you have to think carefully, there is no such shop after passing this village! The old man's skills are rare in the world, and you are definitely taking advantage of it in exchange for your barbecue!" The old man said solemnly.

"Are you an old liar following me and meeting you no matter where you go?" Su Yi was dissatisfied, and asked the old man with a blank look.

He felt helpless, this was the third time he had met this old liar, did he, Su Yi, have a deceitful face?

"Young man, you and I met for the first time, how can I follow you?" Suddenly the old man was stunned and asked suspiciously.

And this also surprised Su Yi, Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, Su Xiaoshuai and others for a moment.

They met each other in the afternoon, and it's only been a few hours, and this old liar doesn't remember them?

"Could it be that he is not only an old liar, but also a little insane?" Su Yi frowned, thinking of this level.

It seems that the old man's words don't seem to be fake. If this is the case, it means that this person may have some brain problems.

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