The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1096: West is ruthlessly powerful!

It's just a Tiangang Sect, and you want to kill my boss?

At this time, Su Xiaoshuai poked his head out of Xi Wuqing's arms and said with a hum.

Such words made Ji Tianfu, Feng Qizong, Ge Ming and the others startled, and felt that the tone of this strange little bird was really too big!

It's just that when I turned my head and took a closer look, I found that not only this little bird, but several members of the Overlord Sect had worried expressions on their faces, but at this moment, everyone was very calm and not too panicked!

Especially Xi Wuqing, who was the leader, couldn't see any fluctuations on his face.

The big deal is the first battle, isn't it Tiangangmen, my Overlord Sect is not afraid!

Qinghuang said in a deep voice, without any sign of panic.

He has experienced the horrific fight in the Holy Martial Arts Conference. He even fought against the strong in the Holy Mountain, and experienced life and death, let alone a second-rate force in the chaotic domain.

I haven't fought side by side with the master yet, it's really exciting!

A smile appeared on Yin Yang Ming Huang's handsome face, and he said lightly.

Ji Tianfu and the others fell silent and did not speak.

For a moment, they didn't know how to decide whether to help Su Yi deal with Tiangangmen or not, it all depends on the situation.

The atmosphere outside the secret realm gradually became deserted, and the atmosphere became more and more tense, making many people with insufficient cultivation feel difficult to breathe!

I don't know how many eyes were on Hong Qianglong's body, watching him brewing a majestic killing intent!

hula la

Suddenly, everyone's spirits were lifted!

Between those two majestic mountain peaks, white light shines brightly!


Lines of sight endured the glaring white light, staring closely at the two mountain peaks.

In the next moment, I saw figures flying out of it, and in the blink of an eye, they appeared outside the mountain peak!

Su Yi!

Among the first group of people to appear, there is a young man, but he is Su Yi from the Overlord Sect!


Suddenly, seeing Hong Qianglong stepping into the void, the whole world was shaken violently!

He punched out of the air, forming a ferocious golden fist, as if carrying the power of punishing the sky and killing the earth, bursting with light, overwhelming the air, directly blasting the air, presenting a terrifying vortex, with lightning Before he could cover his ears, he killed Su Yi in an instant!


In just a moment, Su Yi's whole body seemed to be grabbed by an invisible big hand, unable to move at all, an invisible force firmly imprisoned him in place!

And Hong Qianglong's fist arrived in the blink of an eye, and landed directly in front of him!

The powerful force was like overwhelming mountains and seas. Under the pressure, Su Yi's body was cracked inch by inch, and blood spurted out!

But Ji Hannuo, Chen Chu'an, Lin Donghao and others who came out together with Su Yi were instantly swept away by an invisible air current, like a fallen leaf in a storm, they couldn't help it!

Hong Qianglong made a move!

The hearts of the onlookers all raised their hearts, and Hong Qianglong's move was such a terrifying force!

The high-level power of the Yuanhuang Realm came out ferociously, making many people feel their scalps go numb!

With that young man's strength, he might have been suppressed and killed on the spot if he hadn't been hit by this blow!

Su Yi is in danger!

In the gaze of eyes, the boy's figure was suppressed, without any resistance!

No matter how strong the Yuanxu Realm is, it is impossible for him to be lucky in the hands of a high-level Yuanhuang Realm expert!


Someone already sighed, feeling sorry for Su Yi.

Such a young man is rare in the world. At the age of seventeen, he is overwhelmed by a young and strong man who is nearly thirty years old in the chaotic domain.

It would definitely be a great pity if he was lost here!

However, no one can change anything, it was the master of a second-rate force who made the move, unless someone with a first-rate force stepped forward at this time, maybe there was a chance to save Su Yi.

However, I am afraid that no first-rate force will do this.

However, just when everyone thought that Su Yi was bound to die, a terrifying sound of soul power burst out instantly!

At the same time, I saw an old man in black robe stepping out of the air, his aura surged, and his vitality shone like an emperor. When he raised his eyes slightly, his aura was surging and astonishing!

The old man in the black robe moved without wind, his hands were condensed into fingerprints, and suddenly a huge flood dragon appeared in front of him!


The flood dragon roared, shining brightly, as if it had traveled through the ancient time and space, passing through the void with a mighty killing intent, and rushed towards Hong Qianglong's golden light fist in an instant.

The phantom of the flood dragon soared into the air, shaking the space, filled with monstrous power, and its aura rushed straight into the night sky, just like a real giant dragon descending, capable of sweeping and destroying all directions.


Suddenly, one dragon and one punch directly collided!

The sky and the earth trembled terribly, and even the two mountains in the distance seemed to be trembling.

Around, a terrifying energy storm swept away, like an autumn wind sweeping across, and the nearby figures were all shaken back!

Bright rays of light bloom, as if to penetrate the void!


Su Yi only felt that his chest was about to burst, and there was a muffled groan in his throat!

He was directly swept out by the powerful force, completely involuntary!

But fortunately, the imprisoning force on the body has been broken at this time, and the vitality is re-circulating, and soon stabilized the figure!

hula la

The layers of energy rays billowing in the air dissipated, and the dragon and fist gang also disappeared, revealing two figures standing opposite each other!

One of them is Hong Qianglong, the head of the Tiangang Sect, while the other is an old man in a black robe, staring coldly at the middle-aged man opposite him!

Um? Hong Qianglong was actually blocked!

The surrounding onlookers were all taken aback, and they all became horrified when they saw such a scene.

Who is that old man, who was able to block Hong Qianglong's attack and save Su Yi!

Many people couldn't believe it, and many people knew Hong Qianglong's cultivation, but at this moment, an old man suddenly appeared, and he took Hong Qianglong's killing blow!

Soul master, that old man is a soul master!

Some people were extremely shocked. Only a soul master could display that flood dragon phantom just now!

Who are you, how dare you stop me!

Hong Qianglong snarled, staring coldly at the old man opposite and said.

The metallic power in his body circulated endlessly, sharp and sharp, with the sound of golden spears resounding, like killing heaven and earth!

While Hong Qianglong was wearing a brocade robe fluttering, his momentum was still rising!

Desperate Yan Luo, Xi Wuqing!

These seven words were slowly spit out from the mouth of the old man in black robe.

And as soon as such words came out, the crowd of onlookers was in an uproar instantly, and how many people seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood!

What! Desperate Yan Luoxi is ruthless? Is he the ruthless Yan Luoxi?

Is that Xi Wuqing who refined Tarsal Bone Soul Eater Pill?

I have heard of his name. It is said that Xi Wuqing is not only an alchemist, but also a soul master!

Shouts of exclamation spread quickly, and many people soon realized the identity of the old man.

The words Jueming Yan Luoxi is ruthless, and they are definitely well-known among some people in the chaotic domain. The most famous thing is not his cultivation strength, but the Tarsus Soul Eater he refined, and other The identity of a soul master!

Until now, Tarsus Soul Eater Pills are still circulating in small quantities in some places in the Chaos Domain.

Such a person, with a good cultivation base, is an alchemist and a soul master, even if he enters a first-class force, he will be regarded as a guest of honor, and naturally no one will underestimate him!

Can Xi Wuqing be so powerful? Being able to confront the head of the Tiangang Sect seems to be much stronger than the rumors!

It's a good show now, and I don't know if Jueming Yan Luoxi Wuqing can really stop Hong Qianglong!

Many people began to faintly look forward to it, only thinking that today's matter will not end easily, and there will be a fierce battle in the future!

What a deadly Yan Luoxi is ruthless, you have to take care of my Tiangangmen affairs!

Hong Qianglong's voice was extremely cold, and he stared at Xi Wuqing and said.

When his words fell, several figures flew out and rushed towards Su Yi's direction again.

Little miscellaneous, today you are dying!

Among these several figures, it was Elder Wu who belonged to Tiangang Sect, and the rest were also Yuanhuang Realm experts from Tiangang Sect, they surrounded Su Yi at the same time, a total of three people.

I really want to see who is dying today!

Suddenly, several figures rushed out, landed in front of Su Yi, and protected him behind him.

The one who spoke just now was an ordinary-looking little bird!

Ferocious fluctuations also rose from the five figures, and the imperial aura permeated the surroundings, spreading the coercion, making the space tremble!

Faced with such five people, the three people of Tiangangmen stopped their movements immediately and did not make a move immediately.

Boss, how are you?

Master, are you okay?

Su Xiaoshuai, Qing Huang, Yin Yang Ming Huang, Ling Devouring Emperor, and Huang Jian fell in front of Su Yi and asked with concern.

Don't worry, I'm fine!

Su Yi shook his head, he suffered quite a shock, but he was not injured yet.

It's just that when I think about it now, I still have lingering fears. If my elder brother Xi Wuqing hadn't shot in time, I must have died in the hands of that middle-aged man at this time!

Su Yi glanced not far away, Ji Hannuo, Yu Wenxuan and others were also safe at this time, they were swept away by the storm, but Ji Tianfu and others also stepped forward to rescue them immediately.

Otherwise, under the aura of that middle-aged man, a group of young people in Yuanzhen Realm would probably be seriously injured!

I want to kill that little bastard with my own hands!

The cold words came out of Hong Qianglong's mouth. After he glanced at Su Yi, he looked at Xi Wuqing again, and said: "Since you want to die yourself, then today you and this kid will pay for my son's life together!"

He pinched the ten fingers of both hands quickly, and the sharp golden energy crazily erupted from his body, and the terrible vitality surged away, absolutely fierce!

With the rapid gathering of metallic power, in the blink of an eye, a huge golden tiger appeared, with its head held high, roaring into the world!

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