The God of Sky & Earth

1097th: Absolute Domain!

With a roar of a tiger, the sky shook, the ground cracked, and the majesty was awe-inspiring!

Many people around them subconsciously closed their hearing, but they were still shaken by the terrifying howling sound, making the blood in their bodies tumbling endlessly!

There are people with insufficient cultivation and no strong supporters, who just groan and vomit blood in their chests!

"The peak of the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm is not far from the Yuanzong Realm!"

The moment Hong Qianglong made a move, there were strong men around him who clearly understood it.

I have to admit that the head of the Tiangang Sect is extremely strong, enough to be ranked among the rare strong in the world!

"Na Xiwuqing is also very strong, but judging by his appearance, it seems that he has just stepped into the seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm. I am afraid that he will not really be Hong Qianglong's opponent!"

Someone spoke up, thinking that Xi Wuqing could not defeat Hong Qianglong.

The seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm, coupled with the means of a soul master, may be able to win a battle with the ordinary ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, but if you want to fight the peak of the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, you are only one step away from the Yuanzong Realm Hong Qianglong's confrontation is probably not enough to watch!

With such thoughts in mind, everyone continued to look at the shocking fight in the sky!

But seeing that terrifying tiger with a body like a mountain, stomping its hooves, roaring with its head held high, a huge tiger claw was slapped out, and with every gesture, it seemed as if it could destroy mountains and mountains, and it was ruthless to the west!

An extremely serious look appeared on Xi Wuqing's face. The power of the soul was like a surging wave. Under the continuous condensation of handprints, a huge fierce bird quickly condensed, entrenched in the void! (: Check it out! Z version! Chapter h, section V; on 0

This ferocious bird seemed to be transformed by raging flames, its whole body was burning with torrential flames, with its wings flapping, two fire dragons swirled wildly out, and collided fiercely with that huge tiger shadow!

The tiger's claws tore apart the sky and the ground, and the ferocious birds slaughtered them. These two beast shadows, one with condensed vitality, and the other with the phantom of a wild monster controlled by a soul master, fought fiercely with each other!

"Boom boom boom..."

But the sound of roaring and clanging can be heard all over the sky, and the flames and sharp golden aura are scattered everywhere!

The battle between the two beast shadows shook the heavens and the earth, a rock exploded in the distance, the ground under the feet sank, and the void trembled ferociously!

In the end, the two gradually faded away almost at the same time, turning into shattering energy!

And the figures of Xi Wuqing and Hong Qianglong were also pushed back by each other!

After retreating thirty feet in a row, Hong Qianglong stabilized his figure, and his feet kicked into the void like nails!

On the other hand, Xi Wuqing didn't stop until nearly forty feet later.

Just as some strong people expected, Xi Wuqing was still far behind Hong Qianglong in terms of cultivation, so the difference between the two could be seen!

Obviously, Xi Wuqing will be slightly disadvantaged!

However, this result has completely shocked the crowd of onlookers!

"Jueming Yan Luoxi is ruthless, and he can directly fight against the peak of the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm!"

"This is too powerful. Fighting across steps is the strength of a soul master!"

"It turns out that he is not only good at alchemy, but his strength is also so terrifying!"

I don't know how many people arrived at this time, and they were already shocked by Xi Wurui's strength!

"You are so strong at the seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm, you deserve to be a soul master!"

In the distance, Elder Xie from Cangyun Palace and some other strong men came here at some unknown time.

Seeing the result of the fight between the two, Elder Xie couldn't help but said in shock.

"That Hong Qianglong is not so strong, he can block him like this! This Xi Wuqing is a casual cultivator. It is really extraordinary to reach such a state!"

Elder Tang from Nine Star Valley also came here and said with a sigh.

A soul master who is comparable to the peak of the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm is destined to become famous in the chaotic domain after today's battle!

On the side, many figures of the Blood Yang Sect stood, but none of them spoke, and watched quietly one by one.

Beside them, Wu Jiuyou, Fu Dongxuan and other disciples have also come out of the secret realm at this time, and gathered together with the strong members of the sect.

Wu Jiuyou had already briefly talked about the grievances between him and Su Yi, but the group of experts from the Blood Yang Sect didn't express their opinions immediately, but just watched indifferently, not knowing what they were thinking in their hearts.

On the other side, a middle-aged man in a white robe stood quietly, as if standing in an independent space, a bit out of place with the people around him.

This middle-aged man was the one who was dubbed "Shangguan Boy" by Elder Xie earlier, and he also came here at this time.

"What a powerful soul master, but if you think that you can stop me with this kind of strength, it's tantamount to dreaming!"

Staring at Xi Wuqing coldly, such words came from Hong Qianglong's mouth.

His eyes were extremely gloomy and cold, and two consecutive attacks were blocked, which made Hong Qianglong show some signs of going berserk.

The only son, Hong Jianqiu, was killed. He thought that he would be able to kill Su Yi with one blow if he was guarding outside the secret realm.

Who would have thought that such a powerful soul control master would appear and block him!

But Hong Qianglong is not worried at all, because he has not shown his full strength yet!

After saying a word, Hong Qianglong stepped out lightly!

However, the strange thing is that such an ordinary kick suddenly seemed to be stepping on a special rhythm between heaven and earth, and made a soft "dong" sound!

Instantly, a mysterious aura spread from his body, and invisible ripples spread around. It seemed that there was some kind of special power descending from the sky and the earth, and the space was affected!

Even if it was far away, many warriors could feel that the vicinity of Hong Qianglong seemed to become extremely remote and deep, as if as long as one stepped in, they would fall into a dark abyss!

Among the three first-rate forces, Elder Xie, Elder Tang, and the others immediately exclaimed when they saw this.

"Absolute Domain! This is the power of Absolute Domain!"

"Hong Qianglong is already so strong! How can this be at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm! He is already a half-step Yuanzong Realm cultivator!"

Shocking words came out of their mouths, and when the warriors around who were originally ignorant heard it, their scalps instantly felt numb!

But at this time, everyone had no time to think about it, but after seeing Hong Qianglong stepping out a few steps, he appeared in front of Xi Wuqing!

The invisible wave directly included the other party, and the mysterious power intertwined and entangled. Invisibly, it was ruthlessly entangled towards the west!

Under the eyes of everyone, the black-robed old man pinched his hands again, but his movements were much slower!

"Is this the power of the absolute domain?"

Xiwuqing murmured at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were shining like electricity, and his face was stern.

Being in the absolute domain of Hong Qianglong, he only felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and his every move was met with great resistance!

Compared with Hong Qianglong's speed, Xi Wuqing looked as if he was playing around at this moment, and the movement of his handprints was extremely slow!

"I want to kill that little bastard Su Yi, no one can stop me!"

Such words came from Hong Qianglong's mouth!

He had already walked to Xi Wuqing's side, and raised one palm, turning into a golden handprint, as if poured from pure gold!

This handprint was like an immortal caressing the top, directly patting Xiang Xiruiqing's head!


Seeing this scene in the distance, Su Yi's heart suddenly rose to his throat!

Xi Wuqing's movements froze, if he couldn't get out quickly, he would definitely be hit by this handprint!

"After all, the gap in cultivation is too big. The ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm is still worthy of a battle, but this half step of the Yuanzong Realm really has no chance of winning!"

At Cangyun Hall, Elder Xie said with a sigh.

Shi Susu, Qin Yusheng and others beside him, as well as Elder Tang of Nine Stars Valley not far away, all looked astonished and full of regret at the same time.

Half a step into the Yuanzong Realm has already left the scope of the Yuanhuang Realm, and there is a big difference between the two realms!

Such a distance can no longer be made up by relying on the means of a soul master!

From this point of view, Naxi Wuqing must be in danger!


The eyes of the audience were all focused on Hong Qianglong and Xi Wuqing, waiting for the final result!

However, just when everyone thought that Xi Wuqing was about to be crushed in the head with one blow, a sudden change occurred!


A bright horse suddenly rushed out from the center of Xiruiqing's eyebrows, like thunder and lightning, it seemed to be able to completely ignore Hong Qianglong's absolute domain, and rushed to Hong Qianglong's forehead in an instant, catching him off guard!

A storm of the soul suddenly broke out, fierce and unparalleled, there seemed to be a dark wind howling between the heaven and the earth, and the aura of gods and demons billowed, mighty in all directions!

Hong Qianglong was dazzled by the powerful soul force for an instant, his mind was about to burst open, and he was struck down by great pain!


Hong Qianglong's body seemed to have been hit by a critical blow, and it was immediately shocked back!

But even though his handprint was greatly disordered, it still hit Xiruiqing's head in the end!


Xiruiqing's body fell directly from mid-air, knocking the ground out of a deep pit of several feet!

After a while, he flew out unsteadily, but there was scarlet blood at the corner of his mouth, and his face was as pale as paper!


On the other hand, Hong Qianglong held his head tightly with his hands as if he had suffered something terrible, and retreated again and again, with pain written all over his face!


After a while, a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth, staining the sky red!

In this way, the intense painful look eased a little bit, but Hong Qianglong's mouth was like a bellows, panting heavily, there was no trace of the domineering demeanor before!

This was a reckless fight, whether it was Xi Wuqing or Hong Qianglong, both of them suffered serious injuries and their combat power was greatly damaged!

But at this moment, there was a deathly silence in the field, and it became audible!

The surrounding crowd were speechless for a long time, staring at the two of them as if they had seen a ghost.

Among them, the most eyes stayed on the old man in black robe, deeply shocked by it!

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