The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1128: Become famous!

In fact, just as Ji Tianfu thought, when he said ten years at the beginning, it was just Su Yi's casual remarks. If Ji Tianfu agreed to it like this, Su Yi would be surprised.

With the experience of selling the quota for the alliance conference last time, Su Yi felt that Ji Tianfu was a straightforward person, so he quickly increased it to twenty years, this number was acceptable to him.

However, it was obvious that Ji Tianfu didn't intend to just agree, and he immediately said: "Twenty years is definitely not enough, let's take a step back, forty years!"

After speaking, he looked at Su Yi with a smile, and put his hands behind his back in a leisurely manner.

With this expression, Su Yi was taken aback for a while, when did the head of the Xuanjian Sect start asking for prices?

"Master Ji, are you not doing this well?"

Su Yi's face became tangled, forty years was definitely unacceptable to him, and this time was a bit too long.

"Do business, cooperate, do it if you agree, don't do it if you don't, it's as simple as that!"

Ji Tianfu said with a smile, not in a hurry.

While talking, Ji Tianfu kept winking at Lin Zhenyang next to him, meaning to tell him not to talk and just listen to himself.

Su Yi suddenly felt a toothache, and wondered why Ji Tianfu's behavior was so different from last time.

But at the moment, it is considered that he has something to ask for, and now he has taken a passive position.

"Time is running out, Master Ji!"

Su Yi said with a sullen face, "One price, thirty years, don't say anything about the rest!"

He was really in a hurry, if he didn't take any action, once the strong men in several cities reacted and gathered the treasures inside and swept them away, they would cry at that time.

Su Yi had retreated to the extreme, and immediately raised the time limit to thirty years.

In any case, it is better to take down a few cities in order to obtain greater benefits. Otherwise, other forces will rush to occupy them, and new troubles will be added at that time.

However, when Su Yi said thirty years, Ji Tianfu laughed immediately: "Deal!"

He then looked at Lin Zhenyang again: "Sect Master Lin, let's act quickly!"

As if he was afraid that Su Yi would regret it, Ji Tianfu didn't delay at all, he pulled Lin Zhenyang and ran away with the people from Xuanyangmen and Liuhezong.

In a short time, the people of the two sects ran away without a trace.

Seeing this quick movement, everyone in the Overlord Sect froze in place, a little dazed.

"Sect Master, this..."

Weng Zhengquan looked in the direction where those people disappeared, and wanted to say something. }^Ku N Craftsman sW Network ◎$ The only v? Genuine, n its f) he v all Rg is-@piracy{g0

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, and he murmured, "I seem to have been tricked by someone?"

Looking at Ji Tianfu's appearance, it is obvious that he is very satisfied with the 30-year deadline!

Speaking of it this way, Su Yi felt that he was at a disadvantage, but at the same time, he couldn't understand why Ji Tianfu's performance was completely different from when he traded in Nine Star City.

"Boy, these two sects are already benevolent enough!"

At this time, Xi Wuqing came to Su Yi and said to him: "The Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect are already destroyed. If they insist on occupying those cities by themselves, it will not be difficult at all. After all, our Overlord Sect has no People are involved in it.”

Su Yi nodded when he heard the words, of course he also understands this truth.

With Bawangzong's current manpower, it would be good to occupy at most one city, and this would disrupt Su Yi's other plans.

In this case, other nearby sects will definitely take action to snatch a few cities without owners.

In this way, even if Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong really forcibly occupy it, Su Yi has nothing to say, it's better than falling into the hands of other forces.

Speaking of which, the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect were indeed destroyed because of the Overlord Sect, but when it comes to competing for interests, many people will not tell you this truth, whoever snatches it will own it.

Xuanjianmen and Liuhezong agreed to run Bawangzong for a period of time, which is already the best result.

So, Su Yi's heart ached, but he didn't feel that those two cases were too much.

"It's time to go back and make the next step!"

Su Yi looked around, the raid on the Golden Knife Sect was over, there was no need to stay any longer.

Soon, he ordered many wild monsters to evacuate, and he and others also jumped on the back of the birds, started to return, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Far away, many small forces and casual cultivators saw the movement in the sky, watched the beast shadows go away, and couldn't help but rushed to the mountain gate of the Golden Sword Sect!

"The Golden Sword Sect has been destroyed!"

When such news came out, everyone was boiling!

Many people saw corpses all over the floor, among them was Yang Baikun, the suzerain of the Golden Sword Sect!

As for the others, although there is no body left, they must have died violently!

"The Seven Star Sword Sect was also slaughtered, and all the strong ones died!"

Soon, everyone thought of Seven Star Sword Sect.

They didn't find the corpse of the Yuanhuang Realm in the Seven Star Sword Sect, but thinking about it at this time, most of them are dead in body and spirit!

Such a result is too frightening. The two prosperous third-rate forces were wiped out in one day, and all those above Yuanxu Realm were put to death!

Such a shocking event is bound to spread throughout the chaotic domain!

"What? Among the group of people you said, there are several beast emperors and some humans?"

Not long after, such news also spread in the surrounding area, and spread farther and farther.

Some witnesses saw the appearance of Su Yi and others, and through some other channels, they even learned that there were several powerful beast emperors among those who made the shots.

Normally speaking, humans and monsters are in a hostile relationship, and they will hardly join forces to deal with the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect!

Such a strange lineup immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, this seems to be the group of teenagers who caused a huge disturbance a few months ago!"

Someone recalled that a few months ago, both the Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect suffered a big loss at the hands of a young man, and the young sect masters of the two sects all died on the body of that young man.

The two sects sent a large number of strong men to surround and kill, but they never caught the boy!

"Is the boy you mentioned named Su Yi, from a sect called Overlord Sect?"

Suddenly, there was such a voice, which was amazing.

When this statement came out, everyone was instantly horrified!

"What? Overlord Sect? Was it Su Yi's doing?"

According to the witness's description, everyone quickly confirmed that it was indeed Su Yi and Bawangzong's people who shot!

"Who is Su Yi? What kind of power is the Overlord Sect? Is it very powerful?"

But at the same time, there are also such doubts circulating among the crowd.

But this kind of question instantly attracted ridicule from countless people: "You are too ignorant! Doesn't the Overlord Sect know? Su Yi, the king of Tianjiao, doesn't know?"

It's only been a few days since Su Yi and the others returned, and the news of the alliance meeting has already started to spread here, but it hasn't been fully spread yet. There are still a small number of people who don't know about it, but most of them have already heard about it!

At this time, after the destruction of the Golden Sword Sect and Seven Star Sword Sect, the speed of spreading the names of Su Yi and Overlord Sect accelerated again!

Su Yi, the proud king, made the alliance conference a blockbuster!

It was him, representing one sect, resisting the joint attack of Golden Sword Sect and Seven Star Sword Sect, and finally easily killed twenty outstanding disciples of the opponent!

It was him who challenged two arenas by himself, and finally successfully won forty places in the alliance conference!

It was him who chased and killed Wu Jiuyou, a disciple of the first-rate Blood Yang Sect in the Zhaoling Mystery Realm, and had no way to go to the sky, and had no way to enter the earth, and finally had to give up the qualification of Nirvana Terrace to save his life!

It's him, stepping on the tenth floor of Nirvana Terrace, repelling all opponents, and winning the title of King of Proudness!

It was also him who killed many people from the Tiangang Sect in the Zhaoling Secret Realm, and attracted Hong Qianglong, the master of the Tiangang Sect, to personally fight!

But in the end, the powerful master of the second-rate force was also blocked by the strong man of the Overlord Sect!

And Su Yi himself defeated a strong man at the peak of the Ninth Layer of Yuanxu Realm, causing Tiangangmen to suffer another big loss!

"Su Yi, Xi Wuqing, Bawangzong!"

The fame of these three quickly spread, and by this time they were known to countless people.

When all these were combined with the destruction of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect, no one could not be shocked by Su Yi and Bawang Sect!

"It's not just the Seven Star Sword Sect and Overlord Sect. I got news that before the Overlord Sect wiped out the two sects, they brought the strong men from the Tiangang Sect to find the Overlord Sect!"

Someone is well-informed and has obtained such information.

"That's right! I heard from a brother of the Liuhe Sect that the Overlord Sect has set up a powerful Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, trapping more than a dozen emperors of the Tiangang Sect in it, and Hong Qianglong, who is half a step into the Yuanzong Realm, is also there! And in the end, all the Yuanhuang Realm were killed, Hong Qianglong, the head of the Tiangang Sect, was seriously injured, and finally fled in panic, returning home in a panic!"

Someone spread such news again, which shocked everyone beyond measure.

Tiangang Sect, that is a powerful second-rate force, the top few existences in the entire chaotic domain, unexpectedly lost in the hands of an Overlord Sect!

"In addition, Su Yi is from Zhongzhou, a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, and there is a deep hatred between him and the Holy Mountain! He once won the championship in the Holy Martial Arts Conference, trampled the Holy Son of the Holy Mountain, and even won the championship among many holy mountains. Get away from the siege of the mountain strongman and come to the chaotic domain!"

"In a desperate situation, sworn worship with a few other people, what a soul-stirring thing!"

Regarding Su Yi's origin, it was also spread by word of mouth at this time.

Everyone discovered that this young man was a legend, and what happened to him along the way was too unbelievable!

The Zhongzhou Shengwu Conference is only a few months away, and it seems that the young man has stepped into the ranks of the Yuanxu Realm from the early stage of the Yuanzhen Realm!

And the entire chaotic domain, within this short period of time, was actually caused by him to create a huge wave!

From Su Yi's grievances with Golden Knife Sect and Seven Star Sword Sect, to his fame in the primary election of the Alliance General Assembly, to his fame in Zhaoling Secret Realm, now it is the encounter of Tiangang Sect, Seven Star Sword Sect, and Golden Knife Sect.

It seems that since Su Yi's arrival, the realm of chaos has never been peaceful!

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