The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1129: New Landing!

All recent movements are caused by that young man, from the Overlord Sect!

But now, everyone suddenly discovered that this little-known Overlord Sect is already very powerful, and no one side dares to underestimate it!

Especially the strongest among them, Jueming Yan Luoxi is ruthless, with a cultivation base of the seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm, but he is able to fight half a step of the Yuanzong Realm without falling behind!

The most important thing is that the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm used to compete against Tiangangmen is likely to be set up by him!

If such a character is a casual cultivator, I am afraid that the three first-rate forces will also fight for it!

With the passage of time, the names of Su Yi, Xi Wuqing, and Overlord Sect spread rapidly, not only in the chaotic domain, but even Liulu, Sanzhou and Yihai began to have their legends.

Among them, the spread of Zhongzhou is the most blazing and vast!

The Holy Mountain, Divine Sword Sect, Yutian Palace and many other forces reacted differently after hearing about it. Some were happy, while others were furious.

And somewhere in the chaotic domain, in a vast and majestic mountain range, endless bloody mist shrouded it.

When the sunlight shines on the mist and reaches the mountain, it also turns into a blood-colored light, making the whole space look like a bloody place, extremely scary!

On a majestic mountain peak, Wu Jiuyou stood in the air, looking into the distance, his eyes were extremely cold.

"What a Su Yi, I really underestimated you!"

Wu Jiuyou's eyes were cold, with a cold luster, and hatred flickered in them.

After he got rumors from the outside world, after knowing that the Tiangang Sect was defeated in Su Yi's hands, the resentment in his heart became even more unreasonable.


Suddenly, there was a flash of light and shadow on the mountain peak, and an old figure appeared beside Wu Jiuyou.

"Elder Bi!"

Seeing the appearance of this old man, it was Elder Bi who led the team at the Alliance Conference earlier, Wu Jiuyou couldn't help nodding his head when he saw this.

"Have you heard about that kid Su Yi?"

After Elder Bi arrived, he asked directly: "Even now, I still don't know what the artifact he got is!"

Wu Jiuyou and Elder Bi have always been concerned about the small spirit beast that Su Yi got in the Zhaoling Secret Realm, and wanted to get it.

At that time, in order to achieve this goal, Elder Bi also designed to trick Su Yi, hoping to suppress him with the help of the Tiangang Sect.

However, all of them underestimated that kid too much, and he managed to get away in the end.

And with people from Cangyun Palace and Nine Stars Valley present, Elder Bi is not easy to make public, and dare not tell about Su Yi's acquisition of powerful artifacts.

"No matter what it is, it's at least at the magic weapon level!"

Wu Jiuyou pondered for a moment, then said.

An artifact that can possess the spirit of an artifact is absolutely extraordinary, even if it is at the level of an artifact, it is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary artifacts.

"The old man will go there himself, and find a chance to kill that kid! He has more than one treasure, and a strange wooden box, which is what the Holy Mountain wants."

There was a murderous look in Elder Bi's words, and his momentum was heavy. `Cool EW craftsman M network? l Genuine c) First release 0k

When they left the secret realm before, they tried to chase Su Yi and the others.

But probably the route was wrong, and in the end they didn't catch up.

"The Overlord Sect is very powerful, especially Naxi Wuqing, Elder Bi, are you sure you can make a move? If not, why not report it to the suzerain, presumably he will also be interested in that artifact!"

Wu Jiuyou raised her eyebrows suddenly, and said directly, without any intention of being polite to Elder Bi.

After all, he is the number one arrogance of the Blood Yang Sect, with a detached status, so he really doesn't need to give Elder Bi too much face.

The reason why he was polite outside the secret place at the beginning was entirely because he needed to take shelter from the other party.


Elder Bi was taken aback, but didn't say much.

With his own strength, there is indeed no way to deal with Xi Wuqing, especially when the other party can arrange Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

"Elder Bi, please go easy, I'm going to see the suzerain first!"

After Wu Jiuyou said something, he left without paying too much attention to Elder Bi.

This made Elder Bi Zun's expression extremely ugly. No matter how detached a junior's status was, he was extremely displeased to put on such a show in front of him.

"I haven't even been able to ascend the Nirvana Terrace, but I still have the face to find the suzerain!"

Elder Bi sneered, he could tell that for Wu Jiuyou, the only purpose was to kill Su Yi.

Because with the opponent's strength, it is impossible to deal with that boy with his own strength.

Therefore, he needs the help of a stronger person.

"In that case, good luck to you!"

Elder Bi finally let out a cold snort, rose up into the air, flew away from the mountain peak, and disappeared.


Su Yi and the others quickly returned, but they didn't go to the previous place where they stayed, but simply returned to the place where Fengjia Village was located earlier.

Here, under the care of Nangong Ningyue, the appearance has changed drastically.

"That's right, now you really have what a sect should look like!"

Su Yi and the others descended into the void, and saw a ten-foot-high rock standing in front of them, with the three big characters of "Bawangzong" written on it, which was very majestic.

The rock stands on one side, and directly in front of it is a road leading directly inward.

When I walked in, I saw that the original cottages had been renovated, and several halls were transformed, and the rest were still living places.

The style of this Fengjia Village has completely changed from before. It used to be an idyllic atmosphere, but now it has a somewhat grand charm.

"Time is short, I haven't had time to completely remodel this place!"

Nangong Ningyue stood in front of Su Yi, pointed to each place, and said, "Look, suzerain, there is a suitable place to build a conference hall, and there can be completely bulldozed and used as a martial arts arena! There are also a few mountain peaks over there. Open it up as a place of retreat! In fact, the surrounding space is very large, enough for us to use it!"

Every time Nangong Ningyue pointed in a direction, Su Yi would follow it.

He found that this woman was really very discerning, and the plan she conceived was very in line with Su Yi's idea.

Moreover, the opponent's means of controlling people is also second to none.

Su Yi was thinking that Nangong Ningyue should be able to cultivate it well when Overlord Sect starts to divide the mechanism.

"These things will be left to you in the future, just do it according to your own ideas. We also want to expand the scale and recruit strong people. At that time, there will definitely not be enough space for us to use our hands and feet!" Su Yi said aloud.

By taking over the affairs of the Seven Star Sword Sect and the Golden Sword Sect, he realized that the Overlord Sect was seriously short of manpower.

These things should be put on the agenda step by step.

"Yes, suzerain!" Nangong Ningyue said respectfully.

"When we have time in the future, let's arrange it properly and engrave another Qimen Phantom Soul Realm here!"

Xi Wuqing was also looking around, observing the terrain.

Su Yi nodded when he heard this. The Lihuo Xuanyang Realm that was arranged last time was just to deal with the Tiangang Sect's attack and did not portray the most perfect state.

Otherwise, with the real power of Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, Hong Qianglong might be caught in it, and without Xi Wuqing's action, he would end up half dead. This is the result of good luck!

"Come on step by step, we still have a lot to do now!"

Su Yi immediately opened his mouth and looked at Weng Zhengquan and Nangong Ningyue: "Weng Zhengquan, Nangong Ningyue, come with me!"

After Su Yi finished speaking, he left first and entered a large hall not far away, followed by Weng Zhengquan, Nangong Ningyue, Qinghuang, Yinyang Minghuang, Soul Devouring Emperor, and Huang Jian.

"Nangong Ningyue, you have performed well these days, this thing is for you!"

Su Yi threw out a jade bottle, which contained a bottle of spiritual liquid, and was caught by Nangong Ningyue.

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

After receiving it, Nangong Ningyue didn't intend to open it at all, but just cupped her fists and thanked her.

"If you take it carefully, you can get huge benefits, but don't rush for quick success!"

Su Yi gave a warning, and then said: "Next, you will help Overlord Zong Guang recruit strong people. We need manpower and expansion! But we should have some principles in employing people, and for the time being, we will follow your Cangyue Mercenary Group's previous policy. The standard is ready! As for the future, let's talk about it in detail when we have time!"

Su Yi gave Nangong Ningyue a bottle of spiritual liquid in order to improve her cultivation level. Although this woman's talent is extraordinary, but now she is only at the fifth level of Yuanzheng Realm.

With the expansion of the Overlord Sect, if her strength is not enough, she will definitely not be able to deter those newcomers!

"Yes, suzerain!"

Nangong Ningyue nodded, she hadn't realized the preciousness of the contents in the jade bottle.

"Go down first!" Su Yi waved his hand.

After Nangong Ningyue resigned, Su Yi's eyes turned to Weng Zhengquan again.

"Zong... the suzerain!"

For some reason, Weng Zhengquan couldn't help his teeth trembling when he saw Su Yi's solemn expression, his heart was nervous, and he even trembled when he spoke.

"How far do you think you are from the Yuanhuang Realm with your cultivation at the ninth level of the Yuanxu Realm?"

Su Yi looked at the old man in front of him and asked.

"Reporting to the suzerain, the subordinates are not far from the Yuanhuang realm, but the opportunity has not come, I am afraid it will not be easy to break through!"

Weng Zhengquan gave a wry smile and said honestly.

As a casual cultivator, he was really poor.

In fact, some sects are willing to recruit him, but Weng Zhengquan doesn't like to be ordered and restrained by others.

Later, when he heard that the new sect of Overlord Sect had appeared, he only thought that he had a chance to gamble and gain a decent position among Overlords and become a person in power.

It's just that at the beginning, he never thought that he would have such a fierce suzerain, and the overall strength of the Overlord Sect was much stronger than he imagined!

"It's not far from the Yuanhuang Realm, so I'll take you to a place now and give you a chance to break through the Yuanhuang Realm! However, you must keep this place a secret, and don't let anyone know about it! Otherwise, I will kill you! "

Su Yi stared at Weng Zhengquan seriously, and said word by word.

The tone of his speech didn't fluctuate too much, but every word heard by Weng Zhengquan's ears was like thunder, full of murderous aura!

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