The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1180: Make a big deal! 【Burst Twelve】

Looking at Xi Wuqing and Lei Yunhe, Su Yi added: The Qimen Phantom Soul Realm I need doesn't need to be too large in scale, but its power cannot be weakened. The most important thing is, be quick, and make arrangements before Yudingzong reacts!

Originally, Su Yi had already planned to defend with all his strength, and stayed in the mine honestly, waiting for the Jade Cauldron Sect to kill him, and then figured out a way to deal with it.

But after Lei Yunhe agreed to join, he suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

As soon as this idea appeared, he couldn't help but want to try it, because he has always been a person who has revenge.

In such a hurry?

Xi Wuqing frowned. If it were to wait for a while, all of this would be a no-brainer, but it would be very difficult to act before Yudingzong reacted!

I still have the ectoplasmic liquid on me, as long as Big Brother and Lei Lao can recover within a few days, I will go all out! Su Yi said.

Xi Wuqing kept frowning, and said: With the spiritual liquid and that place, we can recover much faster, but it is still difficult to set up the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm in just a few days!

On the side, Lei Yunhe, the soul supreme, also nodded.

Big brother and Lei Lao shot at the same time, plus I assisted from the side, wouldn't it work? Su Yi frowned and asked.

When Fairy Wuchang heard the words, a look of surprise appeared on her face. She didn't expect that Su Yi was also a soul master!

Xi Wuqing didn't speak for a while, and after a long time, he took out a few small jade bottles from the interspatial bag, with a look of heartache on his face.

The last time I refined the Huangji Tianhun Pill, there was a small amount left over, and I refined it into this Primordial Soul Purple Fire Pill, which has a super curative effect on soul trauma! Xi said ruthlessly.

Before he finished speaking, Lei Yunhe trembled fiercely beside him!

Emperor Extreme Heavenly Soul Pill!

The name of this elixir made him startled, as a soul master, of course he knew the effect of this elixir, it was a treasure that could improve the quality of the soul.

What surprised Lei Yunhe the most was that Xi Wuqing was not only a powerful soul control master, but also an alchemist, which he hadn't paid attention to.

Primordial Soul Purple Fire Pill? A happy look appeared on Su Yi's face.


Xi Wuqing nodded and said: But there are only three pills! If the two of us take one pill each, we should be able to recover to a full extent within a few days!

With a look of incomparable heartache, he threw a small jade bottle to Lei Yunhe.

good stuff good stuff

Lei Yunhe opened it, and his face immediately twitched, muttering endlessly, with ecstasy.

This Primordial Soul Purple Fire Pill is definitely far inferior to Huangji Heavenly Soul Pill, but its value cannot be ignored.

For soul masters, Yuanhun Purple Fire Pill can restore their wounded souls at an extremely fast speed. This is an extremely rare healing medicine.

If it is auctioned, the price may be extremely high!

So what are you waiting for, take it! Su Yi said quickly.

Xi Wuqing glared at Su Yi, and was about to take this opportunity to get some benefits from this kid, but when he thought that the main material for refining Huangji Tianhun Pill, Nebula Ganoderma, was photographed by this guy, he couldn't help but feel bitter.

In fact, the Primordial Soul Purple Fire Pill in his hand was also refined from a small amount of Nebula Ganoderma lucidum.

Xi ruthlessly swallowed a elixir, and carefully put away the remaining small jade bottle.

Looking at his movements, Lei Yunhe couldn't help but also slowly opened the jade bottle, poured out the elixir, looked at it carefully for a while, and then swallowed it reluctantly.

Boy, we need a place to adjust our breathing. I dare not say that it will be cured within a few days, but it should not be difficult to set up a small Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

Xi Wuqing straightened his expression and said so.

He didn't ask Su Yi exactly how he arranged it, how he wanted to deal with Jade Cauldron Sect.

After getting along for such a long time, Xi Wuqing has already understood Su Yi. Although this kid is very domineering and arrogant, he never does things that he is not sure about.

Since he dared to say that he was going to deal with Jade Cauldron Sect, he must have corresponding plans. He just needs to recover early and help arrange the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.


Su Yi didn't hesitate, and immediately left here with his eldest brother Xi Wuqing and the soul supreme Lei Yunhe, and let them enter the mysterious space in a secret place.

With the presence of Immortal Fairy, Su Yi didn't dare to open the mysterious space at will. That woman is not from the Overlord Sect, so it's better to be careful in everything.

Seeing the mysterious look of the group of people, Fairy Wuchang's curiosity was completely aroused, but no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't think of a reason.

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, and Ling Devouring Emperor, the four of you immediately follow me to Jade Cauldron Sect!

Soon, Su Yi appeared alone, and said to Qinghuang and the others.

Boss, is there something wrong here at the mine?

On the shoulder, Su Xiaoshuai said worriedly.

Both Xi Wuqing and Lei Yunhe entered the mysterious space to heal their wounds, so the mine is really unguarded.

Once a strong person comes, the consequences will be unimaginable.

It should be fine! The members of the Jade Cauldron Sect have just been eliminated, and it will take some time to get the news. We must seize this moment now and take the initiative to find Yudingzong. And after the Qimen Fantasy Soul Realm is set up, I will let the eldest brother rush back to the mine immediately. It is most reassuring to have him guarding everything.

Su Yi said, and then found Yu Qiuhan, the Fairy of Impermanence, and said, "I'd like to ask Elder Sister Fairy to take care of the mine. If there is something uncontrollable, then take the Overlord Sect's disciples with you as much as possible and leave!"

Just call out to you, Sister Fairy, I can help you with this favor! However, the benefits that should be there are indispensable!

Every time she heard Su Yi call her Fairy Sister, Yu Qiuhan would be in a good mood.

In addition, she also studied the bottle of spirit liquid a little bit, and found that it was really a rare treasure, even if he was at the ninth level of Yuanhuang Realm, he could get huge benefits from it!

That being the case, of course we should take the opportunity to search for more!

Sister Fairy, I'm a little nervous about the elixir now, and I'll make it up for you when I have it!

Su Yi sneered and said blushingly.

Don't miss me!

Immortal Fairy waved her hand, then walked gracefully, and soon disappeared from Su Yi's sight.

Boss, our sister-in-law seems to be quite talkative too! Su Xiaoshuai said.

Su Yi nodded, Fairy Wuchang was moody and powerful, but after getting in touch with her, they all felt that the woman was not as domineering as she was at first.

Could it be that it was because of the punching bag of big brother Xi Wuqing?

let's go!

Su Yi didn't stay in the mine for long, and after explaining a little bit to Nangong Ningyue and Weng Zhengquan, he left again with a few beast emperors.

Everyone didn't know that Xi Wuqing was also taken away by Su Yi.

Boss, this time, are we going to make a big one?

While everyone was rushing on their way, Su Xiaoshuai stood on Su Yi's shoulder and asked.

Su Yi nodded, the cold light in his eyes flickered endlessly, releasing a bone-chilling coldness.

He entered the mysterious space before, and found that Ji Hannuo was still not awake, and was still in a deep sleep.

In San Ye's words, this little girl's vitality has been cut off, and it is difficult to continue her success.

What he is doing now is just a sigh of relief for her. Whether he can really wake up depends on God's will.

Jade Cauldron Sect! Be sure to pay the price!

Su Yi clenched his fist and said harshly.

The Qingming Sect has been destroyed, but this matter has nothing to do with the Jade Cauldron Sect, and the rest of the enmity must be settled with them!

At full speed, I adjusted my breath to recover. Find a hidden place hundreds of miles away from the Jade Cauldron Sect, and wait for the elder brother and Lei Lao to leave the customs.

Su Yi confessed, then closed his eyes directly, and began to adjust his breath to recover his strength.

He hadn't fully recovered from the injuries he suffered during the fierce battle in the Qing Mingzong earlier, so he just took advantage of the time to adjust his breath and came back while he was on his way.

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, and Ling Devouring Emperor all used extreme speed, and according to Su Yi's request, rushed to the direction of Jade Cauldron Sect at the fastest speed.

In the chaotic domain, the territory occupied by humans can be roughly divided into ten large areas and a large number of small areas.

Ten large areas are occupied by three first-rate forces and seven second-rate forces, occupying endless cultivation resources in the area, and at the same time controlling many small forces and cities.

And those small areas are places where many small forces fight with each other, and there are countless casual cultivators in them. This is really their paradise.

Of course, in addition to this, there are also countless savage monsters in the endless old forests and deep mountains, and there are many powerful monster clans in them, such as the Yinyang Minghuang, the Devouring Emperor, the Purple Elephant Emperor and other beast emperors.

However, the territories of these beast emperors now belong to the sphere of influence of the Overlord Sect, and the countless savage beasts entrenched in them are also under the command of the Overlord Sect's Heavenly Demon Hall!

As for the Jade Cauldron Sect that Su Yi and the others are going to now, it is one of the ten large areas occupied by humans.

The Jade Cauldron Sect is the second-rate sect closest to the Overlord Sect, but although the two are not far away, they are not close either. At the speed of Qinghuang and others, it takes about three days to arrive.

Along the way, the several beast emperors did not speak, and at the same time restrained their aura as much as possible, and did not cause much movement wherever they passed.

Finally, at dusk three days later, they landed in a valley not far from Jade Cauldron Sect.

This place is good, suitable for setting up Qimen Fantasy Soul Realm!

Su Yi recovered a lot, looked around and said after waking up.

The vegetation in this valley is luxuriant, but the aura is mediocre, and it is not a place of geomantic omen, and there is no elixir in sight.

But there's a bonus here, and that's great for concealment!

To bring back some wild monsters, I need to know something about the Jade Cauldron Sect.

Su Yi confessed, and then sent Yin Ming and Soul Devourer out at the same time.

Qinghuang and Su Xiaoshuai were brought into a cave by him, and Su Yi entered the mysterious space alone.

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