The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1181: Jade Cauldron Sect's Infighting! 【Explosion Thirteenth】

After Su Yi entered the mysterious space, Xi Wuqing and Lei Yunhe woke up one after another and opened their eyes.

What the hell is this place? It's so extraordinary!

Lei Yunhe's old face was full of astonishment, after a few days, his injury has really healed by 70% to 80%!

Such an effect is really terrifying. Of course, the Primordial Soul Purple Fire Pill is responsible for this, but the role of this mysterious space cannot be underestimated!

In addition, Su Yi also gave Lei Yunhe a bottle of psychic liquid to allow him to recover quickly.

This is the biggest secret of my Overlord Sect. Mr. Lei, you are one of your own, so you are naturally qualified to know it! Su Yi said lightly.

After Lei Yunhe chose to join the Overlord Sect, he immediately gave him the position of Great Elder, and he also valued such a powerful soul master very much!

Originally, he didn't want to bring Lei Yunhe into the mysterious space for the time being, but Su Yi couldn't wait any longer and needed to use his ability to deal with Jade Cauldron Sect.

Boy, you must be near Jade Cauldron Sect by now, right?

Xi Wuqing looked at Su Yi, and said: "Then let's go out, and immediately set about setting up the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm."

He has recovered a lot, and it is no problem to arrange a smaller Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

good! It's just that after the arrangement is completed, the eldest brother needs to go back to the mine to sit in charge, and you can't be there without you!

Su Yi nodded and said, then turned his head to look at Lei Yunhe, and said, "I don't know how Mr. Lei is recovering. After the eldest brother leaves, you will be needed to control the operation of the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm."

Don't worry, suzerain, the old man can still manipulate a small Qimen phantom soul world! As long as there is no real Yuan Zongjing, or a powerful soul master breaks in, there will be absolutely no accidents!

Lei Yunhe arched his hands and said to Su Yi in a deep voice.

Su Yi didn't say much, and led the two of them out of the mysterious space.

Before leaving, he glanced at Ji Hannuo who was lying in the mysterious space. The girl still didn't make any movement at this time, which made Su Yi feel a little uncomfortable.

For the next day or so, Su Yi, Xi Wuqing, and Lei Yunhe were constantly busy, haunting this valley, carving one after another mysterious lines, and laying down a strict fantasy. soul world.

With the help of Lei Yunhe, a fourth-rank intermediate soul master, the efficiency has improved a lot!

The scale of this Qimen Phantom Soul Realm is not large, it only covers a few miles, and it is slightly smaller than the one that dealt with Tiangangmen for the first time.

They did not directly arrange the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, but according to Lei Yunhe's idea, they created a Tianyang Thunder Gang Realm!

This Qimen Phantom Soul Realm is powerful, much more powerful than the Lihuo Xuanyang Realm, and at the same time it can save some primordial stones.

In the past, the old man liked to study the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm the most, and this Tianyang Thunder Gang Realm is what I am best at! Lei Yunhe said.

Both Su Yi and Xi Wuqing were amazed by this, and lamented that Lei Yunhe was worthy of being a soul master of the older generation, and that Xi Wuqing was also far behind him in the study of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm.

Boy, after everything is done, I will go back to the mine first, so be careful yourself! If things cannot be violated, leave as soon as possible, and we will find a way!

After the Tianyang Thunder Gang Realm was completed, Xi Wuqing said this to Su Yi.

Thank you for your hard work! Su Yi nodded.

Xi Wuqing took a deep look at the young man, then left quickly.

Boss, what shall we do next?

Su Xiaoshuai landed on Su Yi's shoulder and asked aloud.

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, Yin Ming, Ling Devouring Emperor, and Lei Yunhe also looked at Su Yi, wanting to hear how he would arrange it.


There was a sneer at the corner of Su Yi's mouth, lightning flashed from his pupils, and he said two words in a deep voice: Fishing!

After finishing speaking, he signaled several Beast Emperors and Lei Yunhe to stay in the valley, quietly waiting for the strong Jade Cauldron Sect to come to die!

As for Su Yi himself, he took Su Xiaoshuai and left without knowing where he went.

This made Qinghuang and the others puzzled, but no one raised any doubts.

Jade Cauldron Sect!

As one of the seven second-rate forces in the chaotic domain, it is very powerful!

The mountain gate of Jade Cauldron Sect also occupies a majestic mountain peak!

And the highest main peak is even more majestic. From a distance, it looks like a dragon with its head raised, its awe-inspiring aura!

In the main hall of the main peak, a middle-aged man with a green beard and white face, wearing a high crown, and a brocade robe sat high on the main seat. Dozens of figures were sitting on the seats below, most of them were old men, each with a long breath , You can tell that the cultivation base is strong at a glance!

It's just that there is a gloomy cloud and mist in the hall at this time!


Above the main seat, the middle-aged man in brocade robe and high crown suddenly shouted violently, the sound was like a thunderous explosion, and the whole hall trembled!

He had an angry expression on his face, the beard on his chin was twitching, his eyes were tightly closed, and with endless violence, he said ruthlessly: Overlord Sect! What a good Overlord Sect!

The middle-aged man slapped his palm suddenly in a rage, and directly smashed the wide chair under him into powder!

Among the dozens of people below, everyone was also full of anger and hatred.

At the same time, there are also a small number of people who look at their noses and noses and their hearts without saying a word.

Suzerain, that Overlord Sect really deserves to die! The dozen or so experts we sent out are all dead!

An old man said in a mournful voice with a bit of crying.

The Jade Cauldron Sect had already received the news that the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm had been activated in the Overlord Sect's mine, and at this time it was restrained again.

The point is, the mine still appears to be working.

Obviously, the Third Elder, Elder Yan and others have already fully explained there!

As for the deaths of more than a dozen people including Elder Li from Qingmingzong, Yudingzong already knew about it.

Such a result made these principals furious!

It was supposed to be a foolproof thing, but there will be such a huge change. Even the soul supreme Lei Yunhe invited is still unknown!

Sovereign, our Jade Cauldron Sect has suffered a huge loss this time. With the power we can mobilize now, I am afraid we will not be able to move the Overlord Sect!

Another person spoke, and said to the middle-aged man above.

The middle-aged man's name is Qiao Sanjia, and he is the current suzerain of the Jade Cauldron Sect!

The Overlord Sect must be eradicated, otherwise, how can the hatred in my heart be eliminated!

Qiao Sanjia's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the veins on his forehead were as thick as beans, and they kept beating.

More than a dozen high-ranking powerhouses in the Yuanhuang Realm, all of them were lost in the hands of the Overlord Sect!

This kind of loss is too huge, even if their Jade Cauldron Sect is a second-rate force, they can't afford such a loss.

You know, there is a half-step Yuanzong Realm among them, two Yuanhuang Realm ninth level, and the remaining dozen people are also above the Yuanhuang Realm sixth level!

Such a large-scale loss, not counting the background of the Jade Cauldron Sect, is at least about 40% of the loss!

And the remaining 60% of the power, even if all of it is sent out, can it really move the Overlord Sect?

Qiao Sanjia was full of resentment. No one thought that a small Overlord Sect would become so powerful. This was something they never expected!

Sovereign, please let the ancestor go out, otherwise, how can I, the Jade Cauldron Sect, swallow this breath!

At this time, an old man with rough eyebrows stood up from his seat and said loudly to Qiao Sanjia above.

That's right, the only way out now is to invite a few ancestors, otherwise, how can we avenge the dead elders!

Someone immediately stood up and echoed, with boundless indignation!

The loss of Jade Cauldron Sect is too great, this account cannot be settled, but with their remaining power, it is already very difficult to deal with Overlord Sect!

The Third Elder, Elder Yan, Elder Li and others have all fallen, so the Jade Cauldron Sect doesn't know the specific strength of the Overlord Sect now!

Please bring out the ancestors

Upon hearing such a proposal, Qiao Sanjia, who was in a rage, instantly calmed down a lot.

It has to be said that this is the most sure way. It is definitely a sure thing to invite a few ancestors from the Yuanzong realm to go out and let them deal with the Bawangzong!

But Qiao Sanjia thought of many things at once, and his eyes glanced over some people below, feeling cold in his heart.

I'm afraid that after inviting the ancestor to leave the customs, the first thing he did was not to conquer the Overlord Sect, but to dismiss me as the suzerain, right?

Qiao Sanjia thought to himself, he knew very well that many elders below were very dissatisfied with him.

If an ancestor from the Yuanzong Realm really came out, someone would definitely take advantage of the situation and use the heavy loss of the Jade Cauldron Sect to ask him to give up his position as the suzerain. As the master of a sect, he is indeed to blame.

Thinking of this, Qiao Sanjia's fury towards Bawangzong suddenly faded a lot, replaced by vigilance towards the elders of his sect.

The ancestors have retreated for many years and don't care about world affairs. How dare I wait for the younger generation to interrupt rashly!

Qiao Sanjia's voice was gloomy, and he said slowly: "The Overlord Sect's accounts, this Sect Master must find a way to settle with them!" Before that, send people to investigate the situation, and be sure to grasp the specific situation of the Overlord Sect in the shortest possible time, so that we can make complete preparations for the conquest of the Jade Cauldron Sect!

What the suzerain said is true, it is true that the Overlord Sect is getting stronger and stronger, but it is definitely far inferior to our Jade Cauldron Sect! The defeat this time should be due to the fact that the three elders underestimated the enemy and dispersed on their own initiative, giving the Overlord Sect a chance to defeat each one!

Someone immediately spoke up, speaking for Qiao Sanjia.

The hall fell into a brief silence for a while. This statement is true, and according to the information obtained by Yudingzong, it is indeed the case.

If it wasn't for the third elder who left early with a few people, Su Yi and a few beast emperors who killed the Qingmingzong would definitely not be able to easily sweep the Qingming Mountains!

And if more than a dozen strong men break into the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm of the Bawangzong Mine at the same time, it is very likely that the results of the two schools will be completely opposite to what they are now!

The old man feels that it is better to invite the ancestors! If my Jade Cauldron Sect suffers another loss, no one will be able to bear the responsibility!

At this time, another old man looked at Qiao Sanjia and said coldly.

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