The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1233: Qinghuang's request!

"Okay!" Fairy Wuchang nodded.

She is not stupid, of course she understands what Su Yi means.

"Boy, from now on we are all our own people, so don't talk about Sister Fairy, shut up about Sister Fairy, it sounds a bit weird!"

At this time, Xi Wuqing glanced at Fairy Wuchang and said to Su Yi.

"Why, are you not convinced?"

Yu Qiuhan raised his eyebrows, stared fiercely at Xi Wuqing, and said, "My old lady likes him shouting like that, do you have a problem with that?"


Xi Wuqing's imposing manner immediately shortened by half, opened his mouth, didn't dare to say anything, just showed a wry smile.


Seeing this, Su Yi couldn't help showing a hesitant smile. It seemed that the elder brother's fear of the Immortal Fairy couldn't be erased for a while.

Su Yi didn't know the specific situation, but he could probably guess that this kind of fear was more due to the guilt of the eldest brother towards Fairy Wuchang.

"Actually, my brother is right."

Su Yi saw that the atmosphere was a bit tense, so he said: "Sister Fairy has already enshrined for my Overlord Sect, so shouting like this will indeed cause people to misunderstand. Why don't we just call you Sister Han from now on?"

He looked at Yu Qiuhan, and saw that the other party immediately denied it: "I still like the previous title!"

Su Yi said again: " about being called Mrs. Han?"

As he spoke, he blinked his eyes.

"Boy, the wings are hard, you dare to play tricks on me?"

Fairy Wuchang raised her eyebrows, and there was a murderous look in her eyes, as if she was about to hit someone.

On the other side, Xi Wuqing stroked his forehead, feeling a pain in his forehead, this kid Su Yi is really capable of trouble!

"Sister Han! It's better to listen to Sister Han! It's such a happy decision!"

Su Yi quickly waved his hands and said quickly at the same time.

After all, Fairy Wuchang didn't say anything more, just let out a cold snort, and gradually restrained her momentum, and sat on the chair.

Su Yi smiled. In fact, the title of Sister Han is quite good.

He straightened his expression, looked at the people in the hall, and continued: "Everyone heard what I said just now. From today onwards, Sister Han will make a big enshrinement for my Overlord Sect! In addition, the Overlord Sect temporarily set up two major enshrinements. One, the other is my elder brother!"

"I have seen two great priests!"

Everyone in the hall stood up and saluted Xi Wuqing and Yu Qiuhan respectively.

Beast emperors including Qinghuang, Yangming, Yinming, etc. also showed reverence in their expressions. They all knew that Xi Wuqing and his master were brothers who lived and died together!

At this moment, Xi Wuqing sat on the chair without any movement, and his expression was unrecognizable, but his heart was trembling faintly.

The Overlord Sect has come to this point, and Su Yi, this kid, really lived up to expectations, he really has abilities beyond the ordinary world!

Of course, all of this is also inseparable from his own efforts!

Xi Wuqing, who has been idle clouds and wild cranes for decades, can't help but sigh with emotion at this time, it turns out that it is such a fulfilling thing to develop and grow one's own sect!

"All of this is just the beginning, and the Overlord Sect still has a long way to go!"

Not only Xi Wuqing, but also Su Yi lightly clenched his fist and said in his heart.

"After the arrangement of the six halls is completed, the Heavenly Beast Hall is left. In addition to the three guardians of the Purple Elephant Emperor, Dragon Rhino Emperor, and Xuan Turtle Emperor, there will be a hall master and several elders!"

Su Yi adjusted his mood, and looked at the beast emperors again. First of all, his eyes fell on Qinghuang.

Among the many beast emperors, Qinghuang is the strongest, and he must be the palace master!


However, before Su Yi could speak, Qinghuang stood up and saluted Su Yi: "Master, I have a request!"


Su Yi was slightly taken aback, Qinghuang had been following him for so long, he had always been ruthless, obeying his orders, and never questioned him.

He hasn't spoken yet, but the Qing Emperor must also know that he will arrange for him to be the master of the Heavenly Demon Hall.

It's just that Su Yi didn't know why Qinghuang interrupted his words at this time, which made him curious, and said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

"Yes, Master!"

Qinghuang saluted again, and said: "Master, I don't want to take up the position of Tian Yao Temple, at least not for the time being, whether it is the master or the elder!"

This remark made many people feel surprised, Qinghuang's strength is obvious to all, and he didn't want to take up the position of Tianyao Palace, which is not right.

However, Su Yi was very calm, did not speak, but just looked at Qing Huang, waiting for him to finish speaking.

"Master, the Heavenly Demon Hall is a part of the Overlord Sect, but what I want to do most now is not to sit in the sect and defend it!"

Qinghuang immediately said, saying word by word: "I want to go out and open up a new world, please master!"

"Open up a whole new world?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, surprised by Qinghuang's words.

But at the same time, he was also very happy in his heart. Qing Huang had his own ideas, and it seemed that he was not satisfied with being the master of the Heavenly Demon Hall.

"Master, the two of us have the same idea! If the master cannot agree, we are more willing to follow behind the master and serve at any time!"

Suddenly, Yang Ming and Yin Ming also stood up from their seats, separated on both sides of Qinghuang, and saluted Su Yi with extremely firm tones.

Such a situation stunned many people. Unexpectedly, these two beast emperors also stood up, including the Soul Devourer, Purple Elephant Emperor and many other beast emperors, suddenly a little at a loss.

Su Yi fell into a brief silence, at this moment he could better understand the feelings of Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming.

These three beast emperors were the first to follow him, and now they are the strongest.

What Qinghuang said is true, as long as he accepts the position of the palace master, he will need to spend more time in the sect in the future to deal with many affairs.

Therefore, they would rather follow Su Yi all the time, or go out alone to create their own world, and they don't want to just slow down their progress!

"Master, please fulfill it!" The latest *w new HW chapter t is cool? f0

Seeing that Su Yi remained silent, Qinghuang, Yangming, and the three spoke in a long voice at the same time, and the sound shook the entire hall.

"Is that so?"

Su Yi whispered softly, a smile gradually melted on his face, and said: "Okay! I agree to this matter! From today on, you don't have to follow me all the time, you can do it according to your own ideas. I will interfere! Even if you don't do well, it doesn't matter, the Overlord Sect will not criticize you, just let go and do it!"

Not only did he not feel any unhappiness in his heart, but he felt relieved.

Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming are the strongest among the Beast Emperors of the Overlord Sect. In fact, Su Yi doesn't want to bind them to a certain position.

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