The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1234: Second Sovereign!

Now that the three of them stood up at the same time and wanted to make a living by themselves, Su Yi was of course happy to see their success.

As for the result, Su Yi didn't care.

If you really can't get along well, at worst, you can just go back to the Heavenly Beast Emperor.

What's more, Su Yi believes that Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming have certain abilities!

"Thank you master!"

Hearing Su Yi's approval, the three beast emperors were immediately overjoyed.

"Master, the three of us will live up to our expectations and forge the sharpest blade of the Overlord Sect!"

Qinghuang's voice sounded a little trembling, which was caused by excitement.

"Okay! I'm waiting for the day when you all succeed!"

Su Yi said with a smile, the blood was also surging in his heart.

He didn't ask about the specific plans of Qinghuang and the other three, everything can be implemented by the three of them.

And all he needs to do is to quietly watch how the three beast emperors create the sharpest blade of the Overlord Sect!

"It's a bit interesting, and I'm really confident!"

Next to Su Yi, Xi Wuqing also smiled, and said: "It seems that they have had this idea for a long time, and they may have discussed it in private. It is a good thing to make a vow, and I really want to see the final result."

He couldn't help nodding his head, moved by the thoughts of the three beast emperors.

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the short and small Soul Devouring Emperor, who seemed hesitant to speak, as if he also wanted to go behind Qinghuang and the other three, and venture out with them.

However, before the Emperor of Devouring Soul could really make a move, he heard Su Yi say: "Emperor of Devouring Soul, don't try to join us, the position of Lord of the Heavenly Demon Hall can only be given to you! "

Hearing the words, the Emperor of Devourer smiled wryly at first, but then his face became serious again, and he said respectfully: "I will obey the master's order!"

This is Su Yi's meaning, the Devouring Emperor will never disobey, although he still wants to mix with Qinghuang and the others.

"Okay! Then the Soul Devouring Emperor will take over the position of the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace. As for the future, it depends on your performance. I hope that in your hands, the Heavenly Demon Palace will grow stronger and stronger!" Su Yi said.

"Yes, Master!"

The Devourer Emperor didn't express his position, but his expression was extremely serious.

As the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Hall, he will be required to control all the wild monsters of the Overlord Sect at that time, and the real power is extremely great!

It's just that now, there are already several beast emperors under his command. If this was placed a few months ago, the Soul Devouring Emperor would never have dared to imagine it.

Therefore, this is an honor, but also a heavy responsibility!

"The general affairs of the six halls and one hall are almost arranged. Xi Xinghua, Duan Feiguang, and Fan Yuan are the first batch of deacons of the Overlord Sect to join the five halls. As for the specific arrangements, you can decide for yourself!"

Su Yi looked at the seven Yuanxu Realm powerhouses who had just joined the Overlord Sect. These people are quite strong, and they need to be arranged.

"Yes, suzerain!"

All seven people saluted respectfully. For some reason, everyone felt a little excited in their hearts.

This kind of mood is something that I couldn't experience as a casual cultivator in the past.

"In addition, Zhou Kuang, Yuan He, Xun Santong and others should also start as deacons, and enter the six halls respectively, and fully cooperate with the hall masters of each hall."

Su Yi's eyes turned to the dignitary imperial realm powerhouses in the main hall. There were six powerhouses in total, they were members of the original Jade Cauldron Sect and Sky Spider Sect, and they defected to the Overlord Sect.

"Yes, Sovereign!" ^/ X@少少B正%W version, other Es are pirated k\\version $0'

The people known as Zhou Kuang, Yuan He, and Xun Santong all said respectfully and did not dare to disobey, but their expressions were not very happy.

They could tell that the trust they received from the Yuanhuang Realm's deacons was not as good as the seven Yuanxu Realm's just now.

"You don't have any complaints. It's only been a few days since you joined the Overlord Sect. I can't fully trust you. All of this depends on your performance. Everyone in the Overlord Sect is equal, and everyone has a chance, but the final status is different. You have to fight for it yourself!" Su Yi said softly.

He also understood the thoughts of these people. After all, like Zhou Kuang and others, they were all elder-level existences in the second-rate Jade Cauldron Sect.

Now Overlord Sect only offers one deacon position, and it is still not very trusted deacon, of course the six people are not happy.

"Sect Master, I will understand!"

But Zhou Kuang and the others were not confused, and said immediately.

"As long as you know!"

Su Yi nodded, and then said: "However, I also said the ugliness up front. If anyone dares to commit crimes by relying on his own cultivation, I will definitely make him disappear from the Overlord Sect!"

Between the words, there was a murderous intent bursting out, fluctuating in the hall, giving birth to a fierce meaning, which made Zhou Kuang, Yuan He, Xun Santong and others all feel cold on their backs, and cold sweat broke out on the soles of their feet.

"Subordinates dare not!"

Several people immediately spoke up and expressed their opinions quickly.

What the boy said about disappearing from the Overlord Sect probably means disappearing from this world.

Su Yi didn't say anything more, just hummed.

"Things are almost arranged, do you have anything to add?"

Su Yi paced lightly in the hall and asked.

The group of strong men hadn't opened their mouths yet, when they heard a childish voice with extremely strong dissatisfaction!

"Boss, everyone has a position, either enshrined or hall master! What about me? How can you forget me?"

Su Xiaoshuai stood on Su Yi's shoulders, with his wings folded on his hips, looking very angry, very humane.

This kind of performance made Xi Wuqing, Wuchang Fairy, Qinghuang, Huang Jian and others in the hall laugh.

Su Xiaoshuai is very powerful and is respected by many people, but he is still just a child after all!

"What kind of position does the brat want?"

Su Yi glared at Su Xiaoshuai angrily, and at the same time rewarded him with a chestnut.

In fact, it's not that Su Yi hasn't thought about this problem, it's just that besides fighting and killing, Su Xiaoshuai is still relatively young in mind, so there is no way for him to take up a certain position.

"Boss, you hit me again! I don't accept it!"

Su Xiaoshuai covered his head with one wing, his face was filled with grievance and anger.

"Are you stupid, as the suzerain's younger brother, are you not satisfied with such a high position? Do you want to be a guardian of the Heavenly Beast Hall, or a deacon in the outer gate?" Su Yi rolled his eyes and said.


Su Xiaoshuai choked, and after thinking about it carefully, the boss was right.

As the suzerain's younger brother, his status is already quite good, if he takes up any other position, wouldn't it be invisibly lowering his grade?

"Boss, I blamed you wrong!"

After figuring it out, Su Xiaoshuai suddenly apologized to Su Yi, and said, "I won't be a guardian or a deacon or anything like that, just be the second suzerain with peace of mind!"

"Second suzerain..."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing shock from the depths of each other's pupils.

The title of the Second Sovereign is really new, it seems that I have never heard of it before!

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