The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1238: Farewell!

Jiuxinggu had already made a move before, and the members of the Blood Yang Sect were even more blatant and plotted against the law.

In this way, Overlord Sect will definitely be prepared to deal with it. It will be absolutely difficult for Jiuxing Valley to arrest people at this time.

If one fails, it may cause Jiuxing Valley to suffer heavy losses. You must know that the second-rate power Jade Cauldron Sect was destroyed because of the Overlord Sect!

Nine Star Valley is many times stronger than Jade Cauldron Sect, but it can't be tossed like this, any strong one will not be worth it.

"There are always opportunities. That Su Yi's talent and methods are extremely overbearing. However, from what I've heard, that young man is not a peaceful master. As long as he doesn't hide in the Overlord School all the time, There are many opportunities for us to strike, don't rush for a while!"

Chen Yao, the master of Jiuxing Valley, sat on the stone bench, stretched out his hand to pick up the white chess pieces on the chessboard, and put them into the chess bowl.

After a little observation, Elder Nie found that the order of Chen Yao's collection of chess pieces was very regular, which was exactly the opposite of the order of his chess pieces, without a single mistake!

Seeing the white stones being taken away one by one, Elder Nie said softly: "Tang Huan has a high status in Jiuxing Valley, and it is reasonable for Tao Yuande, Dong Changqing and others to respect and fear him. So next time, Why don't you let the old man make a move and definitely bring that Su Yi back to the valley?"

It is not easy to immediately go to the Bawangzong to take people, but if Su Yi appears in other places and loses the protection of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm, even if it is Naxi Wuqing and a few powerful beast emperors to protect him, it is impossible Can stop Nine Star Valley.

In addition, Elder Nie and Elder Tang have the same level of cultivation and similar status, so there is no need to give Tang Huan too much face.

Of course, it would be even better if he could not capture the young man in front of Tang Ju.

Elder Nie's voice fell, but the Nine Star Valley Master did not answer.

After putting the last white chess piece into the chess bowl, he put his hands on his knees, stared at the chessboard calmly, and said, "The two elders, Tao Yuande and Dong Changqing, went to investigate the secret realm. , after the two return to the valley, they will be sent to Fenglei Valley to guard for a hundred years."

As soon as these words came out, Elder Nie's sitting figure suddenly trembled, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

"Master Gu, this punishment is inevitable..."

He raised his voice suddenly and screamed out, but was interrupted by Chen Yao waving his hand.

"This matter is settled like this, there is no need to discuss it again." Nine Stars Valley Master said. ~"Cool Craftsman Q Network E}permanent (@Free☆C Kanxiao P said|e0


Elder Nie wanted to say something more, but he met Chen Yao's eyes instantly.

I saw the middle-aged man's eyes shining with bright starlight, like the most dazzling starlight in the dark night!

In an instant, Elder Nie's body was struck by lightning, and the words he wanted to say unconsciously swallowed back into his stomach.

However, his heart was full of turmoil, surging with turbulent waves!

Fenglei Valley is the most important place in Nine Star Valley!

The strongest ancestor-level figures in the valley all retreated in Fenglei Valley and have not been born for many years.

And in Fenglei Valley, there are often strong people guarding the pass, constantly arousing the power of the stars in the body to help the ancestors in their cultivation.

This process is no longer as simple as simply consuming vitality. It is rare to make an inch of cultivation in the normal Yuanzong realm after ten years of guarding the pass!

After guarding the gate for twenty years, the essence of life began to pass away, and the cultivation base gradually declined!

Under normal circumstances, only high-level officials or disciples who committed major crimes in Jiuxing Valley would be sent to Fenglei Valley to guard the gate.

Normally, it will be released after ten or twenty years at most. Although the cultivation base cannot improve during this period of time, the impact on the foundation is not too great, and you can continue to practice and improve.

What's more, some people have guarded the gate for more than ten years, tense their nerves all the time, consumed a lot of energy, and after they came out, their strength suddenly increased.

Therefore, if other strong people in the valley want to retreat, they will often choose to enter the Thunder Sealing Valley, but they will not stay there for too long, so that the retreat can really play a role.

"Elder Nie, are you going to take care of your own business, or play another game with me?"

After a while, Chen Yao looked at Elder Nie with a calm expression and a slight smile on his face and asked.

"The old man still has some trivial things to do, let's play chess with Master Gu next time!"

Elder Nie sorted out his emotions, stood up from the stone bench, and said to Chen Yao.

"Alright!" Chen Yao nodded.

"The old man resigns!"

Elder Nie cupped his hands, then walked in one direction.

Until entering the dense forest, Elder Nie still couldn't calm down.

The two elders, Tao Yuande and Dong Changqing, are not low in the Nine Star Valley, but this time the attack was blocked by Tang Wang, which probably violated the taboo of the owner of the valley.

It's just that after guarding the gate for a hundred years, this punishment is really...too heavy!


Elder Nie sighed softly, then swept away without looking back, and disappeared from the forest.

In the open area in the middle of the forest, Chen Yao, the master of Nine Stars Valley, picked up a sunspot on the chessboard.

There was no wave on his gentle-looking face, but with the light rubbing of two fingers, the sunspot in his hand turned into a wisp of smoke, which slowly dissipated.



A gigantic boulder ten feet high stood there, with the words "Overlord Sect" written on it, written in vigorous handwriting, exuding a domineering aura.

Beside the boulder, a figure stood.

"Boy, you must be careful when you go. If you expose your whereabouts, it's better to avoid it temporarily, or send a message back as soon as possible."

Xi Wuqing stood in front of the crowd, facing Su Yi and said.

"Don't worry, brother, I know it well!"

Su Yi faced the sect, with Ji Hannuo and Feng Qier standing beside him, and a little bird standing on his shoulder.

Beside him, Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and Yin Ming also stood quietly.

On the opposite side, behind Xi Wuqing, Emperor Devourer, Emperor Zixiang, Huang Jian, Weng Zhengquan and others were all looking at him, and the impermanent fairy Yu Qiuhan was also present.

"There are three of you, so be careful. If there is any obstacle, just send a message and come back. Overlord Sect will support you at any time."

Xi Wuqing looked at Qinghuang and the other three again, and said exhortingly.


The three beast emperors all nodded with serious expressions.

But for no reason, Qing Huang, Yang Ming, and the three of them all carried an indelible spirit.

"It seems that you are still full of confidence in this trip!"

Su Yi saw this and said with a smile.

"Master, don't laugh at us! The three of us can't guarantee how famous we will be outside, but we will definitely work hard to win glory for the Overlord Sect!"

There was a smile on Yin Ming's beautiful face, and the red lips parted slightly.

"Alright, it's getting late, let's go!"

Su Yi stopped talking, and with a light wave of his hand, he took Ji Hannuo, Feng Qi'er and Su Xiaoshuai to the distance.

"Goodbye, my lord!"

Feng Qi'er turned her head and waved goodbye to Xiangxi mercilessly, while Ji Hannuo also waved to everyone.

"Boy must be careful!"

"The suzerain will come back soon!"

Many people in the rear raised their voices and waved their hands to watch the young man take the lead to leave.

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