The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1239: Frost Skywing Wolf!

"Let's go too!"

The three of Qinghuang didn't delay either, they flew up.

"Be careful, go early and return early!"

Everyone waved goodbye and watched the six figures gradually disappear from sight.

Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, Ji Hannuo, and Feng Qi'er formed a team of four, and Qinghuang, Yangming, and Yinming walked in different directions.

"Xiaoshuai, a normal monster race can transform into a human form after reaching the Demon Emperor Realm. When will you be able to do it? It's still a bit eye-catching now, it's not convenient!"

Su Yi asked, the four of them walked through the mountains and forests, and did not fly high in the sky.

"Boss, I'm not an ordinary monster!"

Su Xiaoshuai stood on Su Yi's shoulder, and while he was moving quickly, his body was unwavering, as stable as a rock!

"I know you're not ordinary, but you can definitely transform into a human form! Don't you know when it will be possible?" Su Yi rolled his eyes and said.


Su Xiaoshuai was stunned immediately, and said: "I can't say that well, I don't have much information about my awakening now. But I guess, when I was in the Demon Sect Realm, there is probably hope to do it!"

What he said was also very uncertain, but Su Yi was full of doubts when he heard it.

It is an iron law for the demon emperor to transform into a human form, and all the emperor-level wild monsters in the world can do it.

However, Su Xiaoshuai is different, all this can only be attributed to his phoenix body.

It seems that the monster clan with too strong bloodline is not only different in terms of catastrophe, but also has great restrictions on transforming into a human body.

"Is that so?"

Su Yi smacked his lips, and then said: "So you can't blame me, handsome, you still can't show your face when you're in a crowded place. You're so famous now, you can be easily recognized by others."

Hearing this, Su Xiaoshuai immediately realized something.

In a place with many people, he will probably be forced into his arms by the boss again, and he will not be able to see people.

In fact, Su Xiaoshuai is also very desperate in his heart, he also wants to turn into a human body, okay?

It's just that during the battle in the mine before, a strong man in the Yuanzong realm was abruptly killed in the last blow, and those onlookers must have spread the scene at that time.

In this way, once he shows up in the outside world, even if Su Yi has the disguise technique, people will definitely be able to see through his whereabouts.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaoshuai's face immediately turned bitter.

Beside, Ji Hannuo and Feng Qier couldn't help but cover their mouths and snigger when they saw this.

"Looking back, I'll think of a way. Maybe I can't change Xiaoshuai's appearance, but I have a chance to change his characteristics and temperament, so that I won't be afraid of being recognized by others." Feng Qier said. ◎Most}; new y {chapter ‘section x on v cool KB craftsman T-net G0

"Really?" Su Xiaoshuai's eyes lit up.

Su Yi also looked at the girl beside him, feeling surprised, he didn't know that Feng Qi'er had this ability.

"I don't know if it will work or not. It's just an idea, and it depends on the situation. But this method can only hide it from the eyes of ordinary people. Once you meet a real strong person, you still can't hide it."

Feng Qi'er chuckled lightly and said so.

"All right, all right! As long as you don't hide all the time!"

Su Xiaoshuai became happy, and landed directly on Feng Qier's shoulder, his little head nodding non-stop.

"I will try my best!" Feng Qi'er said.

Hearing what she said, Su Yi was also very curious.

Feng Qi'er possesses the poisonous soul of Jie Qi, this kind of talent is rare, maybe there are some special means.

"Let's find a place to try later."

Su Yi said, if he could change Su Xiaoshuai's demeanor to be quite different from the rumors, he would be very happy.

The four of them continued to shuttle between the mountains and forests, chatting one after another at the same time.

The direction they are going is the extreme northwest of the Chaos Domain.

There, it is very far away from the Bawangzong, and it will take a lot of time to go all out.

However, Su Yi was not in a hurry. It should not be easy for a new secret realm to be truly opened. Otherwise, with the means of the three first-rate forces, it would not have been able to lock its trajectory at this time.

In addition, Su Yi also sent Ji Hannuo back to the Xuanjian Gate. After leaving the Xuanjian Gate, it was time to start the journey.

"Su Yi, I want to go with you."

Ji Hannuo looked at Su Yi and said softly.

"Are you going too?"

Su Yi was slightly stunned, but he was not too busy agreeing or refusing, he just said: "After seeing the head of Ji, let's see what he has to say. If he agrees and you really want to go, I will take you with me!"


Ji Hannuo nodded vigorously, he was very satisfied with Su Yi's answer, and couldn't help but feel a little better.

That is to say, when these few people were rushing with all their strength, in the wild monster forest, a young figure also shuttled through it at an extremely fast speed.


The roar of the mighty beasts came and went, and a gust of wind filled the forest.


As the young man was walking forward, he suddenly stopped and froze in place.

Those eyes were like eagles, with extremely sharp rays of light.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a snow-white figure flying swiftly from the distant sky. These figures were all powerful wild monsters.

"Ice Skywing Wolves, flying savage monsters, there are so many of them!"

The young man was dressed in black, his body was standing straight, and his eyes were like lightning.

It's just that his black clothes are twisted together at this time, mottled in patches, like dried blood, but the clothes don't see much damage, only a small tear on the back.

Looking at the large group of wild monsters flying towards them, the young man had no intention of avoiding them at all.


In the distant sky, those savage monsters also saw the black-robed boy below, and couldn't help but let out a series of low-pitched roars at the same time, and rushed towards them more quickly.

These savage monsters are covered in snow white and look like savage wolves, but they have wings on their backs and can fly horizontally at a very fast speed. Even though they are not as good as those purely flying savage monsters, they should not be underestimated!

"As expected of the Wild Monster Forest, I have met dozens of them along the way. My uncle seems to have crossed here a few times at the beginning. With my current strength, it should be easier to go through here to the Chaos Domain! "

Looking at the snow-white ice, there were actually seventeen or eight Skywing wolves in number. As they approached, a gust of icy aura rushed toward their faces.

"The leader, the wolf king, must have reached the Demon Realm! Since you are here to die, then I will not be polite!"

The boy's eyes froze immediately, his whole body restrained, unmoving, quietly waiting for the dozen or so icy Skywing wolves to kill him!

Just when his body was surrounded by a group of wild monsters, the boy suddenly stomped his foot on the ground!

With a "bang", the surrounding mountains and forests trembled, and the trees trembled!

At the same time, a piece of black light rose from the ground, forming a huge circle of light, encompassing all the icy Skywing wolves!

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