The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1291: Dangerous situation.

"Brother Su Yi, are you alright?" Feng Qi'er looked at Su Yi suspiciously, for fear that Su Yi would enter the illusion again.

Only then did Su Yi realize that he had been talking to the air all this time, which seemed so weird to others, he shrugged his nose and smiled awkwardly.

"It's okay, let's figure out how to get out."

Su Yi looked at the already dilapidated secret realm, surrounded by rubble and chaotic trees, and huge pits flew in one after another.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, if you stay for a moment longer, there will be a slight danger. Now concentrate on gathering energy, run the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu to feel the distribution of spiritual energy in the dense forest, and at the same time, a voice came from your mind again.

"Where is this?" Ling Qianxue asked quietly.

"This is a secret place. When I entered here with these people, I was bewitched by the soul. These people seem to have suffered a lot of soul trauma. It is not a big problem for those with strong cultivation to go out. Those who have become walking dead I'm afraid that after going out, the soul power will be much weaker than ordinary people."

After Su Yi finished speaking, he immediately looked at the wandering strong man over there. He didn't sigh in his heart, but he still had lingering fears about getting out of the dangerous situation just now.

"There is a monster here," Ling Qianxue said softly.

"Monster Qi?" Su Yi asked

"Well, the aura here is unusual, it contains a breath of ancient monsters. This place also seems to be an enchantment space arranged by the supreme monster, which is different from the phantom soul formation that you humans used to control with the energy of spirit stones before. Too much the same."

Ling Qianxue said softly, the soft and pleasant voice lingering in Su Yi's ears.

Hearing this long-lost voice, Su Yi's heart trembled slightly, and after a while, his mind quickly turned around, and he said on his forehead.

"Indeed, I have a feeling. It should not be the formation of Qimen Phantom Soul Realm. There is no gate of life and death. The whole space is formed naturally, densely filled with aura, and it is like a closed training space."

"It's somewhat similar to that mysterious space of yours." Ling Qianxue said slightly, subconsciously.

Su Yi thought, this place has its own space, which is the same as the space brought by his own mysterious light group, but the mysterious space itself can be manipulated. Could it be that this space can also be manipulated, but the owner of this space is not himself. That's all.

"Qianxue, how do we get out?"

"..." Su Yi once again called him that, and he was a bit stunned that he had not been called by a fifteen or sixteen year old boy after so many years of cultivation as the Supreme Monster Race.

"Qianxue, Qianxue?"

"Don't call me that!" Ling Qianxue scolded softly. If Su Yi could see Ling Qianxue's appearance now, he would see Ling Qianxue's wild face. meaning.

"Brother Su Yi, take a quick look." Feng Qier on the side raised her finger and pointed at the place where she cried just now, with a look of surprise on her face.

Following the direction Feng Qi'er pointed, the originally drenched soil began to evaporate, and crystal teardrops rose from the soil, forming a deep black spatial crack on the soil, which was profound and mysterious.

Constantly fluctuating spatial ripples wrapped around the cracks like electric arcs, and clear teardrops kept rising and attached to the ripples, forming an exquisite water curtain.

Just as Su Yi was tongue-tied, the water curtain continued to stretch from the middle to both sides, and the space crack continued to expand.

After a few breaths, it continued to expand into a huge water curtain arch, and the space fluctuations like electric arcs continued to rise and fall.

"Is this the exit?" Su Yi stared at the strange scene in front of him, speechless.

Ling Qianxue kissed her lips, and said: "It seems to be calling us. I just woke up, and I just regained consciousness. I don't have much power. You have to be more careful after you go in..."

Ling Qianxue was about to tell Su Yi to be more careful. Su Yi's strength was still too weak, but she was so surprised to perceive that Su Yi's aura was already at the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm.

Vigorous and unstoppable vitality surged from Su Yi's body, and even the strength of flesh and blood was much stronger than that of the monster cub level back then. This is really a miraculous person, Ling Qianxue murmured.

Su Yi took a deep breath, and said to Feng Qi'er in a deep voice, "Feng Qi'er, let's go, there should be the exit."

After all, he looked at the people in the Cangyun Palace who were still down not far away. Su Yi was powerless for the time being and could only take Feng Qier away first. Perhaps when he broke through the secret realm, the soul suppression on them would be lifted. Naturally, he can retreat completely.

He simply came to Wei Hong's side, took out a few bottles of pills from the interspatial bag and put them beside Wei Hong, and said in a low voice: "Elder Wei, boy, let's take a step ahead, you should take good care of yourself, after you go out, you should come to visit me!

As soon as he finished speaking, he cupped his fists and bowed to Elder Wei, and brought Feng Qi'er into the space rift.

As soon as they walked into the space crack, it seemed that there was a huge suction force, completely enveloping Su Yi and Feng Qier, and the crack was also sucked in by the two of them, and gradually healed. With the last bit of light closing, the space crack completely disappeared.

After being sucked into the space rift, the surroundings were pitch black and the wind was blowing. Su Yi only felt that he had entered a space tunnel, with huge boulders flying by constantly beside him. If he was not careful, the huge boulder in the space tunnel would smash Su Yi to death. He was seriously injured and died.

Su Yi held Feng Qi'er's hand tightly, and the two of them were like pieces of paper, circling aimlessly in the tunnel.

Feng Qier on the side only had Yuanzhen Realm, even if she was behind Su Yi, the huge coercion in the tunnel made Feng Qier feel uncomfortable.

Moments later, there were bursts of painful groans. It turned out that the wind in the tunnel had no direction, and the constantly flying boulders and giant bones of monsters were powerful enough to destroy people under the action of the wind.

Su Yi couldn't stop complaining right now, regretting not putting Feng Qi'er into the mysterious space, it must be much easier for him to get in the space tunnel by himself with the Supreme Mixing Skill.

Su Yi's expression was dignified, and huge boulders several feet high kept falling towards Su Yi. Su Yi secretly cried out that the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu body protection was not working well, and the fire attribute vitality was born. Su Yi did not hesitate, and the destructive majesty aura burst out immediately. , step out with ever-changing steps, and stabilize your figure in the harsh wind.

Pushing both palms in an instant, a long red thunder shot out from the palm, and the dragon-like light swept towards the boulder.


Under Su Yi's ferocious and incomparable energy vibration, the boulder was turned into powder, and scattered in the space wind, the terrifying aura shook the void, and the wind also became fiercer with the vibration of the air wave.


All of a sudden, seven or eight boulders also hurled towards Su Yi.

"Not good! There are more and more flying stones!"

Su Yi stepped into the void, his eyes sank, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu was fully activated, releasing majestic and destructive aura.


Streams of fire-attribute energy surged out, and Su Yi's figure was like lightning, moving in unpredictable ways, constantly avoiding fine stones.

Su Yi's palms gathered vitality, and the palm prints seemed to be filled with flames. The blazing golden red aura burned the surrounding air, and one palm after another blasted towards the boulders that kept flying.

"Hokage Fist!"

Between the palms, there seemed to be a huge hot air that was continuously compressed and then expanded, and the flying flames bombarded the boulder, exploding like a cannonball!



The explosion sounded like a thunderbolt on the ground, and the boulder collided with Su Yi's palm print, a domineering aura like a small volcanic eruption suddenly exploded, and the air flow was surging like a tornado.

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