The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1292: You just think I like to show off!

Su Yi tightly protected Feng Qi'er behind him, the sound of wind and thunder kept ringing in his ears, and the howling wind made his face hurt.

Su Yi only felt that this place was very strange. He could break the boulder with one blow with all his strength. It can be seen how hard the boulder is. Su Yi didn't know that the boulder had been bred by the aura of the weather for tens of thousands of years in this space tunnel!

There was a muffled sound, a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, and the huge boulders that kept flying made Su Yi's belly attacked. A beast bone instantly hit Su Yi who couldn't avoid it, and the surrounding air hummed.

"Brother Su, leave me alone!"

Feng Qier saw that Su Yi was in a difficult situation, because she was constantly taking care of herself, and was caught in the boulder, Feng Qier felt that she was powerless and her voice was a little hoarse.

Su Yi stopped his figure and swallowed a mouthful of fishy sweetness. At this moment, Su Yi's hair was flying in the wind, and under the long eyelashes, his obsidian-like eyes were solemn and solemn.

Ling Qianxue had a panoramic view of every moment. Su Yi, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was still so stubborn, and his figure looked much stronger.

Su Yi's tall and slender figure was set off by the green clothes, Ling Qianxue felt a pang of pain in her heart, what had he experienced during this time.

At this time, Su Yi's eyes were firm and hopeful, and he looked sideways at the weak Feng Qi'er, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and slightly curled his lips: "It's okay, I'm here, I'll take good care of you!"

Hearing this, Feng Qi'er's beautiful eyes trembled, seeing Su Yi's slightly calm eyes, her chaotic thoughts gradually calmed down, she knew that only by being calm can she not cause trouble to Su Yi.

It took Su Yi and Feng Qier only a few breaths to enter the space tunnel, but it seemed like decades.

Huge flying stones and sharp animal bones flew past the ears of the two in the strong wind, and the whistling wind forced Feng Qi'er to breathe more and more quickly.

Ling Qianxue looked at Su Yi's stubborn figure, her heart trembled, and she said angrily, "Don't you just like to show off in front of little girls?"

There was a quiet light in Su Yi's eyes, like the deep and mature water in the blue sea, Su Yi said softly: "If you were a little girl back then, you should just think that I like to show off!"

"You!" Ling Qianxue was about to explode, but she curled her lips and stopped looking at Su Yi.

Su Yi's words reminded Ling Qianxue of the scene where Su Yi and Su Tianque fought against the Chi Jiaohuang in front of the seriously injured herself with their meager cultivation.

In the end, in order to protect Su Yi and the little bird that called itself Master Sparrow, I blew up the demon core. At that time, Su Yi was not showing off his power, so was he himself at that time.

The scene of that day was vividly remembered, and no one would have thought that the descendants of the majestic demon emperor and the great clan of demons, Jiuling Tmall, would have such a deep connection with this thin but resolute human being in front of them in the future.

"What's wrong with me?" Ling Qianxue raised her nose.

Ling Qianxue herself was also puzzled, it was a long time since she recovered this time, but she felt a deeper intimacy with Su Yi than before.

It seems that he is not as annoying as before, his flamboyance, his big words, and his actions are all so natural to Ling Qianxue.

"Feng Qier, be careful, the space tunnel may be about to stop."

Su Yi's eyes were condensed, and he watched the boulder and animal bones flying towards him vigilantly, in case he was hit.

As time went by, Su Yi found that the speed of the stones was constantly decreasing, and the number of animal bones was also getting smaller and smaller.

There is only one possibility, Su Yi and Feng Qier have passed through the center of the space tunnel safely, and now they have come to the edge of the entire hidden space, the entrance may not be far away.

"Su Yi, look down! There is also a crack there!" Ling Qianxue opened her beautiful eyes and called softly.

At this time, Ling Qianxue was more concerned about Su Yi's life and death than anyone else, not only because of the strange feeling that there was nothing, but also because the two had a contract.

Only when Su Yi is safe and sound, can Ling Qianxue recover her soul and body with the help of Su Yi's mysterious space.

Following the direction pointed by Ling Qianxue, Su Yi suddenly discovered in the illusory darkness that there was an extremely thin and extremely thin crack not far away, which was the same as the space crack when he came here, with electric arcs permeating above it, and the electric light like a small snake glowed in the black Glittering in the emptiness.

Su Yi was overjoyed, and stepped out with ever-changing steps under his feet. The fiery red wings behind his back spread out, and the wings, as thin as cicada wings, kept beating. Following the strong wind in the space tunnel, Su Yi and Feng Qi'er immediately came to the space crack, but Suddenly, he was repelled by a huge force and stepped back.

Su Yi's pupils shrunk slightly, vitality poured into his legs, and he stepped out of the air. He tried this more than a dozen times, but was thrown several feet away by a huge force like a sandbag.

Su Yi's eyes were strange, looking at the crack in space, his heart was shaking.

Isn't this an entrance that can be entered and exited at any time?

Su Yi frowned, carefully recalling the scene when he just entered the space tunnel.

"Feng Qi'er, can you still cry?"


"Cry! Cry for me!"

"Your tears just now were the introduction to bring us into the space tunnel, can you cry again now, and take us out with tears?"

The sound of electric arcs whizzed along with the strong wind, and the strong electric light shone on Feng Qier's Bai Ruoyingxue face. Su Yi looked at Feng Qier with scorching eyes, hoping that Feng Qier could cry again, maybe the two of them would be together. can go out.

After a while, the two looked at each other.

Except for the strong wind in the space, there is silence all around, accompanied by the wind, there are only bursts of orchid fragrance unique to the girl.

Feng Qi'er shook her head helplessly, with a pair of water-cut eyes, full of water, facing the eagerly looking forward to Su Yi, Feng Qi'er suddenly realized that the big brother in front of her also had a cute side, she smiled and said.

"Brother Su Yi, I really can't cry all of a sudden."

Ling Qianxue on the side was so teased that she giggled, with her crescent eyebrows hanging upside down, she chuckled and said, "You are such a strange human being. You make people cry and make you small again. Isn't this torture?"

"Then how can I get out? That's clearly how I got in just now."

Su Yi scratched his head and said in frustration.

After a long while, Qing Tian was silent, Su Yi took a deep breath and told Feng Qi'er to back away, thinking that she really couldn't go out, so she had to force herself.

Feng Qi'er immediately took a few steps back, and Su Yi activated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, and the scarlet fire attribute light, blazing unparalleled light accompanied by mighty power.

Behind Su Yi appeared a huge phantom of a sparrow, a kind of simple ancient coercion surged from Su Yi's feet, and mysterious and unpredictable talismans gradually emerged from his feet from the light, shaking Su Yi's entire body. wrapped in it.

In an instant, Su Yi's whole temperament changed drastically, and the strong wind blew Su Yi's black hair bulging and flying.

Su Yi is like an ancient god of war awakened from a deep sleep, with thunderous anger for no reason, appearing powerful and majestic, like a god revived.

As if the electric arc in the space crack had received an induction, it reflected Su Yi's aura from a distance, and the light overlapped. The entire space was in turmoil.


Ling Qianxue's heart was already full of shock, her eyes flashed again and again, and as the dim phantom appeared in the space, Ling Qianxue's heart also began to tremble. This is a kind of coercion from the ancient monster clan! If she wasn't a kind of ancient monster, she would have surrendered in fear like a normal wild monster.

"This guy has improved so fast." Ling Qianxue secretly shocked.

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