The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1295: Unyielding and proud!

The mountains and forests are steeply folded, Qionglin Yushu, towering old trees, and the forest on the mountainside is full of shade.

The morning sun that shoots down through the lush forest leaves, embellishes the light spots on the thick ground moss.

On the gloomy and secluded mountainside, from top to bottom, the evergreen dense forest is like a vast and boundless green wave, covered with a layer of light golden tulle under the light of the morning light.

The monsters hiding in the forest are quietly dormant in the dark, waiting for the prey to actively enter the area, and needles can be heard throughout the forest.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the mountains and forests, a man and a woman with two cultivation bases shuttled rapidly between the dense ancient trees, it was Su Yi and Feng Qi'er.

A few pieces of verdant green leaves fell in response, and were quickly burned by the fireball, turning into little ashes in the air.

The fire attribute vitality shrouded Su Yi's body, the glow filled the air, and the divine splendor rippled.

There was a faint clang of wind and thunder around Su Yi's body, and the torrent of vitality in the rapid advance carried great coercion. Su Yi took the lead in the front with his footsteps, while Feng Qi'er followed closely behind, for fear of losing Su Yi's trace.


Su Yi shuttled back and forth between the dense forest like a ball of fire, and the entire dense forest, including the sky and the earth, became extremely hot, and the water vapor accumulated after a night turned into clouds and drifted away with the fire ball passing through.

In an instant, the flames swept across, and the coercion was overwhelming. The flowers and plants along the way were withered, and the ancient trees were darkly scorched. They rolled towards the top of the mountain with destruction and the power enough to burn all living beings.


All the savage monsters scrambling to attack them were all shocked by Su Yi's aura of majestic Lingwei, and some savage monsters with lower cultivation level prostrated themselves on the ground, rustling Trembling, growling under his breath.


In the blink of an eye, Su Yi and Feng Qi'er had climbed quite a distance.

At this moment, Su Yi is running the Hunyuan Supreme Art with all his strength, the vitality in his body is boundless, and he is about to reach the highest peak in one go.

In an instant, near the mountainside, the Hunyuan Supreme Power in Su Yi's body changed. The more he walked towards the mountain, the more Su Yi could feel the invisible and endless pressure pouring towards him, pouring into his limbs and bones, forcing him to be unable to move. move on.

At this time, the entire mountain peak was fluctuating with a dark aura, and dark clouds slowly gathered at the peak.

Turning her head to look at Feng Qi'er, she frowned slightly, crystal beads of sweat slowly ran down her cheeks, she was trying to move forward, except for a little difficulty in speed, Feng Qi'er showed no other symptoms.

Surrounded by visions, Su Yi immediately remembered the scene of ascending to the rooftop at the Ten Thousand Swords Conference.

Before he could think about it, Su Yi felt unyielding spontaneously, and the energy of vitality was generated under his feet, and boundless waves were set off all over his body. The vitality traveled through the wide meridians in his body, and strong spatial fluctuations erupted.

"Then come on!"

The blocking of the mountain's energy just aroused the unyielding fighting spirit in Su Yi's heart, the raging fighting spirit, and the awe-inspiring pride of wanting to compete with the God of Heaven.

Su Yi's heartfelt thoughts from the previous night made Su Yi realize that for the protection of his heart, he would not obey the sky and the earth!

Unyielding and proud!

Feng Qi'er, who was behind her, was walking upwards on her own, and she was horrified when she saw the strange phenomena around her. Seeing Su Yi's tall and straight back in front, she immediately accelerated her speed!

What Feng Qi'er didn't know was how much pressure Su Yi was carrying!

Unparalleled pressure barrier, this mountain peak is located in the center of the entire mountain range, full of aura, it is the place with the deepest pressure in the entire mountain range.

At this time, Su Yi's body was like the center of gravity of a whole mountain range pouring down. Su Yi's legs felt as if they were filled with lead every time he took a step to the top, and his feet began to tremble slightly every time he took a step.

Dangerous peaks stand tall, and the surrounding void is filled with a lot of terrifying aura, accompanied by bursts of dark clouds, the sky and the earth are very obscure!

Su Yi operated the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu to the extreme, and the vitality in his body was surging, but the invisible pressure outside did not ease much. Su Yi's eyes were deep, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Today, Su Yi is protected by a diamond body and a golden dragon spirit. , the sea of ​​Taixu gods is endless, and the demon soul of Tianyuan is majestic and powerful, far from being comparable to going to the rooftop that day.

With some determination on Su Yi's pale face, he gritted his teeth and continued to climb up.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Feng Qi'er also slowly noticed that Su Yi's speed was gradually decreasing. When he chased after Su Yi, Su Yi's face was livid, and his whole body was full of energy, like a bright sun. It seems to be very strenuous, but still continue to climb the mountain.

The light in Feng Qi'er's eyes fluctuated, and she also secretly began to circulate her attribute vitality to protect Su Yi, following closely behind.

Su Yi raised his eyes, his whole body was covered by golden light at this moment, Feng Qi'er followed closely behind, Su Yi clearly felt that all the crushing power was aimed at him!

"bring it on!"

If you can't even conquer a mountain, how can you talk about flattening the holy mountain, how can you talk about tearing up the Blood Yang Sect!

Su Yi raised his foot again, and he had climbed more than half of the mountain.

The entire mountain peak was accompanied by bursts of dark clouds, its aura fluctuated, and it began to tremble, a huge coercion enveloped it, and the faint sound of wind and thunder surged in the clouds.


Bursts of thunderous, muffled sounds, accompanied by the rhythm, shattered the sky while Su Yi was walking, like a drum beating a hammer!

Faintly, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the rumbling sound trembled slightly in the energy fluctuations of Su Yi's golden light, which was breathtaking and frightening for no reason.

Above the void, boundless powerful waves locked onto Su Yi's body with a monstrous and dark aura.

Su Yi gritted his teeth slightly, and bravely climbed to the top as before, his thin body stood upright like a spear!

At the same time, the vitality in Su Yi's body was no longer retained, and it surged with all its strength, and the vitality of the Taixu Shenhai gushed out, rushing to the limbs and bones.

The Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu was running non-stop, and the vajra body and the radiance of the Tianyuan demon soul also reached the extreme.


Su Yi shouted violently in his heart, the body of a diamond, Su Yi's skin was crystal clear at this time, covered with vitality, like a divine ring added to his body, and the divine radiance rippling.

Su Yi was like a dazzling ball of light, shining brightly.

Feng Qi'er's heart was also like a huge wave. She knew very well that Su Yi was undergoing a huge test at this time. As Su Yi moved forward step by step, the crystal light trembled like a ball of flame.

The boundless pressure seemed to tear Su Yi apart at any moment.

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On the sea cliff, the setting sun is like blood.

The sunset glow piled up all over the sky, dyeing a large area of ​​the sky in gorgeous purple.


The sky cracked, and the sky and the earth began to roar! Above the clear sky, the tremors continued!


The oppressive and obscure atmosphere is like a cover, covering the entire sea cliff, a small world, and a large thick dark cloud slowly gathers.

A phantom of a toddler around six or seven years old, with his legs crossed, squinting at the looming lightning flashing through the dark clouds, took a deep breath.

"Old Peng, he's halfway through, and we're ready to start!"

After speaking, he looked towards the seaside, at this moment Su Yi was also under the torrential weather.

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