The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1296: Qi against Tianwei!

At the height of the mountain, Su Yi gradually walked to two-thirds of the way, a mighty coercion from ancient times wrapped the mountain peak, and the majestic coercion swept across the Zhengzuo mountain range.

Roaring in the sky, the monstrous weather makes one's hair stand on end for no reason, the purple light of the Tianyuan demon soul fills the air, the remnant soul of the golden dragon shines brightly in golden light, and faintly emits the sound of a dragon's cry!

Feng Qier was stunned, the scene in front of her was too terrifying!

"Vision! This is the vision of heaven and earth that the great elder said!"

Feng Qi'er's footsteps faltered, and then she raised her eyes to look closely at Su Yi, the concern in her eyes was self-evident.

This vision of heaven and earth was brought by Su Yi, and Su Yi caused the vision of heaven and earth.

Dark clouds, lightning and thunder!

Ling Qianxue in Su Yi's body was even more shocked, not only because Su Yi, who was at the ninth level of Yuanxu Realm, displayed such majestic energy, but more importantly, he saw the unyielding soul will in Su Yi's body.

Ling Qianxue's heart was awe-inspiring, the summit had reached a critical moment, and now the only way to support the man in front of her was to remain silent.

After a while, there was an ear-splitting explosion like thunder from the sky, and the monsters and beasts all around were kneeling down one after another, and the vegetation and creatures were cowering!

Only Su Yi, with deep and cold eyes, is fearless!

At this moment, only Su Yi, who is in it, can feel the mighty coercion. The weight of the entire mountain range is on him. It is not only the pressure of the physical body, but also the shock and suppression of the soul!

Facing the endless crushing pressure, Su Yi flashed a red light from the center of his brows, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in his body was eloquent, and an incomparable aura that could not be suppressed gushed out again.

At this moment, Su Yi is like a supreme king looking down on the world, with the arrogance to dominate the world, the wind is blowing in the void, blowing Su Yi's robes.

Three quarters!

His gaze was as blazing as the sun, and Su Yi's surrounding attributes were as radiant as a divine ring, and he continued to move forward with the majesty of destruction.

At this time, the mysterious light in Su Yi's body was shining brightly, like a round of scorching sun, burning blazingly, making the light around Su Yi even more dazzling.

The mysterious light group was radiant, with a domineering and majestic aura, resisting the heavy pressure of the mountain.


Ten steps away!

The void oscillated, the wind and thunder resounded, the dark clouds rolled, clanging and deafening, and the faint thunder roared endlessly above the sky, oscillating wildly, like a warning from a god.

"chi chi..."

Feng Qi'er was also swayed by the mountain wind blowing her hair, her eyes sparkled like fire.

Su Yi stepped forward, striding forward with his head held high, his eyes filled with courage and red light, and he walked up step by step.

Ten steps! Nine steps! Eight steps!

The mountain peak under his feet was under the landing of the young god of war in front of him, and he was shaking under the heavy pressure step by step. Every step would open a deep gully in the ground, and in an instant, the cracks in the ground spread like spider webs.

The wind is majestic, and the world is in turmoil!

Su Yi's speed was getting slower and slower, the roaring sound in the dark clouds was endless, such as the sound of the sky, the lightning flashed through, and the electric arc surged, as if it was about to fall and bombard the mountain peak at any moment!

Su Yi's every step carries boundless pressure, the mountain peak is turbulent, and the void is flickering.

The invisible heavy pressure has oppressed Su Yi until his figure was shaking and his face was pale. Only Su Yi under the weight of his body could know what kind of will he was using to climb to the top.



Su Yi let out a loud roar from his throat, his momentum was like a rainbow piercing the sun, the light in his eyes was blazing again, and he stomped his foot hard on the ground!

"Three steps!"

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, the dark and oppressive atmosphere reached its peak, and the roaring thunder sounded like the final trial of gods and demons, which made people feel terrified!

Feng Qi'er's delicate body trembled, her eyes were filled with tears, and she clenched her fists tightly. Behind Su Yi, she really felt how determined Su Yi's heart was.

"Brother Su Yi, hold on, come on."

Feng Qi'er couldn't help shouting loudly, the wind was fierce, and the sound was drowned out by the sound of lightning and thunder, and spread to the entire mountain along with the terrain!

Su Yi was still persisting, and the vitality under his feet was still surging.

But the corner of Su Yi's mouth had already begun to overflow with blood, and the coercion came again, crushing the soul from the depths, and it was about to crush and obliterate the soul directly!

At this moment, Su Yi was out of breath!

But Su Yi was gritting his teeth, and continued to move forward step by step, one step after another, the momentum became more and more monstrous, the world seemed not to show weakness, and the pressure reached the extreme.

The coercion is boundless, pervasive, unstoppable and unstoppable!


A torrential momentum emerged from Su Yi's body, knocking Feng Qi'er back several miles.

Su Yi's whole body was surrounded by electric arcs, Su Yi vomited blood, and the light on his body was dim.

Su Yi's clothes were already torn to pieces by the electric arc, and from the inside out, cracks began to appear on his skin that was translucent and moist as jade.


Su Yi spat out another big mouthful of blood, and Ling Qianxue's heart surged. She knew that Su Yi had been injured, and she knew that that low-level human being was so powerful, full of fighting spirit, and unyielding!

"last step"

Above the void, thunder billowed, and the silvery-white electric arcs that were so bright that they turned white converged into a ball, wrapped in a monstrous momentum, so terrifying that it seemed to destroy all living beings!

"Don't continue!"

Ling Qianxue cried out in her heart, Ling Qianxue's pretty face was pale at the moment, her eyes were misty, she was afraid of seeing the scene of Su Yi being brutally suppressed by thunder, just like she didn't want to experience the pain of her clansmen dying in front of her again.

"This is Tianwei, it's a warning!"

Ling Qianxue's cry had been swallowed up by the strong wind, and there was only the sound of roaring and killing between the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, Su Yi was also injured to the extreme, Su Yi's body began to bend, blood overflowed from the cracks all over his body, his whole body was like a bloody man.

Only the light of the vitality attribute is still burning hot, like a young killing god with killing intent!

This last step, like a natural moat, is the biggest test for this young man.

What Su Yi didn't know was that on a certain sea cliff, there was a mysterious old man whose eyes were fixed on him, because beside the old man, there was also a person, a young child, who was experiencing the same thunderous power as him. pressure!

At this moment, the wind is surging, and the mountains and rivers are trembling!

In the sky above the sea cliff, thunder crashed down from the dark clouds, and the bright arcs swept towards the children like a whirlwind. The endless lightning, accompanied by the fierce power of thunder and lightning, seemed to engulf the sea cliff and destroy everything!

The mysterious old man's eyes were all bright, and he couldn't help but look sideways when he saw that both sides were going through a thunderstorm!


Su Yi's body surface glowed with red golden light, he stepped on the mountain, his waist was straight, standing in the mountain, like a majestic and unparalleled god of war.


The mighty electric arc gathered into a ball, carrying Tianwei, and under the boundless and violent collapse, it swallowed the void and collapsed on the young child.


Su Yi and the young boy shouted in unison.

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