The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1303: Phantom of the Phoenix God.

The night stars hung high, and large swathes of dark clouds were piled up over the swamp.

The surface of the swamp where the creatures wailed and the ghosts wailed just now has returned to calm.

The swamp was overgrown with dry grass, and the surrounding area became very strange due to the dense decaying atmosphere and the change just now. The nine major forces were waiting around a hundred miles away from the swamp, for fear of missing the traces of the secret realm that would appear at any time.

And on the high ground not far from the swamp, everyone in the Blood Yang Sect stared closely at the vast swamp in front of them.

Everyone in the Blood Yang Sect whispered behind them: "This secret realm is too terrifying, Su Yi, who even killed several strong men in our sect, was swallowed up!"

"Yeah, look at that kid's aura, no wonder he was able to destroy several second-rate forces one after another. I heard that even the Jade Cauldron Sect was wiped out by him!"

The people's discussion was endless, Bi Zun heard it in his ears, he was very angry, his eyes were bright, and he was staring at the swamp.

"Give me an order. The disciples of the Blood Yang Sect will search within a radius of 50 li in the swamp. If there is any trace of Su Yi or the elder Zong Huai, call the Blood Yang Arrow and let us know!" Bi Zun said via sound transmission to the vitality of the remaining powerhouses behind him.

Bi Zun was burning with anger at the moment. This time he brought dozens of people to investigate the secret realm. Not only did he not enter the secret realm, but he also took in two elders and Wu Jiuyou and other core disciples. What's wrong, I don't know how I will be punished in front of the suzerain.

Hu Kun of the Cangyun Palace strongly blocked it, and it might be difficult to force the Phoenix blood before the secret realm.

Right now, Bi Zun only hopes that Zong Huai and Li Changqing can capture Su Yi in the secret realm. If he is allowed to escape again, he will lose his old face.

"Cangyun Palace! This old man also remembers this account."

There were flames burning in Bi Zun's eyes, and his face turned ashen.

A few Yuanzong Realm powerhouses behind him came over and said, "Elder Bi! I have already ordered that as long as my disciples report any news, they will just wait for that thief Su Yi to come out and immediately capture him alive!"

"Su Yi! If this old man doesn't catch you, I swear I won't be human!"

Bi Zun's vitality swelled all over his body, and the vitality energy was like a storm, filled with blood, stirring up the flying sand around him.

The vast swamp land can't be seen at a glance, and on the flat ground far away on the other side, people from Cangyun Palace and Nine Stars Valley gathered.

"Elder Hu, I also sent the disciples of Cangyun Palace to search, but they didn't find any trace of that phoenix bird," said a Yuanhuang Realm powerhouse in Cangyun Palace through voice transmission.

Hu Kun's eyes were solemn. After a strange fluctuation in the secret realm several hours ago, there was no more aura turmoil. The news had already been sent back to the sect. If Qin Yusheng, Shi Susu and others also swallowed it, the few people in the sect would When the ancestor came, it was really a dilemma.

"Wait and see what happens, and keep searching!" Hu Kun softly ordered everyone.

On the other side, the Nine Stars Valley is a dotted area.

Elder Nie stared at the lake thoughtfully, and Tang Juan also looked calm.

After a moment of silence, Elder Nie said calmly: "I have notified the owner of the valley that the owner of the valley will bring the power of the sect to help.

Elder Tang Juan immediately sighed, and couldn't help a wry smile in his heart.

"Little friend Su Yi, I hope you can escape safely!"

In the secret realm, the sea cliffs were turbulent, the sacred aura rising from the sky spread around, and golden red flames erupted from the cave, like an underground volcano about to erupt.


With a monstrous sound that exploded in the sky, the terrible wind blasted the stones above the cave into the air, turning into a golden-red thunderbolt in the air, and suddenly shattered. The fire of the thunder fell from the sky, and the scene was terrifying!

The flames soared into the sky, and the terrifying coercion came to the sky and the earth, and the breath was suppressed to the extreme in an instant.


The thick and clear sound of the phoenix's cry reverberated like the sound of the sky, and in the blood-colored sky, a huge figure of a divine bird rose from the sea cliff, spread its wings and took off. Under the terrifying aura, Su Yi's heart trembled, and he quickly operated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu to stabilize his mind , I was shocked in my heart.

All of a sudden, a mighty mighty aura was undulating like sea waves, domineering and majestic, breaking the rocks, cracks on the sea cliffs, and ravines spreading rapidly like spider webs.

The huge energy was like a huge energy tornado, enveloping the entire sea cliff, the waves on the beach not far away were turbulent, the waves were flying, and water columns several feet high shot out from the sea.

From top to bottom, the monstrous power turned into a water dragon and swept across the sea cliff, accompanied by a terrifying evil spirit, and the sky was covered with colorful gold and red streaks.

The golden-winged roc suddenly burst into pupil light, and under the blood-red sky, a golden light burst out from the pupil light, and the golden light turned into a huge golden light net, wrapping the entire sea cliff, and the sea cliff was blessed by the golden light. Next, the crack stopped spreading and stagnated before collapsing.


The cave was shattered by the relentless turmoil of the unmatched wind. The mighty power caused the void to vibrate, and the air was filled with white mist. The extremely hot high temperature caused the space to ripple, creating folds one after another.

In Su Yi's mind, the Hunyuan Supreme Power was running to the extreme, and the Tianyuan demon soul radiated brilliantly, barely resisting the immemorial aura of the birth of the gods and birds, and his heart and soul no longer trembled.

At this moment, Su Yi's body was full of ancient rhyme, and mysterious runes emerged one after another, accompanied by bursts of dragon chant, rippling with boundless divine splendor.

The fire and rain kept hitting the rocks like cannonballs. The hot, high temperature and turbulent sea water rose, and the water vapor rose, and the entire sea cliff was filled with white mist.

Su Yi's mind was concentrated, his body was straightened, and he stepped out with all kinds of steps, avoiding the rain of fire.

The sea cliff instantly changed the color of the sky and the earth, the phantom of the divine bird dissipated, and a sacred aura seemed to come from through the ancient times.

The white mist was hazy and unreal, so Su Yi looked carefully.

A small figure came from the mist glowing with flames, its body was translucent, and it shone with a primitive aura like white jade.

As he got closer, he could see clearly that it was a child about six or seven years old, relatively obese, with small hands and feet, thick and powerful, and his chubby body slowly walked from the flames.

The chubby head is paired with a monstrous evil spirit coming towards him, and between the brows, there is a domineering and fierce kingly spirit that looks down on the world.

With a tiger-headed and tiger-headed figure, they walk slowly with each step. It seems that they are not used to walking just after the transformation, but each step is extremely solid. The places they step are filled with golden light and gullies spread.

"Boss!" A heavy and immature voice came from Xiaopang's body.

"Xiaoshuai?" Su Yi's heart was shocked, and he rose up in the air, and his figure flashed in front of Xiaoshuai.

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