The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1304: Out of the secret realm.

With a tiger-headed and tiger-headed figure, they walk slowly with each step. It seems that they are not used to walking just after the transformation, but each step is extremely solid. The places they step are filled with golden light and gullies spread.

"Boss!" A heavy and immature voice came from Xiaopang's body.

"Xiaoshuai?" Su Yi's heart was shocked, and he rose up in the air, and his figure flashed in front of Xiaoshuai.

"Xiaoshuai, are you really here to overcome the tribulation?" Su Yi looked at the fat man who was filled with mighty aura in front of him, and he still couldn't believe it.

Su Xiaoshuai looked at Su Yi, his eyes fluctuated, then he closed his eyes and fell into Su Yi's arms, looking extremely weak.

Su Yi turned pale with shock, and quickly operated the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu to slowly transfer the vitality from the Taixu Divine Sea into Su Xiaoshuai's body.


A burst of incomparable monster energy repelled the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, and the huge force shook Su Yi's teeth, and his palms kept shaking.

"It's all right! Don't panic, Phoenix God has just successfully crossed the catastrophe and is very weak." An old man came slowly behind him, it was the golden-winged roc.

The golden pupils in the sky disappeared at some point, and an old man walked slowly with a distant and magnificent ancient aura. His silver hair fluttered, his body was stooped, and he was emaciated from suffering. The wrinkles on his face were like ravines, his eyes were hazy, deeply sunken in the eye socket.

Su Yi looked at the old man beside him, and knew that the old man in front of him was the golden-winged roc, so he was already so old!

Immediately, Su Yi remembered that after the Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng successfully crossed the catastrophe, it was also extremely weak, and fell down in his own mysterious space.

Su Yi immediately opened the mysterious space, and a strong aura of heaven and earth filled the golden light sea cliff. In the white mysterious space, Su Yi hugged Su Xiaoshuai and placed Su Xiaoshuai beside the small pool of spiritual liquid. , poured two bottles of spiritual liquid for Su Xiaoshuai, and then found a piece of clothing to cover him.

Feng Qi'er walked quickly to Su Yi's side, and asked in bewilderment, "Brother Su Yi? Are you all right? Who is this?"

"It's handsome!"

Without waiting for Su Qi to answer, Bixue Lingshen heard the sound, flashed out from above the herb, saw that Su Xiaoshuai couldn't close his mouth, and said in surprise: "This little fat man is Su Xiaoshuai?"

With a dignified expression, Su Yi grabbed Bixue Lingshen and said, "Master Shen, this matter is a long story, please help me take care of him with Feng Qier first, I have to go out, we are not out of danger yet!"

Bixue Lingsen nodded and said: "Okay, it seems that Xiaoshuai has passed the transformation and needs time to recover. You go out first, there is me and this girl here, you can rest assured!"

Su Yi glanced at Su Xiaoshuai, and immediately walked out of the mysterious space.

"Tsk tsk! One person, one life!" Bixue Lingshen looked at Su Xiaoshuai who was lying on the ground, his eyes filled with light.

"Shen Ye, is this really handsome?" Feng Qi'er still couldn't believe it, and asked.

"Well! The breath belongs to that bird, but this cultivation level is too heaven-defying."

Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng is extremely embarrassing, it took him hundreds of years of age to pass the first catastrophe, and how long has it been since this phoenix divine bird has already reached the Demon Sect Realm!

"My God! You're not fair!"

Bixue Lingshen's heart-piercing screams were like waves in his heart and could not be calmed down for a long time.

The golden-winged roc did not enter the mysterious space, and the strong spiritual energy in front of him made the golden-winged roc feel astonished like an overwhelming river.

"A treasure! This is a treasure!"

This human kid is really extraordinary, the old dragon really has a unique vision, if I still have time, I really want to see how high this human can reach.

"This aura is so familiar, this is..." The golden-winged roc felt the overwhelming and extremely rich aura of heaven and earth, and his heart was stern.

The withered and vicissitudes of the face looked very old under the sun like blood, and the golden-winged roc immediately shook his head and smiled wryly: "Interesting, all of this is fate!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi walked out of the mysterious space, came to the side of the golden-winged roc, bowed deeply, and said respectfully: "Old Peng, what I promised will definitely be done. This time, the young commander-in-chief succeeded in overcoming the calamity, and I will also be honored." You are nourished by the breath of the dragon, and there is no way to repay the kindness of heaven and earth!"

The phantom of the golden-winged roc became more and more like a gratifying smile, and he said softly: "Helping the Phoenix God overcome the catastrophe is what my Jinpeng family should do, but my time is approaching, and I can find it in the opportunity." When it comes to you, you don’t have the same heart as brothers, and you work together to overcome the catastrophe. It’s really a blessing, God bless me!”

After finishing speaking, the golden-winged roc's phantom turned into a gigantic golden-winged roc with golden wings, bright and deep eyes, and wind from its wings, carrying this energy storm and flying towards Su Yi.


When the phantom touched Su Yi's body, it turned into a golden light all over the sky, and countless golden fragments wrapped around Su Yi's body, forming a golden mask.

The golden wind swept across, and the sky trembled.

In an instant, the ripples in the space boiled, the aura was overwhelming, the golden light gradually engulfed Su Yi, a huge aura erupted, Su Yi's figure gradually disappeared, and the blazing light in his eyes shone like sky fire.

Unlike coming in, Su Yi's eyes were full of radiance, and the holy and bright breath flowed into Su Yi's body from all limbs.

"Human boy, remember your promise to me!"

The radiant golden light permeated the whole body, and was remotely connected with the Tianyuan demon soul in Su Yi's mind. Su Yi only felt warm currents flowing through the blood in his body, and his body gradually softened and felt very comfortable. Into the deep light.

On the hard ground not far from the swamp, three figures restrained their breath and watched from a distance.

One of the men, in his late thirties, was handsome, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and was dressed in a slim white python robe, while the tall woman beside her was wrapped tightly in a black gauze around her waist, which could not be grasped easily. above, outlined a very perfect arc.

The moonlight poured down, and the silver brilliance lightly dotted the woman's face. The woman's lips were like cherry blossoms, her eyebrows were like ink paintings, and her pair of water-cut autumn pupils exuded an indescribable charm.

But the person in front of him is middle-aged, tall and thin, with a few silver threads dotted on his temples, his skin is smooth and bright, his eyes are narrow and long, and there is a deep look in his eyes, and his whole person has a cold and feminine look. gas.

Although they have tried their best to restrain their aura, the demonic aura of the three of them has made the surrounding void into a frozen state for no reason. The wild monsters beside them know that these three are the supreme monsters, and they all prostrate themselves. There was a low growl.

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