The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1316: The doubts of Xuehonglou.

In the distance, Elder Nie and Elder Tang Juan were stabilizing the situation of the wounded in the sect, when they looked up and saw a giant blood moon cloud, their brows were furrowed.

"Elder Nie, Elder Tang, the blood-sounding arrow from the Blood-Yang Sect has come out, according to the previous actions of the Blood-Yang Sect, this may have something to do with Su Yi, let's go to the place where the Singing Blood-sounding Arrow flew into the sky together!" Hu Kun whispered to Nie and Tang, the two elders, had deep eyes.

Several strong men from the Blood Yang Sect disappeared into the air in little streams of light, and the four elders also looked at each other and nodded. Several sect forces that are still wounded.

The dense forest where Su Yi was located had already become a sea of ​​fire ruins, there was no intact ground under his feet, the flat ground was turned into a deep pit, the forest was turned into dust, and the sound of burning branches resounded through the forest.

Su Yi carried Situ Muyang on his back, with vitality surging under his feet, he turned around in the air, found an open space, and put Situ Muyang down. Just as he was about to open the mysterious space, his vitality detected it from afar, and the sound of breaking wind in the distance was like Like a flint, it came as quickly as a flint, and blood-colored afterimages flashed across the sky.

Seeing that Situ Muyang's brows were no longer wrinkled, the blood started to solidify, and his vitality began to stabilize, Su Yi's mind widened, and then he turned his head to look deeply at a blood cloud in the distance, with a look of determination on his face.

Su Yi's fire-attribute vitality surged and surged along with the divine brilliance, like a war god standing in the mountains.

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In a remote mountain forest, two short figures in robes surrounded a handsome man. The man was sitting on the ground, wearing pale yellow sleeves with golden patterns, and a bunch of black hair like a waterfall, like a rippling in the forest. The stream, with star-like eyes, slightly long eyelashes, knife-cut temples, and ink-painted eyebrows, is none other than the Five Holy Sons who escaped from the secret realm - Xuehonglou.

The occasional raised arc makes people feel tense, it's really a face as graceful as a flying bird! The slender and graceful long fingers condensed handprints in front of him. From Xue Honglou's body, a long and sacred radiance permeated the air. Accompanied by the vitality in the body, the blood-red aura suddenly rose and swept, and the holy and mighty vitality filled the green forest. in between,

After a while, the aura in Xue Honglou's body changed from weak to strong, and then from strong to nothing, a holy and clean aura enveloped the whole body, and the outside body seemed to be covered with a hazy phantom several feet high, like an ancient god.

Xuehonglou's vitality is extremely domineering and fierce, looking down at the world, his eyes are like two suns, mixed with a bone-chilling chill that looks down on the ruthlessness of the world, and it is accompanied by an astonishing ancient coercion.

The huge phantom, with its aura soaring into the sky, then condensed on the top of Xuehonglou, shrinking continuously, condensing into a light spot and dissipating.


Xuehonglou's handprints changed, stood up slowly, and exhaled a breath of turbid air. His eyes were like a pool of gods, bright and clear, his breath was long and stable, and his figure was tall and straight. A natural eyebrow, rippling with brilliance.

"Holy Son, in the distance is the blood-sounding arrow of the Blood Yang Sect in the Chaotic Realm. When something important happens, do you want to go and have a look?"

An old voice came from the depths of the robe and hat, as if it had experienced the vicissitudes of life.

Xuehonglou's sword eyebrows slanted slightly, and with a deep groan, he said quietly: "Let's go, leave the vicinity of this secret place first, there are many strong people in front of the forest, and it is not appropriate for disciples of the Holy Mountain to appear in front of others."

"I heard that the Blood Yang Sect is offering rewards for Su Yi everywhere, maybe Su Yi is in front..." The robe on the other side reminded softly, Quan Dangxue Honglou made a special trip for Su Yi this time, so he specially reminded him road.

Xue Honglou adjusted slightly from the corner of the eye, a domineering and resolute imperial aura spread from his body, and an undetectable arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, as he murmured.

"Let's go, we will meet each other if we are destined, stay with him for a while, and see how long he can turn the world upside down."

As soon as the words fell, Xue Honglou disappeared into the forest in a flash.

The two Yuanzong Realm powerhouses hidden in their robes and caps were full of doubts, and then they turned into two beams of light, and followed closely behind the Son with restrained breath.

After hearing that Su Yi was famous all over the world and made a name for himself in the Chaos Domain, Xuehonglou, who had just left the customs, couldn't wait to come to Chaosyu. Now that he might have found Su Yi's trace, Xuehonglou left again, leaving the two of them People are suspicious.

Chaos Realm is a forbidden area of ​​one mountain, two religions, three sects and four sects. No one of the ten major forces dares to step on it at will. This time, Xuehonglou came to the Chaos Realm to meet Su Yi and teach Su Yi how the Holy Mountain exists. , The second is to improve the cultivation base and become more diligent for the secret realm of the chaotic domain.

In addition to these two reasons, the more important reason is that there is a feeling lingering in Xuehonglou's heart, the realm of chaos. When these three words are mentioned, Xuehonglou's mind can't help but feel a throbbing.

This kind of throbbing gave Xuehonglou, who grew up in the chaotic domain, a different feeling. Xuehonglou flew through the air, looking at the vast mountains and rolling mountains under his feet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy.

"Su Yi, before I finish exploring the chaotic domain, I hope you can live well, otherwise you will regret provoking such an existence as the Holy Mountain!" Xue Honglou's domineering and suppressed contempt and arrogance welled up in her heart.

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A few streamers of light flew towards the far horizon, turning into blood shadows and gradually solidifying.

The sea of ​​fire was tumbling all around, the trees continued to collapse under the attack of the scorching heat, and the remaining stones and fly ash covered the sky and covered the sky.

Bi Zun brought the remaining Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses to Huolin at once, seeing the scattered ashes and bones scattered everywhere, Rao even the Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses were all envious of the murderous young man in front of them. Health fear.

Seeing that Su Yi's figure was indeed here, Bi Zun was overjoyed and his eyes widened.

"Su Yi! You made it easy for me to find you!" Thinking of his miserable situation in order to enter the secret realm to find Su Yi, the fire in Bi Zun's heart deepened, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Su Yi, hurry up and catch him!"

"Little thief Su Yi, how dare you be presumptuous!"

"Su Yi, you even killed my Blood Yang Sect Yuan Zong Realm strongman, several deacons protecting the law, and now you are killing our elite disciples, you still don't kill yourself in front of my sword!"

Several Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses roared to shake the sky, and the momentum was so powerful that it shook people's hearts!

"Su Yi, where is the Phoenix's bloodline? Hand it over quickly!" Bi Zun looked at Su Yi in front of him who was taking a break, and was burning with anger. If he hadn't been afraid of Su Yi's secret treasures and the whereabouts of the Phoenix, he would have swallowed Su Yi alive on the spot.

"Greed, hatred, ignorance, the three poisons, the three dirt, and the three fires!"

Su Yi's eyes were sharp, his expression was calm, his whole body was filled with vitality, and the red fire attribute vitality was rippling and radiant. He looked at Bi Zun and others like a trial by a god. At this moment, Su Yi felt that the expressions of Bi Zun and others were extremely ridiculous. Like ants.

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