The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1317: Resist Yuanzong

"Kill me, chase me, harm me, and in the end it's for my Phoenix bloodline. Don't you keep saying that it's for the Blood Yang Sect? Isn't it for your elite disciples who are not as good as pigs and dogs?" A quaint radiance spread, and an ancient aura swept over his body, accompanied by a faint dragon chant.

In Su Yi's mind at this moment, the surroundings of the Tianyuan demon soul are filled with golden light, the ancient talisman patterns are tightly wound like dragon patterns, and the purple light that is demonic but not evil is shining brightly. Inside the demon soul, a phantom of a golden little dragon keeps rolling, Ready to come out!

The huge coercion, the words clanging, like mountains, came through the ancient times, and pressed heavily on the strong man of the Blood Yangzong Yuanhuang Realm. At the moment, he was afraid, as if he had encountered the Buddhas of the Nine Heavens, and his mind was like falling into the flames of hell Among them, suffered a lot.


Several Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses staggered to their feet, trying their best to use their vitality to resist, otherwise they would have been prostrate on the ground like wild monsters in the distance, worshiping them like gods.

At this time, Bi Zun was seriously injured and suffered such severe soul crushing. Su Yi's aura was like an ancient god, and the ancient aura behind his heavy body reminded Bi Zun of the turmoil in his aura when he just fought with the golden-winged roc phantom.

Su Yi obtained the nourishment of the ancient golden dragon's breath in the Jinpeng Secret Realm. The original Yuanyang Tianbone was finally cultivated into Yuanyang Tianlong Bone. The ability of bones to soften flesh and blood is dozens of times tougher and fiercer than ordinary Yuanyang Tianbone.

Su Yi, who already obtained the nine drops of the ancient golden dragon's blood essence and the three strands of the golden dragon's spirit, fully fused the spirit with the Tianyuan demon soul, which enhanced his soul to an absolutely solid state, and even added a kind of dragon majesty. cloud.

Today's Su Yi, with the crushing power of his soul, is simply unmatched by ordinary Yuan Emperor Realm powerhouses!

"It really is you! It's your chance to bring the golden-winged roc!" Bi Zun's face twisted for a while, his palms were clenched tightly, and the sound of bone dislocation kept coming.

Bi Zun tried his best to restrain Su Yi's soul attack, his heart was full of anger, Su Yi in front of him was already a monstrosity, and now he got the inheritance of the golden-winged roc, I am afraid that in the chaotic domain, in a few years, no one can surpass him Right, at that time, the Blood Yang Sect will also face the biggest confidant's troubles, and this son will definitely not be able to stay today.

"If you don't have kind thoughts in your heart, your whole life of cultivation will be wasted. Even if you enter the secret realm, you will be burned by the fire of heaven, and you will go to hell forever! I will kill you!" Su Yi looked at Bi Zun, jokingly. Bi Zun, just like the evil dragon that the golden-winged roc told about, is as dirty as a ghost.


As soon as the words fell, a huge mouthful of blood mist sprayed more than three feet in the air. Bi Zun was already taken by Su Yiqi's spirit, and he didn't care about the serious injury in his body. With boundless momentum, he grabbed Su Yi.

Several Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses behind him, who are also trying their best to resist the Tianyuan Demon Soul and the Immemorial Longwei at this time, attacked Su Yi with a strong movement. Before they took two steps, they all had distorted faces and sweat The bead remained, and blood flowed out from the seven orifices.

Several Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses fell to the ground and howled, as if they had suffered great soul damage!


With a sneer in Su Yi's throat, he stared straight at the bloody claw marks coming through the air, his eyes showed coldness, and he yelled violently!


"Chi Guyin!"

A loud shout came from Su Yi's sky, and at the same time, a fiery aura silently rose above the palm of his hand, and the vitality of the Taixu Divine Sea was beating wildly, carrying a peerless coercion that would destroy the world, and the whistling wind seemed to gather before the palm of his hand. There was a small sea of ​​flames.

There was a rumbling sound, and Su Yi's palms seemed to revive with a sense of overlord, and the huge coercion of the emperor's descending spread.

At the same time, Su Yi was running the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu with all his strength, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, the fire attribute energy was surging up, and his divine ring was shining.

The breath is hot, burning the air, and carrying an ancient coercion.

This is the ultimate move extracted from the "Wild Wilderness" among the complete ancient demon scriptures. It is powerful and powerful, like a rushing tide.

"Not good!" A few beams of light rushed into the air in the distance, seeing Bi Zun and Su Yi fighting fiercely, they were already too late to stop them.

Wei Hong and the others stared wide-eyed. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they watched the two confront each other.


A blood-colored paw print and an incomparable sea of ​​flames collided in the air instantly, and a dazzling light of vitality erupted suddenly. The violent and unparalleled power swept all directions, causing the entire dense forest to tremble under the void.

At the moment of the collision, Su Yi directly shouted lightly, calling out the demon god's battle armor.

The huge wind is like a huge wave, and it shoots around like a large tornado.

Strong winds swept through, and the surrounding flat land was even more dilapidated, with deep pits and ravines, shocking.


Su Yi staggered, his figure retreated, and every step he landed on the ground, a bottomless ravine was drawn directly under his feet in the backward trajectory.

It took a full fifteen steps before Su Yi stabilized his figure.

"Block, block!" The blood claw just now was comparable to the blow that protected the body and life of the Golden Winged Roc.

Wei Hong, Hu Kun, Elder Nie, and Elder Tang Juan all stopped in mid-air, dumbfounded and inexplicably horrified!

"Su Yi really got the inheritance of the Golden Winged Roc!" Several experts believed that Su Yi relied on the inheritance of the Golden Winged Roc to resist Yuan Zongji's terrifying move.

Only Su Yi himself knows that Bi Zun is also a strong man in the Yuanzong realm, with a body of diamond, and a Yuanyang Tianlong bone, and his flesh and blood strength is a thousand times stronger than that of ordinary Yuanxu martial arts practitioners. With the package of the demon god battle armor, the secret treasure of the Heavenly Demon Sect, he was able to block the strongest attack of the Yuanzong Realm powerhouse with all his strength!

Su Yi is already very satisfied with this, at least in the future when facing the Yuanzong Realm, he already has the possibility of escaping from death.

The absolute domain of Yuan Zongjing represented absolute defense, even if he was seriously injured, he still resisted the mighty Chi Guyin.

On the other side, Bi Zun, who was fighting against Su Yi, was even more stunned, staggering slightly, and the wound that had just healed began to burst open again, and his vitality was surging wildly in his body, uncontrollably, with a mouthful of fishy sweetness remaining in his throat.

"Bi Zun! Shameless!" Wei Hong and others quickly came to Su Yi, blocking Su Yi tightly behind him.

Looking at Wei Hong, Elder Tang Juan and others, a warmth flowed through Su Yi's heart. Elder Tang Juan helped him again and again, and Wei Hong also cooperated several times in the secret realm. Seeing Wei Hong walk out of the secret realm safe and sound, he felt relieved. endlessly.

Tang Wang looked at Bi Zun's vicious attack on a young junior, and he was filled with resentment.

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