The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1323: Nine Heavens of Stars

It was Rue Xiang who came, gentle and dignified, with lotus steps lightly moving, as if in a painting, Shi Shi came over, graceful and graceful, came to Su Yi's side and saluted, pursed her lips and smiled, with a gentle and courteous demeanor.

Su Yi sighed in his heart, does every branch of the Lingbao Pavilion in this important town have such amazing beauties?

No wonder all the beauties stayed in the Lingbao Pavilion, the Lingbao Pavilion with such ample aura was more suitable for martial arts cultivation than any other place.

Only a behemoth like Lingbao Pavilion can cultivate such an alluring talent.

Rue Xiang passed by Su Yi's side, like warm wind and light water, she walked straight to the space teleportation stone without taking her eyes off it.

"Boom boom"

Suddenly, a masked man dressed in black, whose appearance was completely covered, suddenly exploded with vitality, strong wind rushed into his body, half-kneeled behind Rue Xiang, and said respectfully with his fists folded.

"Miss Yunxiang, there are casual cultivators making trouble in the hall. Because the price was not agreed upon, Yunyang Zongyin Xiqiu and a casual cultivator directly fought in the hall, causing chaos in the hall. Now the two have been controlled, and I heard Miss Yunxiang complain .”

Yun Xiang didn't look back, she held the teleportation stone alcove with her hands, stared at the teleportation stone, the faint radiance from the teleportation stone was reflected on her white jade face and vermilion lips, her voice was still so sweet and soft, but a little more sharp.

"Lingbao Pavilion is not allowed to make a move. Aren't they deaf? That's fine, Qingque, go and find out who made the move first and which hand moved first, so chop it off! Besides, since they are all deaf If so, cut off one ear each, it's useless to keep it anyway!"

Su Yi's scalp felt numb when he heard it. What kind of rules are this?

"Kill fiercely, act decisively, not as weak as she appears on the surface!" Ling Qianxue's pretty face changed slightly in her heart, and she exclaimed.


The man named Qing Que by Rue gradually dispersed from the entity, his body gradually sank, his whole body became soft, and finally disappeared into a pool of clear water on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in the huge hall behind him, three screams like slaughtering pigs were heard one after another, and with the breeze, they floated on the entire first floor of Lingbao Pagoda.

"The terrifying water attribute vitality has disappeared!"

Su Yi's pupils shrank, even if it was Su Yi who was at the ninth level of the Primordial Void Realm, he still couldn't do it if he wanted to hide in place.

"It's a water-attribute concealment technique, a very powerful cover-up technique!"

The Nine-Ming Tmall clan is good at dodging. Back then, it was Ling Qianxue who took Su Yi and Su Xiaoshuai to escape from her enemies temporarily in the wild monster forest by relying on her clan's hiding method.

"This person used the water vapor contained around him to form a barrier in front of his eyes. From the outside, it looked like it had turned into a pool of clear water. In fact, he used the luminescence of the water vapor crystals to escape with an instant body technique, but his speed was very slow. It is commendable, and its strength is impressive." Ling Qianxue explained in a low voice.

"Hey, this Lingbao Pavilion is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. I really can't just talk nonsense after entering it." Su Yi pondered slightly, and the Lingbao Pavilion was very interesting.

"Master Su, let's go!"

Yun Xiang signaled Su Yi to go over, and looked at Su Yi with a smile, like a stream of spring water full of affection, but at this moment Su Yi couldn't help shivering, and pulled himself together.

"If you come, you will be safe!" Su Yi walked to the side of the teleportation stone with the attitude of being safe when he came.

There is a ball in the middle of the teleportation stone niche. The ball exudes a green light, reflecting the twelve dragons carved into the sea extending from the center to the outside. Each dragon comes to life, with its mouth wide open, howling Shocking.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

Rue Xiangxiang moved her sleeve slightly, and in the blink of an eye, twelve three-star primordial stones were accurately placed into the mouths of twelve dragons.

The twelve dragons seemed to come to life a moment ago, their golden pupils shining brightly, their fangs and claws dancing, and they began to writhe and stir around the sphere on the stone niche.

"Hoo Hoo"

The entire fasting room was instantly shone by the golden light illuminated by twelve golden dragons, the roar of beasts shook the sky, and the dragons chanted all over the sky.

The twelve golden dragons turned faster and faster, like a small tornado whirlwind was blowing around the stone niche, and it hit Su Yi and Yun Xiang directly.

The huge dragon churned, and the dragon's chant was deep, but the tornado formed was like a warm spring breeze, blowing under Su Yi's cheeks, like a beauty brushing his face, Su Yi closed his eyes unconsciously.

When he opened his eyes again, Su Yi had already arrived outside a stone pavilion, and the stone door was engraved with two big characters of twelve, Su Yi guessed that this should be the twelfth floor of the Lingbao Pagoda.

Yun Xiang signaled Su Yi to wait outside the stone gate, and Yun Xiang pushed open the stone gate and went in to report.

Having nothing to do, Su Yi looked behind him, looked down through the window lattice, and the high-altitude wind was hunting, making Su Yi hold his breath. The sea of ​​clouds outside the window rolled up and down, ups and downs, as if he was on the shore of the sea, and the pure white clouds were floating in the moonlight. Dancing wantonly.

In the midst of rising peaks and surging clouds, nine stars-like lights shine on each other, and the entire structure of the Nine-Star City flickers in the clouds and fog, changing indefinitely, with myriad images.

Sometimes it is still like a dead vine and an old tree, sometimes it is like a galloping giant tiger, and sometimes it is like a dragon soaring into the sky. Su Yi was fascinated by watching it for a while, but gradually became intoxicated, and entered the state of selflessness.

"Nine Stars Sky Sea is an excellent beauty in our Lingbao Pavilion!"

Yun Xiang appeared behind Su Yi at some point, and Su Yi, who came back to his senses from the sea of ​​clouds, looked at Yun Xiang with bright eyes and snowy lips, like a celestial maiden.

"Nine Stars Sky Sea?" Su Yi became curious.

"There is a forbidden place in the Nine Star Valley, called Fenglei Valley, and the prototype of the Nine Star Sky Sea is the Nine Star Tribulation Sea"

"So that's how it is!" Su Yi suddenly realized, no wonder there were nine stars, even if they were imitations, he was fascinated by them.

"Master Su, let's go in! It will be over after a while after responding to your lord's visitor."

After finishing speaking, he led Su Yi to push open the stone gate, and then passed a small stone scripture, with green forests covering both sides, exotic flowers and plants scattered in it, filled with aura.

Su Yi and Ruxiang continued to explore the mysteries of Jiuxing Tianhai and Lingbao Pagoda.

Before the words were finished, a man walked towards him, dressed in a yellow robe and hat, with black hair like a waterfall, holding his breath tightly, but he still couldn't resist the amazing aura emanating from his body, like the coming of a holy king, huge Divine aura fills the path.

"So strong!"

Su Yi's expression brightened, and his heart paused slightly. The huge coercion he felt while talking and laughing was like the pressure of an ancient mountain. Su Yi quickly used the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, and the energy in his body surged, and he was able to resist the powerful force in his heart and soul. to terrible pressure.

At this time, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the mysterious man, and then he disappeared into the path calmly.

When Su Yi raised his eyes again, there was no trace of him just now, Su Yi only felt that his eyes were dazzled.

"Miss Yunxiang, who was that just now?" Su Yi hurriedly asked.

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