The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1324: Meeting the Holy Son by chance.

"You mean that young master, he is Mr. Ying's distinguished guest, and he came to practice on the top floor of the tower this time."

"Can you tell me his name?"

As soon as Su Yifu said it, he regretted it.

I learned from Miss Yunxiang just now that the Lingbao Pagoda has a total of 88 floors, the owner of the pavilion is on the 12th floor, and above the 12th floor are secret rooms for outsiders to practice, forming their own space without disturbing each other.

From bottom to top, each level is more difficult than level, richer in aura than level, and requires higher talents than level.

In addition to talent, what is more needed is the VIP qualification of the cultivator's Lingbao Pavilion and the sect behind it.

To be able to go to the top floor of Lingbao Pavilion to practice, this person must be a distinguished guest of Lingbao Pavilion. How could such an organization as Lingbao Pavilion leak VIP information at will.

Sure enough, as Su Yi expected, Yun Xiang smiled and said nothing, and shook her head lightly.

Su Yi couldn't help being embarrassed, and with a smile on his face, he followed Yun Xiang and continued to walk forward, thinking about the man just now in his mind.

"Could it be the person Qinghuang said?"

While thinking, Su Yi followed Pingting Xianzi, passed around in the cornices and streams, and finally came to a house outside.

Pushing open the door of the house, the interior decoration is simple, but quite simple and elegant. The ground is paved with a soft brocade carpet, which is decorated with a huge sea dragon fighting against the wind and waves, showing its arrogance.

There is a large sandalwood and marble case in the middle, and a square big tripod on the wooden bank is curling up with smoke. On the left and right sides, there are two rows of rosewood frames, bergamot coral, and white jade chime hanging on it, which is elegant and magnificent.

On the walls on both sides are several pictures of mountains, pines and clouds, as well as a record of tigers and leopards, as if jumping out of the paintings, the coercion is overwhelming.

There are several huge pen holders quietly placed in the corner on the left side, inside which are dozens of calligraphy and paintings, and brushes are displayed like trees.

There are several pots of greenery in the corner on the right side. On the natural mottled wall, vines climb on it, forming an interesting contrast.

"Pavilion Master, Mr. Su is here!"

After Yun Xiang reported, she smiled at Su Yi, then exited the room and closed the wooden door.

"chi la"

The emerald curtain was lifted, and a figure walked out of the study.

I saw an old man in his seventies, of medium height, tall and straight, with loose hair and a hale and hearty spirit. He was dressed in a purple satin robe that moved without wind, and his benevolent eyebrows and eyes were quite fairy-like.

The old man's face was wrinkled, showing the vicissitudes of the years. The old man's body was filled with extraordinary and old charm, and the invisible breath on his body was very similar to Su Kuangge.

"Hello, Sect Master Su!" The old man's voice was like a bell, and his speaking speed was neither too fast nor too slow, and he was extremely calm.

"Absolutely strong!"

Su Yi secretly sighed in his heart, his own cultivation base of the ninth level of the primordial void state could not see through the cultivation base of the old man in front of him at all.

"So strong!"

Ling Qianxue also turned cold, this is the strongest human being she has seen so far.

In front of the old man, Ling Qianxue felt that she was like a drop in the ocean, she was slightly shimmering and did not dare to compete with the bright moon.

"Even you can't see through?"

Even Ling Qianxue can't see through, so it's not something that Su Yi can challenge at will. When the old man approaches, the majestic and incomparable attribute vitality instantly fills the wooden room. up.

"What a powerful soul suppression!"

Su Yi stopped thinking wildly, quickly withdrew his mind, and fully operated the Hunyuan Supreme Art and Yutian Jue, while urging the Tianyuan demon soul in his body.

The demon soul of Tianyuan accompanied by the phantom of the golden dragon blooms dazzling light in the sea of ​​consciousness. The purple light of the demon soul, which is not evil, and the remnant soul of the golden dragon haunt each other.

The breath of the dragon filled the air, as if it had traveled through the ancient times, bursts of crisp dragon chants spewed out around Su Yi.

At this moment, Su Yi's body was full of divine brilliance, like a god.

In an instant, the blood in Su Yi's body stopped surging, his footsteps were solid, his eyes gradually became clear, and he completely repelled the opponent's majestic pressure.

"What a perverted soul power!" Ling Qianxue was secretly astonished in her heart, biting her lips lightly.

"With Su Yi's soul power, compared to Yuan Zongjing's soul suppression, he can bear it at will."

Ling Qianxue's heart was overwhelmed, and her soul cultivation in the Yuanhuang Realm was not as good as Su Yi's.


A slight surprise flashed in the old man's eyes, and he laughed wildly.

"I've heard that there is an incomparable genius in the Chaos Realm. I saw it today. It's really extraordinary. I've seen the overlord suzerain!"

At this moment, Su Yi took a deep breath, his clothes were already soaked in sweat, then he said with a light smile as if nothing had happened, "I've seen Sect Master Ying!"

After saying that, Ying Wuxiu called Su Yi to sit down, and as soon as he withdrew his breath, the room was discharged like a circle of energy, and the fine dust flew outwards in a circle.

Su Yi immediately calmed down and felt much more at ease. While sitting down, he looked sideways at Ying Wuxiu, his eyes full of surprise.

Ying Wuxiu smiled happily and took out two teacups from the tea tray, and the warm herbal tea filled the cups in an instant.

Ying Wuxiu's vitality surged again, and with a wave of his sleeve, a teacup landed firmly in Su Yi's hand. The teacup was emitting bursts of smoke, not a single drop was spilled, and the warmth was transmitted through Su Yi's palm.

"Is the vitality of the fire attribute so strong?" Ling Qianxue's questioning voice came again.

Ying Wuxiu remained calm, with a smile on his brow, and looked at Su Yi benevolently.

"I grew up in Xiaoman City, but got my black card from Lingbao Pavilion, entered the God Sword Gate, used my own cultivation to resist the power of heaven, won the championship of the Ten Thousand Swords Conference, participated in the Holy Martial Arts Conference, made a big fuss in the Holy Mountain, and came to the Chaos Realm , In just one year, starting from the third-rate forces, the Seven Star Sword Sect, the Golden Sword Sect, and the Sky Spider Sect, before the Qingming Sect was destroyed, and even the Jade Cauldron Sect was ravaged by your Overlord Sect. At the age of eighteen or nineteen, Already at the ninth level of the Primordial Void Realm, your talent is rare in this lifetime!"

In a few words, Su Yi's experience along the way was described exactly, and even Su Yi's current cultivation level could be seen through at a glance, and Su Yi's heart sank.

"The boy is just a mortal, Pavilion Master Ying and Lingbao Pavilion are very concerned about him!"

Su Yi smiled awkwardly, feeling that he was being watched all the time, running around naked all the time, so uncomfortable.

Sure enough, there are people outside the chaotic domain, and there is a sky outside the sky. My every move can't escape the eyes of others. After returning to the sect, the intelligence network of the shadow hall must be deployed as soon as possible.

"Sect Master Su laughed. How can he be a mortal who can make Jue Ming Yan Luoxi ruthless, and the impermanent fairy Yu Qiuhan willing to be driven by him? Naturally, the Lingbao Pavilion will not miss the talents of Tianjiao!" Ying Wuxiu said indifferently. language, without a trace.

"The kid is recognized as a handyman!"

Su Yi thought back to the time when the Holy Mountain was inspected, as if it was a lifetime away, along the way, he changed his fate against the sky and created miracles one after another.

"Holy Mountain, you have done a lot of stupid things over the years!"

When mentioning the holy mountain, Ying Wuxiu squinted and looked at the sky coldly, a cold air leaked from the tip of his nose, he was very disdainful.

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