The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1325: Runestone Treasure

Hearing these words, Su Yi felt a little strange. The Holy Mountain has always been a sacred place for martial arts in everyone's heart. When mentioning the Holy Mountain, it is possible that he has yearned for it for a long time. Even Wang Quande came to the Man City like a holy king, looking down on the world. Not to mention those saint sons and saintesses, all of whom had their eyes higher than the top, but unfortunately, Nalan was defeated by him like a jade.

"Hahaha, Pavilion Master Ying's words shocked the world!"

Su Yi couldn't help feeling close to the old man in front of him. It's a good sentence, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and those who scold the Holy Mountain are all my confidants of Su Yi.

"Haha, I'm old, and I don't have any scruples about things I don't like. I always like to say a few words, but with my heart, Su Zongzhu shouldn't laugh at me!" Ying Wuxiu smiled casually, showing pride, very free and easy.

"Pavilion Master Ying, you are so proud, I admire you!" Su Yi exclaimed, his expression vibrated, and at this moment he gradually let go of his vigilance.

"Su Zongzhu is fierce in killing and attacking, decisive in action, holy and martial, and famous all over the world. He won the reputation of the proud king of the day, and he has been friends with old people for a long time!"

"When things come to an end, it's just an act of will!"

Su Yi smiled wryly, the whereabouts of Xuchen and Yanlin who were sworn brothers at the beginning are still unknown, and he was deeply embarrassed.

"Being able to establish the Overlord Sect within a year, attracting the favor of the Holy Mountain, the elders of the Divine Sword Sect competed for disciples, and successively won the Cangyun Palace, the Nine Star Valley, and even the Yutian Palace. First one!"

"Hearing what he said, you're really quite strong!" Ling Qianxue jokingly teased Su Yi with slightly raised eyebrows.

"You just know! I'm so good!" If he could see it, Su Yi's eyes would have rolled a big white eye.

"But luck!" Su Yi said modestly.

"Hiding deep in the valley, not showing the sharpness, showing the majesty when necessary, quite ambitious in the world! I don't know how Sect Master Su will face the Blood Yang Sect and the Holy Mountain?"

"Gods block and kill gods, demons block and slay demons, they will exhaust the fire in the Nether Mansion, and burn all over the world. It's disgusting! The holy mountain resists, flattens the holy mountain, blocks the blood and yang, and shoots through it!"

"It's so disgusting to burn all over the place! Su Zongzhu has the method of punishing heaven, but he also has the heart of a bodhisattva. If he wants to practice the Bodhisattva way, he will first enter the hell demon. Su Zongzhu, the future is limitless. To be honest, you are very suitable for the taste of old people!"

In Ying Wuxiu's unwavering expression, a high-spirited and wanton arrogance erupted, and the aura filled the air. Su Yi's qi and blood were churning endlessly, with a rolling fighting spirit, and his arrogance soared to the sky.

While speaking, Ying Wuxiu took out a runestone from his hand and handed it to Su Yi.

"Su Zongzhu, you and I have a very happy conversation, how about being a confidant? This little thing is left for your personal use!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Su Yi felt a little apprehensive, he became a confidant after just talking, Su Yi was also a little confused, co-authoring Pavilion Master Ying is also a man of temperament!

"Accept it, hurry up! I'll tell you what it does later!" Ling Qianxue was impatient, hoping that Su Yi would accept this mysterious runestone quickly.

"Things of a confidant, you can entrust them to each other!" Ying Wuxiu smiled slightly, and sent them lightly in the air, and put them in Su Yi's hands.

"Heavy treasure!"

With the runestone in his arms, a warm feeling pervades the whole body, the limbs are extremely crisp and loose, the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth slowly infiltrates the flesh and blood spirit, and the mysterious light group seems to have sensed it, and a burst of vitality blends with the runestone.

Such a feeling made Su Yi feel that this must be a great treasure, and one would not be rewarded for nothing. Su Yi felt uneasy when he received such a heavy gift.

"A good horse with a good saddle, and a good gift for a hero, Sect Master Su deserves it. My Lingbao Pagoda is located in the Nine Star City. I wonder how much Sect Master Su knows about the Nine Star Valley?" Ying Wuxiu nodded slowly and said in a gentle voice. .

At this time, in the city lord's mansion, in the study.

The lights were dim, and the candle smoke was rising, reflecting two figures, one tall and straight, the other slightly hunchbacked.

One is the talented Lord of Nine Star City, Nangong Hange, and the other is Elder Tang Juan who brought Su Yi and others into Nine Star City.

The two talked in a low voice at first in the study, and then their voices gradually became louder.

"Joke, don't say that I, Tang Huan, am an upright person. Even if I take Jiuxinggu as an example, I am also a first-class strength in the chaotic domain. What is the difference between this behavior and those little forces of the Jade Cauldron Sect?"

Nangong Hange listened to Tang Huan's words, with a chill in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Elder Tang, don't let down Gu Zhu's intentions, everything should be done with the overall situation in mind!"

Tang Juan snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Where is the owner of the valley, I will personally report to the owner of the valley, how can I treat the ancestors of Thunder Valley, and the living ancestors of Jiuxing Valley with such behavior! Thousands of years of accumulation will be destroyed!"

"It seems that Elder Tang wants to go with Elder Tao and Elder Dong to guard the gate for the ancestor for a hundred years!"

Hearing this, Tang Juan paused in his heart, he blocked Tao Yuande that day, Dong Changqing arrested Su Yi and went back to the valley, resulting in Tao Yuande and Dong Changqing being severely punished by the valley owner for a hundred years, it was undoubtedly a sentence for the two hard-working ministers The death penalty!

Regarding this matter, Tang Juan had always felt guilty, so he agreed to Elder Nie and would invite Su Yi into the valley, but it was definitely not Nangong Hange's tough way of sending Su Yi back to Jiuxing Valley forcibly!

In this way, what is the difference between Nine Star Valley and Blood Yang Sect, and how will they gain a foothold in the chaotic domain!

Tang Juan attached great importance to love and righteousness, a determination appeared in his sunken eye sockets, and he said in a muffled voice.

"Don't bother Nangong City Master about this matter! Tang has his own plans. Although he is in the City Lord's mansion, this belongs to Jiuxing Valley after all, and it's not up to you Nangong alone! Let's go! Tang is a little tired!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Juan turned his eyes away from Nangong Hange, the vitality surged under his feet, the wind was blowing under his feet, he stepped out, and pushed the wooden door open.


The wooden door was hummed shut, and the associated strong wind flickered the candles on the table non-stop, and the jet-black candle smoke swirled upwards.

Nangong Hange's distorted cheeks were seen in the candlelight, and there was a chill in his eyes, and there was another loud bang, Nangong Hange hit the corner of the table with his palm, and the whole table cracked in response, turning into powder and dissipating.

"Old man, you are so stubborn, you don't know what it means! If something big happens, you will be killed and sealed in Thunder Valley!"

Nangong Hange's thin voice stands in the study, looking extremely stern.

"Nine Star Valley?"

Nine Stars Valley, Cangyun Palace, and Blood Yang Sect belong to the first-class forces in the chaotic domain. Originally, Cangyun Palace was thought to be the largest. Now that they came to the prosperous Nine Stars City, they realized how powerful Nine Stars Valley is, and Su Yi had to pay attention to it.

Ying Wuxiu looked at Su Yi, tapped lightly, and signaled Su Yi to continue talking.

"The Lord of Nine Star Valley once sent two of his elders to catch me back to the valley, but I don't know their intention!" Su Yi gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Did you know that the two elders were severely punished by the valley lord Chen Yao for not taking you into the valley, and the forbidden land was sealed for a hundred years!"

The clear gaze in Su Yi's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he suddenly remembered the strange situation that Elder Tang escorted him all the way, and his heart became clear.

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