The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1326: It's all over.

"That's it. Tang Huan is probably embarrassed, so he escorted you all the way because he wanted to take the opportunity to make this request." Ling Qianxue nodded slightly, and said solemnly.

"I just don't know what the Nine Star Valley Master's plan is?" Su Yi's eyes were bright, thinking of the valley master Chen Yao's complexion was as gloomy as water.

"Nine Star Valley Master Chen Yao's cultivation base is not top-notch among first-class forces, but his methods are superb, his mind is fierce, and he can be called a hero!"

When mentioning Chen Yao, the Lord of Nine Stars Valley, Ying Wuxiu's eyes flashed an incomprehensible look, and his brows were frowned.

Ying Wuxiu's words have two meanings. First, Lingbao Pavilion doesn't know what Chen Yao's plans are. Second, Ying Wuxiu believes that he is a hero. For Su Yi who is not strong enough now, It is definitely an extremely terrifying existence.

Compared to the same huge Blood Yang Sect, Ying Wuxiu didn't show too much worry about Su Yi, but he was deeply afraid of Nine Star Valley.

Su Yi already smelled a hint of danger, it seems that the matter of the Blood Yang Sect has to be put aside for now, how to face the Nine Star Valley is the primary consideration for returning to the Overlord Sect.

Regarding Tang Juan, Su Yi was in a dilemma, he didn't want to make Elder Tang feel guilty, and he didn't want to fall directly into the trap of Jiuxinggu, Su Yi sighed in his heart.

Countless hurdles have been passed, and I am afraid that the Nine Stars Valley will not succeed. The Nine Stars Valley is not as terrible as the Holy Mountain, right? Su Yi thought of this, his eyes became fixed, and he couldn't help but blurt out.

"What is supposed to come will always come. When you go to the poor mountains and rivers, sit and watch the clouds rise and the tides rise! Who is afraid! Hold a long sword and let your life live!"

"You have courage, what a boy!" Ying Wuxiu was amazed in his eyes, and he had an added appreciation for Su Yi.

"By the way, let's not talk about this, Su Zongzhu visited Lingbao Pavilion at night, what orders do you have?"

It was only then that Su Yi remembered the "business" of coming to Lingbao Pavilion, and said immediately.

"Master Ying, I don't know if your pavilion has Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass?"

Ying Wuxiu showed surprise, two people asked for this thing in one day.

"You also want the Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass?"

"Who else wants it?"

"Nine-turn Dragon Scale Grass is rare in the world, and I have the only one in the Lingbao Pavilion in the Chaos Realm. Unfortunately, a distinguished guest came to my place to buy a plant just now." Ying Wuxiu said.

"Could it be that person just now?"

Su Yi felt suspicious, and a sense of disappointment welled up in his heart. Originally, it happened to be the time to return to the sect. If he could bring a Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass, he would be very happy compared to his eldest brother.

"Master Ying, do you know where I can find this herb?"

"Naturally, it is the Nine Stars Sealing Thunder Valley that I just mentioned to you. In it, the Nine Heavens Profound Lightning is constant all the year round, and the rules of space have also changed. There are many strange herbs in it, and the effect of refining is better than that of ordinary strange herbs. Too many, the one in my pavilion is a congratulatory gift from the Nine Stars Valley at the Lingbao Pavilion Grand Ceremony a hundred years ago!"

"So, whether you want to go or not, there is a reason to go to Feng Leigu!" Su Yi smiled wryly, his eyes were sharp and thoughtful.

"Su Zongzhu, do you have any other needs, as long as I have it in Lingbao Pavilion, Su Zongzhu can choose at will."

The conversation was very pleasant, and Ying Wuxiu was also full of regrets for not being able to help Su Yi.

"That...cough cough, Pavilion Master Ying, do you have some clothes suitable for girls aged sixteen or seventeen?"

"Oh! Yes, yes." Ying Wuxiu looked at Su Yi with some interest. After a while, dozens of clothes were placed in front of Su Yi's eyes. It was the first time that Su Yi knew that girls had so many clothes.

Yun Xiang introduced the displayed clothes to Su Yi one by one, while Ying Wuxiu stood aside and watched with a smile.

"Mr. Su, this is a butterfly dress with a hundred flowers and a smoky phoenix tail. It is made from the crystal powder on the wings of the silver fire honey butterfly, which is fused with the essence of hundreds of flowers. After seven to forty-nine processes, more than ten skilled craftsmen sewed it." This is a lotus root silk satin skirt with pink brocade, that one is a long skirt with emerald smoke, that one is a brocade skirt with white patterns of epiphyllum and rain, multicolored silk shirts, white magnolia scattered flower gauze clothes, ancient smoke Wen Bixia Luoyi..."

Yun Xiang has been slowly and unhurriedly introducing clothes to Su Yi patiently, and Su Yi's head grows bigger when he listens directly.

"Qianxue, do you girls have so many clothes?" Su Yi swallowed as he watched.

"I... I don't know either."

As the demon emperor Ling Qianxue, although she looks beautiful, how can she really choose her clothes carefully like a human girl? There is always danger in the wild monster forest, and the essence of martial arts is the essence. Only today did she know that girls are so many clothes.

"Anyone you like? How about this one?" Su Yi's eyes were a little dazed, and he pointed at one at random.

"It's beautiful!" Ling Qianxue shouted like a little girl, her eyes sparkling.

"What about this one?" Su Yi changed another one.

"It's also pretty!"

Su Yi's eyes dimmed, and he agreed to Ling Qianxue to take her shopping for clothes. He couldn't be too stingy, so he had to change the way of saying it.

"Which one do you think is not good-looking?"

"It seems... they all look pretty." Ling Qianxue couldn't make up her mind for a while, and murmured softly.

After Yunxiang introduced all the clothes, Ying Wuxiu and her watched Su Yi focus on all the clothes.

Yun Xiang winked at Pavilion Master Ying, shook her head lightly, indicating that all the clothes are here, for fear that Su Yi might not like them.

After a long while, Su Yi kept silent, and Ying Wuxiu asked tentatively.

"Su Zongzhu, did you not pick the right one?"

Little did he know that Su Yi was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man, and when he heard the question, he quickly recovered his mind.

"Hmm... they all look pretty good!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ying Wuxiu was afraid that he would neglect Su Yi, so it turned out that Su Yi hadn't answered for a long time, he was delusional!

"Come on, Rue Xiang, wrap up all these clothes, tidy them up and bring them to Sect Master Su!"

When Su Yi heard this, his face turned pale with shock. Today, he has obtained the mysterious runestone that should be given endlessly, so how can he receive such a great gift!

"Seriously, Sect Master Su, I am a black card VIP of the Lingbao Pavilion to see a few rags. I am so happy. It is my honor. Sect Master Su, don't stick to it. I just want to be sympathetic to Sect Master Su." , come to my Lingbao Pavilion to choose clothes for her, I am afraid she is also a peerless beauty!"

Ling Qianxue heard it in her heart, her heart trembled, and a touch of pink crept up her face again, scalding endlessly.

"Haha, that's that, that's that! But I won't ask for it in vain, as long as the pavilion master will give you a discount!" Su Yi was in a great mood, and he also gave himself a step down.

"That's the best, Sect Master Su is considerate and grateful!" Ying Wuxiu replied with a smile.

"Then we'll take them all!" Su Yi said softly to Ling Qianxue.

"Well, I'll listen to you." Ling Qianxue spoke softly and crisply, her snowy face was filled with a red glow, full of warmth.

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