The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1332: Xie Wuxu is gone

"Mysterious Spiritual Vein?" Su Yi was puzzled, such remarks were unprecedented.

"Between heaven and earth, the Yuanzong Realm is divided into two types. One enters the Yuanzong Realm through extraordinary talent and difficult cultivation. This Yuanzong Realm is much stronger than the Yuanhuang Realm. The other is the After entering the Yuanzong Realm, the Yuanzong Realm that formed the Xuanling Divine Vein."

For the cultivation of martial arts, the meridians are the way of vitality. If the meridians are open, the vitality will be smooth.

And those who have opened the mysterious spirit veins are all favored by the heavens, and they are the chosen sons of God with great luck.

Mysterious spirits are also gods, and they are things of the grace of heaven; those who have profound entrances can be opened by feeling.

According to legend, there are one hundred and eight profound entrances on the Xuanling Divine Veins, each opening of which will double the overall cultivation level. Throughout the ages, none of those who inherit the Xuanling Divine Veins can achieve profound entrance mastery. None.

"Every porch doubles in size! How terrifying is this!" Su Yi's heart was overwhelmed, and it seemed that the Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass was bound to be won.

"It's amazing!" Ling Qianxue murmured to herself.

"Brother, I know where there is Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass!" Su Yi raised his head and said.

"Where?" Xi Wuqing raised her eyes and asked eagerly.

"Nine Star Valley, Fenglei Valley! I'll go find it and help elder brother improve to Yuanzong Realm!" Su Yi looked at Xi Wuqing and said softly.

"No! The danger of sealing Thunder Valley is known to everyone in the Chaotic Domain. The punishment of Tao and Dong has spread throughout the Chaotic Domain. This is a heavy punishment! You must not go into this muddy water!"

"But if I don't swim in the muddy water, the muddy water will come to me!" Su Yi shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Old bastard, when did you become so introverted? Boy Su Yi, I won't come to see your old sister even after returning to the sect!"

The figure of Yu Qiuhan, the fairy of impermanence, appeared in the mysterious space. It is expected that Qinghuang and others saw the great offering and did not stop him.

"Sister Fairy! What Sister Fairy said is that I, Su Yi, am not afraid of these small fish and shrimps, whoever he is, I will overturn it!" Su Yi laughed loudly, and said with a smile.

"That's right, old bastard, you've really lived and returned, and you're not as good as Su Yi, you must have come from the Yuanhuang Realm! Hahaha!"

Immortal Fairy looked at Xi Wuqing, with a teasing smile on her mouth, and warmth in her eyes, she has been looking for this old bastard all her life, and they are together every day, and she can curse a sentence.

Xi Wuqing was taken aback by Yu Qiuhan's words, and gave the two of them a blank look, with a trace of helplessness creeping across his face.

"Okay, okay, I can't talk to you, don't let the old man save you when the time comes!"

"My old lady is also at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, and I still need him to save her! Good brother, come to my sister and let her see if she has lost weight!"

Su Yi and Xi Wuqing have a deep brotherhood, and Su Yi is also a sweet-mouthed person, who loves a fairy and a sister-in-law, and often makes the fairy Wuchang giggle.

"Well! I need to go out for a walk more, go out for a while, this body is quite strong, if I hit you again, my old sister's hands will hurt to death!"

Immortal Fairy looked at Su Yi, her eyes were full of joy, she liked Su Yi more and more.

Su Yi was very embarrassed by Fairy Wuchang's attention, and said with a casual smile: "Sister Fairy, you are getting more and more beautiful!"

"Boy, don't be slick, be careful I beat you!" Xi Wuqing listened to Su Yi talking about the fairy sister, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Yo, old bastard, you are still jealous, don't pay attention to him, boy Su Yi, my sister asked you, then Tang Jue is here to invite you to the Nine Stars Valley!"

Xi Wuqing lost his momentum, opened his mouth, and stopped talking, but looked at the two with a wry smile.

A flash of surprise flashed in Su Yi's eyes, and then he admitted seriously that even Fairy Wuchang could see Tang Ju's thoughts.

"Brother, it seems that I have to go to the Nine Stars Valley, not only for you, I have learned a lot from watching the Nine Stars Sky Sea in Lingbao Pavilion before, this Nine Stars Valley Chenyao wants to see me so much, let him meet me!"

Xi Wuqing remained silent, his brows were twisted into a mountain character, he was only worried about Su Yi's safety, the news of Su Yi's secret realm had spread to every corner of the chaotic domain, and the threshold of the Overlord Sect was about to be destroyed during this period. trampled.

Countless third-rate forces, those they knew and those they didn't know, those who had festivals and those who didn't, all paid tribute to Bawangzong.

With the Golden Sword Sect and the Seven Star Sword Sect leading the blood test, and the Jade Cauldron Sect and the Qingming Sect after their destruction, the Overlord Sect has become a terrifying existence in the hearts of many people in the Chaos Realm.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Su Yi and Overlord Sect have developed so rapidly, they will naturally become thorns in some people's eyes, thorns in their flesh, and they want to pull them out quickly!

During this trip to the secret realm, the Blood Yang Sect offered rewards to hunt them down, and even dispatched a strong man from the Yuan Sect Realm.

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows!

Chen Yao of Nine Stars Valley is full of scheming, and Xi Wuqing has also heard about it. He has sent people to invite Su Yi to enter the valley many times. This time even Tang Huan has no choice.

"Boy, after you left, Yingtang and sister also helped you recruit a lot of people. Now the entire chaotic domain basically has the eyeliner of our Overlord Sect."

"I'm sorry, sister, it's been a bit of hard work for my sister to do this big offering, and she's also doing the work of the torture hall and the shadow hall!"

Fairy Wuchang shook her hand, her brows were furrowed, and she stopped joking.

"Boy, you still play with me. What I want to tell you is the discovery of Shadow Hall."

"Sister Han, tell me, boy, listen."

A feeling of unease emerged in Su Yi's heart, the Immortal Fairy, who was fearless, began to be serious at this moment, it seemed that the matter was not a joke.

"The Xie Wuxu from Cangyun Palace who escorted you back last time, did you see it in the secret realm this time?"

Su Yi was also a little puzzled in the secret realm. Although the Cangyun Palace faction was also not weak like Wei Hong and Hu Kun, they were not as good as Bi Zun from the Blood Yang Sect, Tang Huan from Nine Star Valley, and Elder Nie.

A new secret realm often represents a huge opportunity, with countless treasures in it, and every force is regarded as something in the pocket. Xie Wuxu's absence can only mean that Cangyun Palace has more important things.

"I didn't see it, Sister Han made it clear!" Su Yi noticed something strange.

"The shadow disciple I sent sent back the news that Xie Wuxu left the Cangyun Palace when the secret realm was opened. After that, there was no news of Xie Wuxu in the whole chaos. Maybe Xie Wuxu went to other continents."

"Well, maybe I'm going to do something urgent!"

The chaotic domain has a vast area and is located in the Tianlan sea area. It has less communication with other continents, but there are still some exchanges.

"Xie Wuxu is also an elder-level figure with first-class strength. He left the chaotic domain alone without warning. I'm afraid something big will happen. You'd better be prepared, boy. Although the Overlord Sect is powerful now, you have to guard against it!"

Fairy Wuchang frowned, her glamorous face was extremely serious, and after getting along for a while, Fairy Wuchang's mentality had really put the future of the Overlord Sect on top of her.

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