The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1333: Pay Tribute and Get Rich 【Fifth Watch】

Su Yi saw that Brother Xiwuqing and Sister Han were worried about himself and the Bawangzong all the time, and a wave of fluctuation occurred in his heart without showing any trace.

"Kid, remember, sister Han, let's go out first brother! Everyone in the meeting hall should be waiting impatiently!"

After saying hello to Jade Spirit Ginseng, he took Xi Wuqing, Fairy Wuchang, and Feng Qier away from the mysterious space.

The Scarlet Flame Wild Lion that was brought in at the beginning has also improved a lot during this period of time, and bringing him out together, and letting him report to the Heavenly Demon Hall, is to join the Overlord Sect.

In the meeting hall, the scale was larger than before. There were ten chairs on the left and right sides, and a huge fiery red chair in the middle. The back of the chair was carved into a majestic giant sword.

The handrails are carved to look like a bird and a phoenix. The whole hall is carved with beams and paintings, and there are patterns of phoenix holding a sword everywhere, which is extraordinary, sacred and majestic, and powerful.

The phoenix governs the sky, the divine fire descends, and the mighty giant sword is invincible.

The two disciples outside the door were dressed in gold and red clothes, and they stood respectfully guarding the door, with solemn and solemn expressions. Many disciples had been fascinated by Su Yi for a long time, and the two guards were also newly joined elite disciples. The king of Tianjiao couldn't help but tighten his hands holding the sword.

In the hall at this time, the humerus elites of Bawangzong, Huang Jian, Nangong Ningyue, Lei Yunhe, Weng Zhengquan, the hall masters of each hall sat on the west side, and the east side was the Guardians of the Heavenly Demon Hall. The Qing Emperor, the Yin and Ming Emperors, the Soul Devouring Emperor, the Dragon Rhino Emperor, the Purple Elephant Emperor, the Black Turtle Emperor and other powerful demon emperors.

The rest of the seats are occupied by some guardians and deacons above Yuanxu Realm.

Everyone waited respectfully for Su Yi, the patriarch of the Overlord Sect. The entire hall was solemn and quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Suddenly, several waves of mighty vitality surged from outside the door, and Pan Bo's unparalleled vitality surged out from Su Yi's body. The waves of energy surged outward like a wave of energy light. After that, the monstrous momentum was lifted.

The faint radiance permeating Su Yi's body was like a god descending. Su Yi walked in slowly through the outer door, and a fierce aura burst out.

The disciples outside the door looked at Su Yi and the others from a distance, and the tremendous pressure made every disciple short of breath, and hurriedly circulated their vitality, and then shouted loudly.

"The suzerain is here!"

"Hula!" There was a sound of chairs rubbing and everyone getting up in the meeting hall.

"Welcome to the suzerain!"

It was the first time that so many people mobilized so many people, which made Su Yi not used to it, but it was also another step towards first-class strength. Strict discipline and a strict system can make people awe-inspiring. idle organization.

Su Yi slowly walked into the meeting hall, every step was extremely solid, just like Su Yi built the Overlord School step by step to where it is today!

Quietly looking at the elite strength of the Overlord Sect, Su Yi gradually had a deeper plan for the future development in his heart.

"Okay, sit down!"

Nangong Ningyue handed over the roster respectfully and handed it to Su Yi.

"Sovereign, during this period of time, because of the various deeds of the Overlord Sect before, many disciples have been attracted to join the sect, and you have obtained opportunities from the secret realm. Before you return to the sect these two days, you have attracted many disciples to come here. register!"

Su Yi glanced at the roster, there were as many as two to three thousand people.

Su Yizai looked carefully at the roster, there were three to four hundred strong people below the sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm, and one to two hundred strong people below the Yuanhuang Realm and above the sixth level of the Yuanxu Realm.

There are more than 20 people above the Yuanhuang Realm, and the rest are all strong below the Yuanxu Realm. They are all in their twenties and have excellent potential.

"Sovereign, the ones you see are all selected, and those that don't meet the requirements or have a purpose have been eliminated by the great priest after looking over them one by one!"

Su Yi closed the roster with satisfaction, and said quietly.

"The disciples who joined in the past two days all entered the shadow hall and were scattered on various continents to obtain information for my Overlord Sect. They were exercising outside, and there were many dangers. After one year, those who returned safely and made special contributions can directly participate in the inner disciple assessment. There is more priority in the selection of direct disciples!"

"Yes!" Nangong Ningyue slightly agreed.

Xi Wuqing and Fairy Wuchang also praised secretly, so that the information network of the Overlord Sect can cover six continents, three continents and one sea, and the Overlord Sect can know all the affairs of the world.

And those who can survive outside must be those with rich experience in actual combat and quick thinking. They will most likely become the mainstay of the Overlord Sect in the future. There are more advantages in promotion.

"Punishments in the criminal hall, there are strict laws and regulations, orderly conduct, no harm to fellow sects, no betrayal of the sect, no rebellion against the sect, Sister Han, the Overlord Sect has a large number of people now, regarding the matter of the criminal hall, it's up to Sister Han! "

Su Yi's aura rose sharply, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly condensed, like an unsheathed sharp sword piercing everyone's heart, the feeling of awe was icy cold!

Fairy Wuchang gently wrapped her hair around her fingers, and then put it down again, but her eyes were fierce and murderous.

"The suzerain is right, pass my order, anyone who violates the above three rules will be killed on the spot, and will not be tolerated. Life is a member of my Overlord Sect, and death is also the soul of the Overlord Sect!"

Overlord Sect has too many people recently, and there will always be those with ulterior motives. This is also a warning to those villains.

After that, Nangong Ningyue ordered dozens of interspatial bags to be carried up.

Weng Zhengquan told Su Yi that during this period of time, almost all the third-rate forces in the chaotic domain have sent people to establish relationships, hoping that Su Yi can protect them. With the bloody case of the Golden Knife Sect ahead, I am afraid that one day Su Yi will be unhappy, and he will kill them. Their sect is extinct.

Su Yi looked at the contents of the interspatial bag with satisfaction. There were countless spiritual stones, thousands of mysterious weapons and spiritual weapons, and even dozens of Dao artifacts. There were tens of thousands of bottles of Chen-grade pills, and even one or two thousand bottles of Huang-grade pills. Chenpin Yuepin elixir was piled up in the space bag to form a hill.

In addition to the tens of thousands of various exercises, the current Overlord Sect is not inferior to any second-rate forces in terms of financial resources, and even surpasses some second-rate forces.

In addition, Weng Zhengquan handed over seven interspatial bags to Su Yi, telling Su Yi that these were the interspatial bags paid by six second-rate forces, Xuanyinmen, Chirizong, Tiangangmen, Wuyagong, Ziyinglou, and Qingyanmen. Space bags are all here.

"Tiangangmen? Hong Qianglong won't ask me to avenge his son?"

Su Yi smiled and said, if there is really a fight, the current Overlord Sect can put Tiangang Sect to death in a matter of minutes.

Weng Zhengquan told Su Yi that after Su Yi killed Qingmingzong and Yudingzong, even Luo Cheng and Lu Yinghong, two peerless powerhouses in the second level of the Yuanzong Realm, were killed by Su Yi.

There was a lot of internal strife inside the Tiangangmen, and finally the ancestor of the Tiangangmen came out and ordered Hong Qianglong to put down his hatred for the time being. Now Hong Qianglong doesn't have much right to speak in the gate.

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