The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1334: Punishment

The space bag of Tiangangmen was sent by all the elders and protectors of Tiangangmen to show their favor.

"Then what about this interspatial bag?" Su Yi asked doubtfully, pointing to the interspatial bag after the interspatial bag sent by six second-rate forces.

"This is also sent by the Tiangangmen. The elders of the Tiangangmen who sent it say that they are the two elders of the original Yudingzong, surnamed Qi and Cao. I heard that the suzerain, you came out of the Jinpeng secret realm, and the two went to the Tiangangmen. The elders of the Jade Cauldron Sect were very frightened, please send the elders of the Tiangang Sect with the tribute from the Tiangang Sect!"

Weng Zhengquan's skinny face was filled with happiness. He had never seen so many spirit stones and countless medicine weapons in his whole life.

"That's right, the Elder Cai of the Jade Cauldron Sect who was raided and killed last time also said that there are two other strong men in the Yuanhuang Realm who have defected to the Tiangang Sect so that they can die, and the Tiangang Sect has shown their favor to me again. I don't need to look for them anymore!" Su Yi was very satisfied.

Strength, as expected, in this world where martial arts are respected, strength is the supreme power that can determine everything. Su Yi's heart fluctuated. Only when he is stronger can he bring the Bawangzong to a higher peak.

After checking the space bags one by one, it can be said that the current Overlord Sect can be called the fourth-largest first-class strength in the Chaos Domain. In the eyes of everyone, they are extremely confident. A fourth first-class force appeared.

Weng Zhengquan handed over the income accounts of several cities to Su Yi, and respectfully said: "This is the income from the cities sent by the head of Xuanjian Sect Ji, and the head of Liuhe Sect Lin during this period, please have a look!"

Su Yi looked at the ledger, and couldn't help but see a flash of change in his eyes. The spirit stones obtained from the previous mining, and the interspatial bags enshrined by all the third-rate and second-rate forces, plus the remaining resources of the Jade Cauldron Sect, the current Overlord Sect It is simply a sudden wealth, even if it is not as good as the first-class strength in terms of financial resources, it is not far behind.

Facing such a huge amount of financial resources, Su Yi secretly thought that the Overlord Sect must have a proper management method, which not only needs to take care of every disciple, but also allows the sect to develop continuously and comprehensively.

Su Yi took out an interspatial bag from his chest, which contained material resources obtained from Elder Cai of the Jade Cauldron Sect. Originally, he bought so many clothes for Ling Qianxue, and it would consume some. He did not expect Lingbao Pavilion to be so generous, but it saved Not a lot.

Except for one spirit stone that is needed for daily use, all the other spirit stones, weapons, and exercises were stored in another space bag, and Su Yi handed them all over to Weng Zhengquan.

After receiving the interspatial bag, Weng Zhengquan's vitality surged, his face was flushed immediately, and he had such a huge amount of supplies, which completely satisfied his greedy nature.

Su Yi handed over Jintang to Weng Zhengquan. The reason why he was relieved was because he took a fancy to his greed for money. If he has desires, he can control them, and if he can control them, he can manage them.

"Master Weng, from now on, the Golden Hall will be divided into Xuandan Pavilion, Lingwu Pavilion, and Tianjing Pavilion. The owner of the pavilion will be chosen by you, and you will be able to manage the treasury of the Overlord Sect."

"Overlord Sect adopts a point system. Each disciple can receive a corresponding number of spirit stones in the Golden Hall every month. In the future, the Martial Hall will formulate point activities and rules, and you can exchange corresponding point materials in the three pavilions of the Golden Hall. The project is huge, but It is also a step that Overlord Sect must take, I hope you can do it well!"

Su Yi's expression was serious, and he would never joke about things that would affect the future of the Overlord School.

Weng Zhengquan straightened his face, and replied solemnly: "Appointed by the suzerain, Weng Zhengquan will definitely fulfill his mission."

Weng Zhengquan, who had doubts about Su Yi at first, now looks like following Su Yi is the most correct thing he has done in his decades of life. Human rights, property rights, and financial rights are all in his own hands. What he has now is his own. I didn't even dare to think about it before.

After being reminded by Weng Zhengquan, Su Yi seemed to have remembered something, and sent a sound transmission to Qinghuang: "Go to the cave in Houshan and bring him here!"

After a while, a sluggish figure crawled tremblingly into the hall under the guidance of Qinghuang.

The person who came was Elder Cai who was imprisoned in the mysterious space by Su Yi. When Su Yi came to the main hall, he put Elder Cai in the back mountain. He originally wanted to make plans after the meeting.

It just so happened that everyone from Tiangangmen and Yudingzong had surrendered, so they brought him into the hall together.

Under the doubtful attention of everyone, Elder Cai was trembling with fear in his eyes.

"Ninth level of Yuanhuang Realm, ninth level of Demon Emperor's Realm!"

Elder Cai's eyes were full of horror. Su Yi was sitting in the middle, with Xi Wuqing at the ninth level of the Yuan Emperor Realm and Yu Qiuhan, the fairy of impermanence, on both sides of his head.

Further down, Lei Yunhe is also at the ninth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, as for the Qinghuang, Yinming, and Yangming are also at the ninth level of the Demon Emperor's Realm, and the little old man's soul-eating emperor is at the eighth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, Dragon Rhinoceros, Purple Elephant, The black turtles are all at the peak of the sixth level of the Demon Emperor Realm.

Any one of these people alone is enough to kill him, who is at the sixth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, not to mention there are many Yuanxu and Yuanhuang Realm experts in the vast hall.

Elder Cai, who was tortured by Tianlei in the mysterious space, saw the monstrous coercion in the hall, and felt that his soul had been ruthlessly corroded, and his exhausted aura gradually sank.

Su Yi sat on the seat, and shouted in a deep voice: "I will give you one last chance, surrender to me! Otherwise, die!"

Elder Cai, who had witnessed the demise of the Jade Cauldron Sect, discussed with Elder Qi and Elder Cao to take away the last details of the Jade Cauldron Sect, or support a small sect, and when the small sect rises, go to first-class forces.

Or just take the treasures and go to the first-class forces. With these materials and cultivation strength, you can always get a position in the first-class forces.

Unexpectedly, before the plan was successful, meeting such an evil star as Su Yi, Elder Cai's last hope was gone.

Elder Cai fell to the ground, his whole body limp and weak, but his mouth was still strong.

"just kill me!"

Elder Cai knew that he had no way out, but the other two Jade Cauldron Sect's final truths were still there, so he decided not to confess and let Su Yi get his way.

"I'll give you a way out, I'll see if you can go!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows to signal to Weng Zhengquan, Weng Zhengquan immediately understood, and threw the Jade Cauldron Sect's interspatial bag in front of Elder Cai.

"Look!" Su Yi said in a deep voice.

Elder Cai stretched out his skinny palm, with the last bit of vitality surging, his eyes widened immediately, he couldn't believe it.

"You two from the same sect don't seem to be as proud as you!" Su Yi said with some regret, curling the corners of his lips.

A flash of anger flashed in Elder Cai's eyes, and he grabbed the space bag in disbelief. All the supplies allocated by the three people were neatly placed in it, and they were not bad at all!

"This! Beast!" Elder Cai beat his chest and stamped his feet, with tears welling up in his eyes!

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