The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1335: Three birds with one stone

In the entire Overlord Sect hall, only Elder Cai's heart-piercing howl could be heard.

What Elder Cai didn't expect was that when he insisted on not saying that he would eventually join the Tiangang Sect, the two people who came out together had already handed over the Jade Cauldron Sect's background to Su Yi.

During this period of time, I have been tortured by the sky thunder in the mysterious space, and my soul has been wiped out, and there is not a single place on my body that is intact.

These two turned against each other quickly. Thinking of this, Elder Cai felt that he was even more stupid.

Su Yi, who was at the top, looked at Elder Cai howling, feeling cold in his heart.

The remaining three Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses of the Jade Cauldron Sect did not trust each other, so they divided the resources of the Jade Cauldron Sect into three, and Elder Cai got at least one share. light.

This is the rule of the chaotic domain, the winner and the loser, many people are trying to save their lives, playing around with the wind, like grass on the wall.

Su Yi looked coldly at Elder Cai who was lying weak on the ground, and asked in a deep voice, "I'll ask you one last question, do you surrender to me?"

Elder Cai's eyes were dull, he thought for a moment, finally gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "I surrender!"

The corners of Su Yi's mouth immediately curled up, and Xiang Xiruthlessly begged for a tarsus bone soul-eating pill, and asked Qinghuang to feed him.

Of course Elder Cai knew what it was, even though he was extremely reluctant, he still gritted his teeth and swallowed it.

Su Yi's heart moved a little, this Elder Cai has much more backbone than those two Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses of the Jade Cauldron Sect, if he can really be used by me, he will also be an important force for the Overlord Sect in the future.

"Okay, after eating my Tarsal Bone Soul Eater Pill, you will be a member of my Overlord Sect from now on. Within the Overlord Sect, even if you were a member of the Jade Cauldron Sect before, as long as you sincerely surrender, I will not treat you badly! Everyone Listen, Elder Cai is still an elder in my sect, and belongs to the Martial Hall!"

While Su Yi was talking, he asked Xi Wuqing to heal Elder Cai's injuries.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Great Priest of Overlord Zong personally healed Elder Cai, who had just been a hostile force.

Elder Cai's eyes trembled, and then he felt a peaceful and mighty breath flowing into his body, spreading to his limbs and bones.

"Yuanhuang Jiuzhong!"

Elder Cai stared at Xi Wuqing with astonishment on his face, Xi Wuqing in front of him was only three levels higher than himself in realm.

However, the strength of vitality was vastly different compared to his own.

Elder Cai sighed unceasingly, such a person followed the young man Su Yi, so he had no reason to refuse.

"I..." Elder Cai's throat seemed to be blocked by thousands of words, and he didn't know where to start.

Not only did Su Yi not differentiate himself, but he entrusted him with the responsibility of being an elder. You must know that the current Overlord Sect is not what it used to be, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the fourth largest first-class force in the future.

If I, Yuding Zongqi, and Cao the two elders go to Tiangangmen together, they can only start as deacons.

People from outside must have a different heart, and their families were destroyed. It is conceivable that the people left behind will be discriminated against and neglected.

Su Yi looked at Elder Cai with dull eyes, whose injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. While marveling at the depth of his elder brother's cultivation, he raised his sword eyebrows and muttered.

"Elder Cai, if you join my Overlord Sect, everyone will stare at the position of elder. You need to prove that you can hold this position in order to convince everyone."

Elder Cai was startled suddenly, thinking to himself, after all, he is a remnant of the Jade Cauldron Sect, Su Yi's words are very reasonable, if there is no proof, it is really difficult to gain a foothold, and he is silent now, all the details he brought out privately have been handed over, why? To gain trust.

After a long silence, Elder Cai shook his head slightly.

"The suzerain made it clear!"

After a while, Su Yi quietly said three words.

"Tiangang Gate!"

Elder Cai suddenly realized, as if awakened with a start, a curve emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Elder Cai is also a smart person, his eyeballs are rolling around, Elder Cai figured it out, Su Yi is giving himself a chance.

In the past, the two elders, Qi and Cao, surrendered faster than him and made him suffer a lot. Tiangangmen and Bawangzong were incompatible with each other, so this friendship may not be sincere.

If you can go to Tiangangmen and pretend to surrender, you can monitor the movements of Tiangangmen and settle accounts with the two old men.

After successfully returning, he would be able to sit firmly as an elder in the martial arts hall, and he could also minimize the suspicion of the Overlord School against him.

But such a choice came from the mouth of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, which shocked Elder Cai.

"Sovereign, my subordinates are willing to go to Tiangang Sect to take on the responsibility of monitoring the shadow hall and monitor the movements of Tiangang Sect on behalf of the Overlord Sect. I also hope that the Sect Master will make it come true!"

After Xi Wuqing finished his treatment, Elder Cai immediately knelt down and begged, showing his ability to climb along the path to the fullest.

Seeing Elder Cai's appearance, Xi Wuqing at the side also smiled in his heart, but he had a deeper understanding of this kid Su Yi in his heart.

"This kid has gone out for a while, and he has become more and more like a suzerain. His methods are fierce and his thoughts are meticulous, very good!"

Immediately raised his eyes to look at Su Yi, nodded slightly, just at this time Fairy Wuchang also looked over, Xi Wuqing raised his eyebrows, signaling the progress of Fairy Wuchang Su Yi.

"Old bastard, it's not serious to have a meeting!" Fairy Wuchang spat softly, but her face greeted the spring with a smile.

After Xi Wuqing treated Elder Cai, he wobbled back and sat down again, passing Fairy Wuchang, who pinched Xi Wuqing's elbow fiercely, causing Xi Wuqing to grin his teeth in pain.

"Ahem!" Su Yi thought that the two were flirting, and thought that this old couple would fight regardless of the occasion.

Immediately he straightened his expression, and said in a loud voice: "You are all the elite forces of my Overlord School. Since the establishment of the Overlord School, the Overlord School has aimed at the peak of martial arts. As long as you work together to overcome all difficulties, the Overlord School will definitely sweep Liuhe. Bahuang! When I am not in the sect, I have to rely on you for many affairs, let us work together to carry forward the Overlord Sect!"

Immediately there was a roaring sound of cheering and cheering in the hall. The faces of Nangong Ningyue, Huang Jian and others were filled with longing looks. Bawangzong's future is full of confidence!

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi looked around the crowd for a week, and left the meeting hall under everyone's attention, Qinghuang and others followed closely.

In the back mountain, Situ Muyang and Elder Tang Juan had a very happy chat. Situ Muyang also kept asking Elder Tang about his experience in martial arts cultivation. Tang Wang knew that Situ Muyang was very talented and had a deep relationship with Su Yi, so he was also very happy. answer.

The two of you came and went, gestured from time to time, and chatted for several hours in the back mountain.

A bright red sunset fell on the back mountain of Bawangzong, white clouds floated in the clear blue sky, and the gentle evening breeze brought a delicate fragrance mixed with exotic flowers and grasses. Under the radiance of the setting sun, they appeared like flames bright red.

In the distant mountains and forests, the tired birds throwing themselves into the forest made the sound of the forest stirring in the red of the setting sun, and the beasts roared again and again, and the momentum was loud.

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