The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1338: Girl Huaichun!

Bawangzong, Lin Haimangmang.

The blue night is like ink rendering, slowly spreading on the green group, spreading unscrupulously into the distance.

A faint cloud of smoke in the sky covered the already not very bright void with a layer of mist.

Time passed slowly, Su Yi's room was already filled with mysterious light, and Su Yi continued to guide the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into his body.

It merged with the surging vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea, and finally condensed into a more vigorous vitality that flowed in Su Yi's limbs and bones, making a vibrating sound like flowing water.

The spiritual energy permeates the body in bursts of air waves, dazzling and dazzling, like a divine fire burning the sky, exuding a sacred and majestic aura.

Suddenly, the light on Su Yi's body became more and more blazing, and the sound of the meridians in his body surging was gradually replaced by the roaring sound of wind and thunder.

Su Yi's eyes are closed tightly, the fingerprints between the palms are constantly changing, the aura on his body is getting more and more surging, and the energy fluctuations are surging. Su Yi's body's fire attribute and earth attribute vitality alternately rise, and there is a faint wind attribute vitality mixed with it, sonorous The sound of sympathy continued.

Su Yi in front of him was shrouded in light from the four kinds of vitality, earth, water, fire, and wind, and his whole body seemed to be flowing with mysterious power.

Su Yi sits cross-legged above the mysterious space, filled with rich spiritual energy continuously entering Su Yi's body, the light around Su Yi is like a divine light, rippling wisps of divine brilliance, surrounded by monstrous fluctuations, as if a mysterious force passes through Come from time and space, come from the ancient times.

"This power!"

Ling Qianxue in Su Yi's body was suppressed by the overwhelming power in front of him, as if a huge palm was pinching her, and she couldn't speak for a long time. The huge and unparalleled energy fluctuations were a kind of soul-level suppression and killing .

Now I am just a wisp of remnant soul, if I encounter such terrifying soul suppression by Su Yi, I probably will die before I can react, and my soul will be gone.

Looking at Su Yi again, Su Yi's body was shrouded in a light curtain, motionless, the pores all over his body were stretching, continuously inhaling and exhaling the mysterious energy between the heaven and the earth.

Su Yi was very puzzled by the "Hunyuan Supreme Skill" that hadn't responded for a long time. At this moment, Su Yi was starting from building the foundation as before, introducing spiritual energy into the whole body, from the middle to the outside, from the second to the largest, counting to seventy The second change stops, and this cycle goes on and on, a total of seventy-two times.

The strange light completely isolates Su Yi from the outside world, Su Yi in the dazzling light peeks into the mysterious light group in his mind like a brick.

There is still no response, the light cluster is rippling, misty and unclear.

After a long time, Su Yi's long eyelashes began to flutter, his handprints were retracted, his eyes opened, and he let out a long breath of foul air, Su Yi was puzzled.

The aura in the mysterious space is so strong, and it pulls with the vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea, and my own bones and blood have been nourished again. Why doesn't the information of the sixth level of the Tianyuan demon body in the "Hunyuan Supreme Skill" not appear?

"Could it be because I have received the aura of the golden dragon, and it is the aura that prevents the display of the information of the Tianyuan demon body?"

"Or, my innate nature can only be cultivated to the fifth level of Tianyuan Monster Body?" Su Yi's sword eyebrows were slightly condensed, full of puzzlement, and the more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

"Could it be related to the realm of cultivation? When you reach Yuanhuang Realm, you will know the cultivation method of the next level." Ling Qianxue's clear and sharp voice rang in Su Yi's ears.

"There are no such taboos in the first few levels, but there are exercises that cannot be practiced at a certain level if you do not have a cultivation base."

Su Yi pondered at the moment, the Blast Thirteen Swords and Fuyao Hundred Changes that he cultivated back then both had strict requirements on the cultivation level of the practitioners, and he was relieved a lot.

Su Yi nodded slowly. Ling Qianxue's proposal is not unreasonable. Right now, I have broken too many Yuanxu realms, and my foundation has not yet been consolidated. I can't break through blindly. I must exercise restraint. In martial arts cultivation, eager for quick success is a big taboo.

"Maybe it will come out when we reach Yuanhuang Realm." Su Yi immediately stopped thinking about it, got up slowly, and the whole night quietly slipped away in the watery moonlight.

In the early morning, Bawangzong, Qianshan first woke up, and white clouds came out of Xiu. Among the vast and green, the morning glow is like a waterfall, pouring down from the sky.

There were bursts of beasts singing, and the auspicious birds hovering, their voices were melodious like the sounds of nature, piercing the sky.

After a night of breath adjustment, Su Yi once again transported his vitality to the sky. The vitality in Taixu Shenhai was vigorous and violent, and his crystal clear skin was radiant. The suzerain's costume also had the pattern of a phoenix holding a sword, with gilt decorations all over his body. The fiery red silk satin robe and the gold thread complement each other, endowing it with a sacred and solemn appearance.

Su Yi has already decided to go to Jiuxing Valley with Tang Jue tomorrow, and today is the last day to deal with some trivial matters in the Zongzhong.

Su Yi sat on top of the main hall, looking at the solemn and holy decorations on the carved beams and painted buildings, he was very worried.

Nangong Ningyue came to report that she asked Yingtang to find Xuchen, Yanlin's whereabouts after the Shengwu Conference, and Su Tianque's.

After the space crack, Su Yi was teleported to the chaotic domain, and Nangong Ningyue told Su Yi that the whereabouts of Void Chen and Yanlin were not found in the entire chaotic domain, maybe the two of them were teleported to other places, and Su Tian The sparrow disappeared in the Wild Demon Forest, and we still have to wait for the result of the next step.

"Are you all okay?" Su Yi muttered to himself, his eyes narrowed.

"Xuanjianmen, Sect Master Ji is here!" A disciple outside the gate shouted to break the silence.

Su Yi's mind turned quickly, and when he raised his eyes, a middle-aged man in his forties slowly walked in at the entrance of the main hall. He had deep black eyes, was dressed in a light blue robe, and had a light golden belt around his waist. Revealed a shocking fierce might.

Behind Ji Tianfu was a familiar figure, his small, crystal-clear jade feet gently tapped the ground, and he came slowly. It was Ji Nuohan.

When Ji Nuohan saw Su Yi sitting on top of the hall with extraordinary power, his heart fluctuated, his brows slightly twitched, and he hid behind Ji Tianfu.

"Su Zongzhu, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I'm even more energetic!" Ji Tianfu clasped his fists and approached slowly.

A flash of joy flashed in Su Yi's eyes. Xuanjian Sect has always been a good friend of Overlord Sect. Su Yi is the kind of personality that friends are stronger than heaven and enemies must be crushed. Ji Tian stepped forward many times in life and death. The kindness, Su Yi has always kept it in his heart.

Su Yi stared at Ji Tianfu, smiled slightly and said, "Master Ji, Miss Han Nuo is safe and well!"

Ji Tianfu gently scratched the tip of Ji Hannuo's nose, helplessly, and sighed quietly: "My precious daughter, once I heard that you came out of the secret realm, I insisted on coming to look for you. , and came with her."


Ji Hannuo's eyebrows were shy, and the pink glow spread to his neck. He didn't expect his father to reveal all his old background, and he wished to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Ji Tianfu joked lightly: "Why, dare to do it or not?"

Su Yi didn't expect that Ji Hannuo cared about him so much, a warm current passed through his heart, he looked at the blushing Ji Hannuo, and said softly: "Miss Hannuo, I'm pretty good, look, I'm alive and well!"

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