The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1339: Ji Tianfu's thoughts

"Yeah, you're fine!"

Ji Hannuo glanced at the person whom he missed day and night intact, his heart was at peace, and his face was relieved.

Ji Hannuo said timidly, his face was full of shyness, catkins kept playing with the corners of his clothes, his eyes dodged unsteadily, and he secretly looked at Su Yi's whole body, not daring to raise his eyes to meet Su Yi's eyes.

Looking at his daughter's face full of spring, Ji Tianfu knew his daughter's feelings for Su Yi, and shook his head in his heart. The female college doesn't need to stay, but this time he came here, Ji Tianfu had other plans, and there was a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

Immediately, Su Yi called the two of them to sit down, looking at the embarrassed Ji Hannuo, Su Yi also didn't know what to do.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Ji Tianfu had some things that were difficult to say in front of his daughter.

"Ahem, Nuo'er, I think this Overlord School is quite different from my last time, why don't you go around, maybe you will come here often in the future." Ji Tianfu smiled slightly, looking at Ji Han promise.


Ji Tianfu's joke just hit the girl's mind, coming to the Overlord School often means that her father sees that she cares about Su Yi, and will live in the Overlord School directly from now on.


On Ji Hannuo's snowy face, there was a smear of red vines on her neck, slightly sullen, with light lotus steps, as light as smoke, and quickly trotted away to the door.

Ji Hannuo's figure deftly disappeared into Su Yi's eyes. Some girls treated him like this, which made Su Yi feel a little at a loss.

A smile formed on the corner of Ji Tianfu's mouth, reminding Su Yi intentionally or unintentionally.

"Su Zongzhu, you should understand this little girl's mind."

Of course, Su Yi understood what Ji Hannuo was thinking. Ji Tianfu saved himself several times, and chose to form an alliance with him when the Overlord School was still unknown.

This was not only because of Ji Tianfu's unique vision and insight into people, but more importantly, because of Ji Hannuo's matchmaking.

Later, in the Qimen Phantom Soul Realm of the alliance meeting, Ji Hannuo even confides his heart to himself, and Su Yi already understands Ji Hannuo's love.

After Ji Hannuo was arrested by Qing Mingzong, Su Yi once ignited a monstrous anger.

In a fit of rage, Qing Mingzong was bloodbathed and the sect was flattened. Even Su Yi knew that he had secretly developed a different feeling for this young lady of Xuanjianmen who had not been with her for a long time.

Hearing Ji Tianfu's voice, Su Yi's mind quickly turned around, and said with a slight smile: "Miss Hannuo is very nice, with a simple mind and a kind heart."

"I don't know Su Zongzhu's attitude towards the little girl??"

Su Yi secretly thought about how he felt towards Ji Hannuo. Although he was a human being in two lifetimes, he had absolutely zero emotional experience.

Traveled from the earth to this continent, from an unknown little person to a good-for-nothing young master with a prominent family background in the barbarian city, and from a good-for-nothing young master to the current frightening and powerful suzerain.

No one can understand the hardships and sufferings involved. Su Yi has never thought about the relationship between a man and a woman. The sworn brothers don’t know where they are. Grandpa and Su’s family don’t know if they are safe. Yat to figure it out.

Su Yi didn't know what to do for a while, so he remained silent.


Su Yi was stuck in his throat, and he didn't know where to start with thousands of words. The beautiful honeymoon in Qimen Illusory Soul Realm was still vivid in his memory. Even Su Yi, a celestial soul like Su Yi, was a little dazed as to whether the beauty was real or not.

"Qianxue, should I answer?"

"Qianxue, Qianxue?"

Su Yi yelled several times in his mind, but there was no response. Su Yi was a little puzzled. Do big demons in the Demon Emperor Realm also sleep often?

Su Yi couldn't help thinking suspiciously.

Ling Qianxue looked at Su Yi's hesitant look, and in Su Yi's consciousness, a trace of sadness flashed across Ling Qianxue's beautiful face.

"Why does my heart hurt when I see a girl like him?"

It was the first time Ling Qianxue felt this way after her family died.

"I am the demon emperor, a powerful clan among demons. Why do I feel this way about a rogue and bastard human being? I thought I would never feel this way again."

Ling Qianxue's voice was like a yellow oriole, her soft whispers echoed in Ling Qianxue's heart, sad and hesitant, she was in a trance with Su Yi, but Su Yi didn't notice it.

Looking at Su Yi's thoughtful eyes, Ji Tianfu's eyebrows were a little tight.

"Su Zongzhu, with great ambitions, my little girl Ji is a bit high!" Ji Tianfu sighed quietly.

At the beginning when Su Yi saved his daughter, at that time, he never thought that Su Yi would go to where he is today, and walk so quickly.

Su Yi's mind turned, he waved his hands continuously and said.

"Sect Master Ji, that's not what I meant. It's just that I still have a lot of things to do. I'm worried that I'll delay Miss Han Nuo!"

Ji Tianfu's eyes softened a little, and he sighed deeply.

"When I first built Xuanjianmen, when I was young, I was arrogant and had many enemies. At the beginning of Xuanjianmen's establishment, a lot of waste was waiting to be done, and I was often entangled in trivial matters, not in the sect."

"Until one time..."

As Ji Tianfu spoke, his words froze, as if he remembered something sad,

After a few breaths, he calmed down and continued speaking slowly.

"Once I went to explore a secret place, Hannuo's mother took the children to stay at her mother's house, the enemy's family attacked along the way, and twenty disciples of Xuanjianmen were killed on the spot. Han Nuo is under my protection, Han Nuo's mother is not a high-level person, she insisted on resisting until I felt it, and Han Nuo's mother was seriously injured, and she was in danger."

"Master Ji..."

Su Yi looked at Master Ji and suddenly mentioned Han Nuo's life experience, his originally heroic face was filled with sadness, which was the pain hidden deep in his heart for a lifetime.

Su Yi immediately thought of the time when he was attacked by the enemy in Man City, and he became the bloody God of War to protect the safety of Man City. At that time, his grandfather was what he was most worried about. This is the feeling of flesh and blood.

In front of me is a heart-to-heart conversation between two men. The two high-ranking people who ruled the roost for a lifetime outside, but now they have spoken out the softest side of their hearts.

Su Yi sat up and listened carefully, not daring to be negligent. This is a promise a man makes to his wife, and it is also a man's protection to his daughter.

"In those few years, I traveled all over the six continents, three continents and the sea, and tried my best to search for elixir all over the world, just to hope that Han Nuo's mother would be less afflicted by illness, but within a few years, Han Nuo's mother left. …”

Speaking of this, after so many years, there is still a look of pain in Ji Tianfu's eyebrows.

Ji Tianfu's eyes became a little empty, as if he was muttering to himself.

"Since then, although Han Nuo has no mother, I promise myself that I will not let Han Nuo suffer any more, and try not to stay away from Nuo Er, so that she can see me every day, and no one can bully her."

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