The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1340: Feelings.

When Su Yi heard these words, he immediately felt the power in his body, the blood and kinship, this is a solemn promise made by a father to his child. .

Ji Tianfu immediately stood up, bowed to Su Yi in salute, in a vertical posture.

Su Yi was immediately surprised. The last time he rescued Han Nuo from Qing Mingzong and healed her, Ji Tianfu also performed this gift. For a strong person, Su Yi knew what it meant.

Immediately helped Ji Tianfu up, he said in surprise: "Master Ji, what are you doing? You can't do it!"

Ji Tianfu looked at Su Yi and said very solemnly.

"Su Zongzhu, I know your ambition is not in the realm of chaos. It is rare in my life to have such an achievement in such a short period of time, but my little girl, I don't want to see her get hurt in any way. Her body is not good, and her spirit is even worse!"

Ji Tianfu continued.

"The Sea Dragon Gang and the Qing Mingzong have made Nuo'er suffer a lot. Su Zongzhu, if you are really in love with the little girl, I won't stop you from life to death. If the girl doesn't stay, I don't want to hurt Nuo'er." My son's heart, Su Zongzhu, are you sure you can give Han Nuo a stable future?"

Su Yi's words froze, Su Yi didn't know how to answer this question.

There are too many burdens on Su Yi's body, and he always survives the danger every time. Su Yi understands that he can't give her any future for the time being.

"Master Ji, I can't promise you or Miss Han Nuo anything, but I will protect her well, and if she asks, I will not hesitate to do so. People are not grass, and no one can be ruthless, but I really don't have much time to think about men and women right now. Feelings."

With firm eyes, Su Yi said slowly to Ji Tianfu.

"I can guarantee that even if I am no longer in the chaotic domain, Miss Han Nuo will not waste my time, let alone break her heart."

Headmaster Ji finally had a relieved smile, Su Yi's words made the big stone in his heart settle down.

"With Sect Master Su's words, Ji and Xuanjianmen are extremely grateful!"

"Sect Master Ji is serious!"

When Ji Tianfu mentioned Ji Hannuo, he was full of love and kindness. My parents should also be like this when they mentioned me. The light in Su Yi's eyes dimmed slightly.

"It's really changed a lot!" Ji Hannuo walked in through the door at this moment.

"Hahaha, then you should come here often, Nuo'er!" Ji Tianfu joked.

"Miss Hannuo is welcome to come anytime!" Su Yi said with a soft smile.

"Really!" Ji Hannuo's eyes brightened, full of surprise.

"Don't disturb Sect Master Su, you come here often, Sect Master Su isn't there often, Sect Master Su, what are your plans for the next step?" Ji Tianfu patted Ji Hannuo on the shoulder and looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi told Ji Tianfu about his plan to go to Jiuxing Valley tomorrow.

Ji Tianfu's expression changed slightly, and he pondered: "Is that true? Nine Star Valley is not a good place!" The spies from Xuanjianmen also reported the movement of Nine Star Valley to Ji Tianfu.

"Master Ji, what's your opinion? But it's okay!"

Ji Tianfu has been entrenched in the chaotic domain for many years, and he has a very clear understanding of the big and small forces in the chaotic domain, as well as the grievances and grievances of the sect.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles, and you can prepare well before going to Jiuxing Valley.

"Chen Yao is a very scheming person. Although he doesn't show up often, he knows everything well. The elders who come out are all out of the valley under his orders. Every time three first-class forces compete, even if he suffers from Jiuxinggu The one who suffers the least!"

When mentioning Nine Star Valley, Ji Tianfu's expression was condensed, containing deep fear.

"The two elders of Jiuxinggu captured you face to face before, which is already extremely unusual. If there is no extremely important reason, Jiuxinggu will definitely not do such a cheap thing."

Su Yi nodded slightly.

"In the Nine Stars Valley, there are green mountains and verdant mountains, which are composed of nine valleys. From the top, they correspond to the nine stars in the sky, and from the bottom to the attributes of the five elements. The disciples of the Nine Stars Valley cultivate all five elements, mobilize the power of the stars, and cultivate the vitality of each attribute. There are a lot of people there, the right time, the right place, the people and the Nine Stars Valley are all occupied, but they have always kept a low profile, so I have to guard against it!" Ji Tianfu looked up to the sky and sighed.

Tang Zhuan didn't mention Ji Tianfu's remarks before, and he came to the chaotic domain not long ago, and these things are already known to everyone.

"Master Ji, from your point of view, do you know why Chen Yao invited me into the valley?"

"It is very likely that it has something to do with Feng Leigu!"

"Is it the forbidden area of ​​Nine Star Valley?" Su Yi raised his brows, and his thoughts became serious.

"Yeah, although Nine Stars Valley is low-key, it is not as mysterious as rumored, among which Feng Leigu is the biggest secret!"

"Appreciate further details!"

"It is rumored that there are ancestors in Jiuxing Valley who are practicing in seclusion. Jiuxing Valley often sends strong men to guard the gate to attract the power of the stars, and every hundred years, the ancestor of Jiuxing will leave the gate. I vaguely remember that the last time I left the gate was forty. Many years ago."

"According to Ying Wuxiu, it happened to be the time for the grand ceremony of the Lingbao Pavilion, so the time fits very well."

"It's only been forty years!" Su Yi suddenly became suspicious.

"Every time the ancestor leaves the valley in Fengleigu, it is the time when the nine stars shine on the moon. At that time, the sky thunder in Fengleigu is the weakest. There is a period of intermission. The ancestor's exit is not only to remind the younger generation, but also to prepare for the next retreat. .”

"But recently, the phenomenon of nine stars shining on the moon seems to be appearing again recently, among the strong Kanyu in my Xuanjian sect, watching the stars at night."

"Oh?" Su Yi replied softly with burning eyes.

"So, when he heard that Sect Master Su came out of the Jinpeng Secret Realm, Tang Zhuo escorted him all the way, and he took precautions, so he brought his little girl here."

Su Yi's tightly locked brows relaxed a little, and he grinned. Su Yi was very moved that Ji Tianfu cared so much about him.

"Since it's so dangerous, don't go!"

Ji Hannuo at the side heard Ji Tianfu's horrifying words, and was afraid that Su Yi would have some troubles.

"I'm afraid it's impossible, this time the Nine Star Valley must go!"

Su Yi shook his head helplessly.

Nine Stars Valley has sent people to invite many times, and Feng Leigu is strange, there is the Nine-Turn Dragon Scale Grass that the eldest brother needs, Su Yi has a reason to go to Nine Stars Valley.

Seeing it, Ji Tianfu knew that Su Yi had to go, so he said softly to Ji Hannuo, "Nuoer, Sect Master Su has ambitions everywhere, and you don't want him to hide in the Overlord Sect all the time, do you?"

"But... but I just came out of that secret realm, and I heard from people in the door that you were hunted down by many strong men, I'm so afraid..."

Ji Hannuo pursed her lips tightly, sparkling tears swirled in her eye sockets as she spoke, her little face was extremely red with excitement.

"Miss Hannuo, I'm not afraid of them!" Su Yi comforted.

"I'm afraid of them! During this period of time, I've been terrified." Ji Hannuo sobbed softly as he spoke, his eyes filled with mist, which made people feel sorry for him.

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